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[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 [2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888

01-09-2017 , 10:57 PM
Hi everybody! I'm Pablo, a 23 years-old semi-pro from Argentina. I've played MTT/SNG both online and live for 3 years now and made a decent amount of money. However, for some reason live tournaments don't motivate me that much anymore and I always hated the routine of online MTTs grinders. Luckly I don't need poker's income to live and I have other priorities to care about (get fit, maintain a good diet, find balance in life, stuff like that), which are pretty much the opposite to grind MTTs full-time.

That's me !

From now on, my poker focus will be in Cash Games, specifically in NL200 Snap games at 888. I played a decent amount of hands last year and found a really soft field, managed to make some profit, but most importantly felt really good about my game in there. Also, the fact of everybody playing hud-less is excelent for me as I lack of advanced experience as a live/mtt player.

I hope that this thread helps me to force myself into grinding and don't spew or back down too often. I know tons of poker theory but I am one of those who "can't handle to bluff or click the call button", even KNOWING that they 'have it', or let alone KNOWING that I'm making a -EV play. I have no problem admiting this, and I expect to control it more and more until this money burns are gone. That said, as long as I feel at least "Ok" with my game, the focus of my studying will be on mental game, which also will help me for every aspect of life.

I expect to play 25/30 hs/week and study at least 1 hr/day, however, as I told you at the beginning, poker is not my top priority so I don't mind failing to do this as long as the time is well invested in gym/sports/healthy social activities.

Since tomorrow, my idea is to stick to the following routine:

10am: wake up and have breakfast along with some tv
11am - 1pm: GYM
1pm - 2pm: have lunch and some fresh air at my garden, play with my beautiful puppy, stuff like that
2pm+: grind until I feel tired/bored/tilted, obviously stopping to have some tea at ~6pm. If I am not playing, I want to use these hours to take care of my business (I work online) or do something completely away from poker/computer.
10pm: go out for a short, relaxing walk, take another shower and have a soft dinner. Study/watch a movie.
~1am: go to sleep

Expect to see many non-poker updates along with some hands, results, thoughts, new goals, etc.

That's it for now, GL to all, let's f**k 2017 really harddddd !!!

Last edited by PabloPagla; 01-09-2017 at 11:09 PM.
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-10-2017 , 12:37 AM
Subbed gl gl!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:03 PM
Hi guys! Day 2 of my challenge is gone! I don't expect to update this thing every less than a week, but I believe that is a must to write one first quick balance.

First of all, I must say that I wasn't able (yet) to wake up at 10am. It's difficult to make it from one day to another by just sleeping 4 hours when your main activities involve physical and mental strenght. For a couple of weeks I was waking up at like ~2.30pm, but yesterday I did so at 1pm and today at 12, so little by little we are getting there

Maybe as a consequence of the sleeping schedule change, I felt a little bit tired both days, but managed to find inner strenght to go to the gym despite wanting to stay in the bed reaaaaaaally bad.

Food-wise, things are Ok. For a couple of years I've had a small breakfast and nowadays I just can't handle food in the morning, which is something I want to change. I aim for a big breakfast + tiny lunch + tiny tea + decent healthy dinner.

What I've failed at is in my idea of not doing poker/computer stuff while I'm not working/playing. I did stick to the TV a couple of hours and I didn't go out that much, which I'd love to change.

Poker-wise there's not much to said given that I only played 2200 hands. And before you ask, no. I didn't play 2/3 hours... I played almost 7! As I told you on my presentation, my main target for the grinding part of the challenge is to play 110% quality poker, and that is happening so far (easy, given that as soon as I feel a bit tired I stop playing). I started to do some meditation (4-5 minutes before playing) and I feel in the zone since hand number 1, it's amazing! I've had some situations where I could have made those mistakes I talked you about, but I didn't.

Unluckily, today's traffic at NL200 was dead for the most part of the day, so I jumped in at NL100 for a while. Here are my results for these two days:

I'm looking forward to the first weekend to see how I handle things, specially the diet and sleeping stuff. I hope I get some support from my date and she encourages the idea of go early to bed and eat anything but pizza haha.

Well, that's it for now. Byeeee!

Last edited by PabloPagla; 01-11-2017 at 10:19 PM.
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:34 PM
Hi everybody, I'm back!

After some grind I finally finished the first 10.000 hands. Here are the results:

As you can see, things have been pretty swingy, but all in all I'm happy with my game. I still have tons of adjustments to make, mostly in terms of calling down a little bit too much and being greedy when extracting value.

I'm sure that the sick red line has to do with those things, not folding enough OTR + not making it to showdown enough with the strong hands. I'll be paying attention to this from now on.

Except for a couple of spews, I'm pretty confident with my game and I only struggle against 1 reg, which I don't care for now.

The last couple of days I noticed that the field is waaaaay softer at midday (6pm-10pm European time), so I'm planning to change my schedule to play at that time. I'd like to stick to something like this (Argentinian time):

12:00am - 1:30pm: Wake up + breakfast + chilling with puppy and family
1:30pm - 5:00pm: Grind
5:00pm - 7:00pm: Lunch + relax
7:00pm - 9:00pm: Gym
9:00pm - 3:00am: Social time + Dinner + Study/Work
3:00am: Go to bed without the celphone.

Another thing I want to stop doing from now on is looking at results both during and after sessions because that is affecting the amount of time I play and I want to stick to the previously mentioned schedule.

Most likely I'll make an update every Friday after playing and watching results, seems Ok given that I'll be playing 8-10k hands/week.

GL to you all !

Last edited by PabloPagla; 01-19-2017 at 08:40 PM.
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-20-2017 , 04:43 AM
Sub ! GL
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-22-2017 , 07:51 PM
Random Update: Feeling very motivated to start with the new schedule tomorrow! I really look forward to maximizing my game quality and I KNOW that everything I do (or not) DOES have an impact on that.

Extra: I'd love to play at least 300.000 this year, although I'm not thrilled about this goal it would be nice to get there!
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-22-2017 , 08:30 PM
Awesome man happy to follow, GL!
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-24-2017 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Fishtankz
Subbed gl gl!
thank you !!

Sub ! GL
ty jojo
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
01-24-2017 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Ballerina
Awesome man happy to follow, GL!
thanks mate !!!
[2017] Grinding Snap NL200 at 888 Quote
