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2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs 2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs

09-19-2015 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by angel zera
final 12 of the 109 12k, P66

bubbled the final table shoving 77 for ~20bb into BTN open, had TT
Seems a bit agro.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
you play bad.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:16 AM
Meh, I was trying to keep it friendly, but yeah.. that shove is pretty awful. You're never getting called by less than a coinflip and 20bbs is plenty of chips to put pressure on people in much better spots. Without knowing exact stacks you're more than likely a double up away from a top 3 stack.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:43 AM
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:50 AM
Don't agree totally with ^^^ 77s is a fine Nash jam but I'm not taking Nash in easy field mtts where are edge should be high. Also depending on stacks behind but not going to snap say 77sa bad ship .
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:55 AM
very aggro chip leader BTN opens and i'm sitting on 77 in the BB with 20bb

the complexity of my decision is represented by this merry little tune:
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:56 AM
ya i was being completely sarcastic with the "fyp"... just thought your criticism was amusing. pretty sure OP knows what hes doing in that spot.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 04:19 AM
^^ I thought you open ship in late pos, fin your scenario bb vs bu totally getting this in for 20bb esp if button opening any releastic range .
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by game2eazy
^^ I thought you open ship in late pos, fin your scenario bb vs bu totally getting this in for 20bb esp if button opening any releastic range .
Completely pointless to just rip 20bbs if you have any sort of edge on the field. Why take the agro spot in a soft Bovada field?

Don't take offense Angel, is this thread to get better or just for beats/brags? This is a spot that separates good MTT players and great ones. With 10 people left in what is a presumably soft field there is just no need no matter what a chart says. 2 years ago I always ripped it here too.... it's fine to pass up +ev spots at or near final tables if you have a skill edge on the table. Let others ride the variance wave and just let them **** up. It's a marginal spot at best.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 06:19 AM
77 is an auto shove with 20BBs vs a BTN open unless his stats are 10/5.

And where the hell does our edge come from when we fold 77 in that spot.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Foosa
77 is an auto shove with 20BBs vs a BTN open unless his stats are 10/5.

And where the hell does our edge come from when we fold 77 in that spot.
I never said to fold, I said shoving isn't great if you have an edge. There is more to do with 20bbs than just go all in, that's the easy way out.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 01:37 PM
The 77 is a super standard shove for 20 bbs vs a button open. Can't pass on that spot.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 02:09 PM
+1 for super standard, no idea what you're talking about iplayplo, if anything it's a leak to over-emphasize your edge in a tourney when you're sub-25bbs

"completely pointless to just rip 20bbs"
"I never said to fold"

then wat r u sayin bruh, flat? there's just no way flat is anywhere close to the EV of jam vs. any reasonable BTN opening range
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 02:25 PM
Keep jamming it in boys, gl. I'm def not qualified to suggest different. ( rolls eyes)

Fwiw, being super standard isn't what makes you a MTT crusher, doing what isn't super standard is. Think about why that may be and you'll get it.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 02:46 PM
Iplay your our correct in saying you can pass up on A lot of small + ev spots but this is not one of them, if where not ripping 77s here then we're not ripping enough or where extremely not balance.
A good spot your trying to portray is let say a super nitty bb has 15bb and we have k3o, bvb we can rip this in Nash esp vs someone folding at high freq and not defending . But if he a total rando with no defense freq and hardly any 3 bets we don't need to risk our tournament lives where a 2.8bb raise Will accomplish the same and if we get rejam it's a clear fold . Dunno if that all
Makes since just my 2 cents
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
Keep jamming it in boys, gl. I'm def not qualified to suggest different. ( rolls eyes)

Fwiw, being super standard isn't what makes you a MTT crusher, doing what isn't super standard is. Think about why that may be and you'll get it.
crunch some numbers. prove us wrong. im definitely open to being enlightened.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-19-2015 , 11:41 PM
20bb is a decent stack
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-20-2015 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by BatDoge
20bb is a decent stack
argument settled
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-20-2015 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
I'm def not qualified to suggest different. ( rolls eyes)
what does the "rolls eyes" part imply?
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-20-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
Meh, I was trying to keep it friendly, but yeah.. that shove is pretty awful. You're never getting called by less than a coinflip and 20bbs is plenty of chips to put pressure on people in much better spots. Without knowing exact stacks you're more than likely a double up away from a top 3 stack.
100% Disagree with this Standard Spot.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-24-2015 , 11:35 PM
Final 27 of 109 turbo, final 21 of 109 12k, final 50 of 33 10k--let's do this!

edit: P17 in turbo, P26 in 12k, P264 in 33 10k

Last edited by angel zera; 09-24-2015 at 11:54 PM.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:07 AM
Final tables of both 109s

Final 3 tables of the 33 10k
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:19 AM
Lets go Zera!!! Hattrick time.
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:28 AM
Busted 109 12k AQs 10bb<KJo

CL of 109 turbo after double up and fish calls by the original raiser

(Moral: defend your BB very widely)

Final 2 tables of 33 10k
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
09-25-2015 , 12:55 AM
GG Zera!!
2015: Crushing Bovada MTTs Quote
