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12-12-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder

I'm curious if anything changed for you after you got from the point where you were suffering from a lot of pain, depression, etc to where you were able to live your life, because you went on to be able to dunk again, etc... Like how'd you go from the point where you "made it back," to the point where you were crushing life/fitness again?

It was an incredibly long slow painful process. Like I said I literally cried every day either during my work out or after it for the first 3 months. Then I cried less and less. Then I stopped crying. I still live with chronic pain and have not had a solid night of sleep with out drugs since my accident.

It took me about a year or so to be "back on track" and prolly another year to really be crushing again. Its funny cuz there was no point where I was like "Yes I am here". But I remember the exact point of my bottom. For me I honestly simply did the best I could each day.

Trust me in the beginning I literally had to drag my ass out of bed with every ounce of energy in my being in order to get to the gym. And I would remind myself of the promise I had made that I would get better or die trying (this is no exaggeration cuz for me it was truly life or death kind of stuff)
12-12-2015 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Lol at 6figs at $55/hr. Also lol at anyone being a "hater".

Read the posts. He has stated goals of reaching X hours and has never met those hours. Not particularly close. Now that's ok he should do whatever he wants. But if it's truly his goal he's doing:thinking about achieving it all wrong and likely not being honest with himself.
For one thing, my post was a joke. It was meant to gently poke fun at cuserounder for caring so much about what his critics say (cuserounder does get rattled too easily by Internet nonsense), but it was also meant to gently poke fun at his critics too (who have all come out of the woodwork to criticize cuserounder even though they ignore the many other less-skilled PGCers who have failed at their own poker goals).

I just find it amusing that posters are habitually jumping all over cuserounder for consistently missing his volume goals. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the popular PGCers (not even including the dime a dozen PGCers who stop posting entirely when it is clear that they are going to miss their goals) do not ever hit their poker goals (monetary, hourly, or otherwise). I never see anyone give pure_aggression, RandalGravesNL, or Sanket grief for consistently missing their poker goals. Maybe people have a bone to pick with cuserounder for some reason?

The truth is that most PGCers will be setting lofty goals that are difficult to hit. Is that a bad thing? Probably not. Would they be better off if they set somewhat more realistic goals and put even more effort into hitting them? Probably.

Regardless, I think that cuserounder has taken a lot of criticism on the volume front that almost none of the other popular PGCers take for the same/similar poker goal failures.

I am not saying that it is OK for cuserounder to miss his volume goals repeatedly. I bet that he would rather hit his goals than miss his goals.
12-12-2015 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
I've tried a lot of different things, right now the unwind/sleep routine is after poker, I'll eat my last meal of the day, then about 30 minutes later I typically, but not always, have one glass of red wine (health benefits!). I'm using ZMA, time released melatonin patches, and sometimes Huperzine-A. I attempt to get my room into the optimal temperature range (65-68 degrees), and I've got blackout shades to try to keep it dark. I have been getting 6-7 hours pretty consistently, but the last hour or two are elusive.
Eating a full meal so close to bed time might be affecting your sleep. More importantly, alcohol before bed is a bad idea. Alcohol in general is a bad idea, especially when you're trying to lose weight. Drinking for health benefits is just plain silly.

Originally Posted by cuserounder
I'm thinking about trying to move my sleep schedule back so that instead of ~6a-2p it's ~5a-1p or 4a-12p. It might be that my body just doesn't want to sleep past 1 pm.
This could definitely play a big role. I worked a night security job for a little over a month this summer, 10pm to 6am. No matter how tired I was I could rarely sleep past 1pm. My body never adjusted, and I was in a fog for a good portion of the day. Give 4am to 12pm a shot and see how you feel.
12-12-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
I haven't read that, I'm on my phone, but I assume that's accounting for THC, not the smoke itself? Asthma would be bothered by the smoke carrying it, not the THC.

Beyond that, I don't want to risk even the minor legal impacts of it... If I lived in a state where it was legal/regulated, I might partake via brownies or whatever.
The study found "an immediate reversal of exercise-induced asthma and hyperinflation" after either taking isoproterenol (used in medicine to treat asthma) or smoking marijuana. The controls, saline and "placebo marijuana", had no effect.

Asthma is the inflammation and narrowing of the airways, it's reasonable to expect inhaled smoke to feel harsh and make the condition worse, but in the case of marijuana there're also anti-inflammatory and airway-expanding effects. I'm asthmatic, I've always felt the latter effects (easier breathing) moreso than the smoke making things worse.
12-12-2015 , 08:49 PM
Cuse- it is in my immediate benefit that you do not achieve your poker goals. It literally helps me when more money day in and day out. Thank you for not trying your hardest
12-12-2015 , 08:51 PM
Your diet is clean but severely lacking in slow burning carbs. I would definitely add in some deep green veggies by at least lunch (caesar salad doesn't have a lot of substance.) Try kale, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts etc. I'd also remove all simple carbs before and during playing. Fruit and tortillas may be clean, but they have a relatively high glycemic index that can lead to your blood sugar crashing, and you subsequently feeling like ****. You may also, just not be eating enough calories in general.

On sleep, 6-7 hours isn't necessarily bad. Personally, I have the most energy right at 7 hours. More than that and I am sluggish and groggy. If you really need more sleep, taking a magnesium supplement before bed really helps some people. Also soft earplugs can help you sleep more deeply.

This stuff varies greatly by individual, so you have to try different stuff to see what works for you. More veggies is basically guaranteed to help though.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
12-12-2015 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
For one thing, my post was a joke. It was meant to gently poke fun at cuserounder for caring so much about what his critics say (cuserounder does get rattled too easily by Internet nonsense), but it was also meant to gently poke fun at his critics too (who have all come out of the woodwork to criticize cuserounder even though they ignore the many other less-skilled PGCers who have failed at their own poker goals).

I just find it amusing that posters are habitually jumping all over cuserounder for consistently missing his volume goals. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the popular PGCers (not even including the dime a dozen PGCers who stop posting entirely when it is clear that they are going to miss their goals) do not ever hit their poker goals (monetary, hourly, or otherwise). I never see anyone give pure_aggression, RandalGravesNL, or Sanket grief for consistently missing their poker goals. Maybe people have a bone to pick with cuserounder for some reason?

The truth is that most PGCers will be setting lofty goals that are difficult to hit. Is that a bad thing? Probably not. Would they be better off if they set somewhat more realistic goals and put even more effort into hitting them? Probably.

Regardless, I think that cuserounder has taken a lot of criticism on the volume front that almost none of the other popular PGCers take for the same/similar poker goal failures.

I am not saying that it is OK for cuserounder to miss his volume goals repeatedly. I bet that he would rather hit his goals than miss his goals.
12-12-2015 , 09:22 PM
I totally agree ATsai. I could definitely use a few more critics to kick me in the nuts every once in awhile.

As far as goal setting, we can aim high and miss or set reasonable targets and hit them more often. I think both are valid methods and everyone should try both to see which helps them achieve better outcomes.
12-12-2015 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
I totally agree ATsai. I could definitely use a few more critics to kick me in the nuts every once in awhile.
Gotcha covered.

12-12-2015 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
I think there's a big difference in things that are physical and things that require you to be at your peak mentally. Perhaps a piece of the puzzle here is to commit myself to a full workout, 3-4 hours of study, and 5 hours of entrepreneurial work any day I'm not rested enough to put in my scheduled hours, thus freeing up future hours and also the workout could energize me or help me get a better nights sleep that night.

I just really don't think just go play is the answer for a poker pro when they're too tired to play well. Forcing myself into other productive/money making endeavors when I'm tired is something I'm going to do now. It also blocks me from letting "I'm tired," become an excuse to watch Netflix.

I do appreciate the distinction between calling me a loser directly and calling it a loser attitude, though. I do need to spend less time planning and more time doing. I over plan quite a bit for poker and life. Acting on stuff is critical to success, especially with entrepreneurial ideas or anything that involves creating something.
Pretty much every day, I'm not particularly super motivated to go in and crush my day job. Those days I begin by ****ing around on Facebook, 2p2, etc, I accomplish little and go home feeling like ****. Those days I avoid nonsense and get right to it, I crush what needs doing and leave feeling g on top of the world.

Motivation follows action.
12-16-2015 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Lol at 6figs at $55/hr. Also lol at anyone being a "hater".
$55/hr is not my current expected winrate, but yes it'd be quite tough to get enough volume to hit 6 figures off of that while still improving your game. There are definitely some haters in here, though - not saying you're one of them, I don't think that's the case.

Originally Posted by BAEVentures
As far as goals are concerned, you should look into shorter term goals and set out action items to achieve them.

For example, you want to make $ xxx, xxx in 2016. Split that up to quarterly. Know your hourly, break that up to be a weekly number of hours you need to play. Schedule your weekly hours in advance and hold YOURSELF accountable to those hourly action items by rewarding yourself when you hit them.

I've used this strategy most often on a quarterly basis (break down my annual goal divided by four, then split that into 12 weeks per quarter). If i achieve my goal in those twelve weeks which I should based on my weekly action items, I get to take the 13th week of the quarter off (or at least not have mandatory action items for that week).

This also allows you to revise your goals and action items quarterly based on the effectiveness of them through the precious quarter. It also prevents you from flip flopping on your goals every month.

Just my two cents of what has worked for me through various vocations.

Best of luck the rest of the year and in 2016!

Edit: Periodization is this goal setting concept.
I like this a lot, thanks! I'm seriously leaning towards doing this for 2016 now.

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
The interesting thing is, stating goals to the world releases the same endorphins that achieving them does. So when people vocalize their goals they have a smaller chance of achieving them.
Everything I've read says stating goals publicly is correlated to a better chance of achieving them. Do you have a link to a study?

Originally Posted by squid face
It was an incredibly long slow painful process. Like I said I literally cried every day either during my work out or after it for the first 3 months. Then I cried less and less. Then I stopped crying. I still live with chronic pain and have not had a solid night of sleep with out drugs since my accident.
Sorry to hear you're still not 100% back to normal.

Originally Posted by squid face
It took me about a year or so to be "back on track" and prolly another year to really be crushing again. Its funny cuz there was no point where I was like "Yes I am here". But I remember the exact point of my bottom. For me I honestly simply did the best I could each day.

Trust me in the beginning I literally had to drag my ass out of bed with every ounce of energy in my being in order to get to the gym. And I would remind myself of the promise I had made that I would get better or die trying (this is no exaggeration cuz for me it was truly life or death kind of stuff)
I'm going to keep that dragging my ass out of bed thing in mind with regard to the gym... Thanks!

Originally Posted by ATsai
For one thing, my post was a joke. It was meant to gently poke fun at cuserounder for caring so much about what his critics say (cuserounder does get rattled too easily by Internet nonsense), but it was also meant to gently poke fun at his critics too (who have all come out of the woodwork to criticize cuserounder even though they ignore the many other less-skilled PGCers who have failed at their own poker goals).

I just find it amusing that posters are habitually jumping all over cuserounder for consistently missing his volume goals. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the popular PGCers (not even including the dime a dozen PGCers who stop posting entirely when it is clear that they are going to miss their goals) do not ever hit their poker goals (monetary, hourly, or otherwise). I never see anyone give pure_aggression, RandalGravesNL, or Sanket grief for consistently missing their poker goals. Maybe people have a bone to pick with cuserounder for some reason?

The truth is that most PGCers will be setting lofty goals that are difficult to hit. Is that a bad thing? Probably not. Would they be better off if they set somewhat more realistic goals and put even more effort into hitting them? Probably.

Regardless, I think that cuserounder has taken a lot of criticism on the volume front that almost none of the other popular PGCers take for the same/similar poker goal failures.

I am not saying that it is OK for cuserounder to miss his volume goals repeatedly. I bet that he would rather hit his goals than miss his goals.
This is a very fair assessment, in my opinion.

Originally Posted by trob888
Eating a full meal so close to bed time might be affecting your sleep. More importantly, alcohol before bed is a bad idea. Alcohol in general is a bad idea, especially when you're trying to lose weight. Drinking for health benefits is just plain silly.
That's what I thought too, but then I saw this study...

It found that one glass of red wine with a meal at night improved cholesterol levels, improved sleep quality and decreased fat around the waist (this is possibly by increasing brown fat levels). It was tested on people with Type II diabetes, but I don't think that it would have positive effects for them and the exact opposite for everyone else.

Originally Posted by trob888
This could definitely play a big role. I worked a night security job for a little over a month this summer, 10pm to 6am. No matter how tired I was I could rarely sleep past 1pm. My body never adjusted, and I was in a fog for a good portion of the day. Give 4am to 12pm a shot and see how you feel.
I'm working on transitioning backward to 4a-12p now...

Originally Posted by th14
The study found "an immediate reversal of exercise-induced asthma and hyperinflation" after either taking isoproterenol (used in medicine to treat asthma) or smoking marijuana. The controls, saline and "placebo marijuana", had no effect.

Asthma is the inflammation and narrowing of the airways, it's reasonable to expect inhaled smoke to feel harsh and make the condition worse, but in the case of marijuana there're also anti-inflammatory and airway-expanding effects. I'm asthmatic, I've always felt the latter effects (easier breathing) moreso than the smoke making things worse.
Interesting... Personally my asthma is under control except in extreme circumstances so I don't feel the need to mess with any possibly related variables. I'd consider medical marijuana in other forms, but it'd be tough to qualify anyway.

Originally Posted by RelentlessDoubt
Cuse- it is in my immediate benefit that you do not achieve your poker goals. It literally helps me when more money day in and day out. Thank you for not trying your hardest
Good for you.

Originally Posted by t_roy
Your diet is clean but severely lacking in slow burning carbs. I would definitely add in some deep green veggies by at least lunch (caesar salad doesn't have a lot of substance.) Try kale, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts etc. I'd also remove all simple carbs before and during playing. Fruit and tortillas may be clean, but they have a relatively high glycemic index that can lead to your blood sugar crashing, and you subsequently feeling like ****. You may also, just not be eating enough calories in general.

On sleep, 6-7 hours isn't necessarily bad. Personally, I have the most energy right at 7 hours. More than that and I am sluggish and groggy. If you really need more sleep, taking a magnesium supplement before bed really helps some people. Also soft earplugs can help you sleep more deeply.

This stuff varies greatly by individual, so you have to try different stuff to see what works for you. More veggies is basically guaranteed to help though.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
Good stuff, I'll add in a kale juice in the AM soon for more slow-burning carbs and use that to replace any fruit in the morning - I'll save that for later in the day/night. ZMA includes magnesium so I've got that. I should consider the earplugs, especially since I live downtown. I'll give that a shot. Thanks!

Originally Posted by pure_aggression
I totally agree ATsai. I could definitely use a few more critics to kick me in the nuts every once in awhile.

As far as goal setting, we can aim high and miss or set reasonable targets and hit them more often. I think both are valid methods and everyone should try both to see which helps them achieve better outcomes.
Yeah, I'm going to try the other goal setting approach next year.

Originally Posted by zoltan
Pretty much every day, I'm not particularly super motivated to go in and crush my day job. Those days I begin by ****ing around on Facebook, 2p2, etc, I accomplish little and go home feeling like ****. Those days I avoid nonsense and get right to it, I crush what needs doing and leave feeling g on top of the world.

Motivation follows action.
But you have the ability to go in, screw around and still get paid the same unless you work on commission. Now, if you can figure out how to overcome those feelings and crush it every day, or the vast majority, then how to do that would be quite valuable info...
12-16-2015 , 03:35 PM
On phone but I'll look for the study when I get a free chance. But basically it comes down to the risk and consequences of failure. When this is large, like you will be viewed negatively by a close social circle for failing a goal, then verbalize NG has better success rate due to accountability. When the negative results of failure are not compelling, people tend to fail more when they verbalize because they receive attention and support that releases endorphins similar to actual success (in a smaller dose). You see this most often with weight loss goals and self improvement goals (as opposed to success goals or above and beyond goals), people say they are going to work out and lose 204 pounds and the people cheer them on and they feel good about themselves. Iirc there is a Ted talk by a guy on the subject.

I definitely shouldn't have phrased it like I did, it's definitely not concrete, there are many people on both sides and I think depending on the platform and how it's done they both can occur.

Also there is self selection, in that some people that verbalize are doing so for attention from the beginning, people who set mental goals of like losing 50 lbs in a year tend to view the goal differently.
12-16-2015 , 03:39 PM
Just did a quick Google fu at work. Search "gollwitzer psych intentions". Very interesting study from 2009.

Two groups. One told to announce their commitment to a goal, the other didnt. They are given 45 minutes to work towards their goal and told they can stop whenever. The non announced group worked all 45 minutes (163 total in study, so like half in each group), the other averaged 33 minutes of work towards their goal.
12-16-2015 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
That's what I thought too, but then I saw this study...

It found that one glass of red wine with a meal at night improved cholesterol levels, improved sleep quality and decreased fat around the waist (this is possibly by increasing brown fat levels). It was tested on people with Type II diabetes, but I don't think that it would have positive effects for them and the exact opposite for everyone else.
I can't tell if this is a level or not.
12-16-2015 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
I can't tell if this is a level or not.
It's a scientific study that was published, which was then reported in Time magazine. Why would that be a level?
12-16-2015 , 07:32 PM
You read one article, blindly accepted it as fact, and changed your diet because of it?
12-16-2015 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
You read one article, blindly accepted it as fact, and changed your diet because of it?

Tbf OP told me before that 1500 Cals of fruits and vegetables was better for weight loss than 1200 of "bad" calories (paraphrasing obv).

Hopefully he has done his homework by now and sees the folly of such a statement
12-16-2015 , 08:15 PM
100% agree with Squid here. It really is as simple as just saying that no matter what happens you are getting it done. You commit to that and you will be amazed the time you can find to do stuff. Sometimes it's uncomfortable and you have to get delayed gratification, but if you reall want to achieve your goals in poker or fitness make a plan for every day of how you will then ****ing do it.
12-16-2015 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by trob888
You read one article, blindly accepted it as fact, and changed your diet because of it?
A) I wouldn't call drinking 4-5oz of red wine changing your whole diet, that's a little dramatic.

B) This is hardly the first study that has found health benefits from red wine in moderation.

Originally Posted by bwslim69
Tbf OP told me before that 1500 Cals of fruits and vegetables was better for weight loss than 1200 of "bad" calories (paraphrasing obv).

Hopefully he has done his homework by now and sees the folly of such a statement
I had done tons of "homework," on the matter before that discussion. 1500 clean/healthy calories are better for fat loss than 1200 calories of processed garbage, hfcs, msg, refined sugar, etc etc.
12-16-2015 , 08:28 PM
In what ways? If thats all you eat everyday you lose more weight eating 1200 of ****, if eating 1500 calories of fruit allows you to eat less of other stuff(by satisfying your hunger) therefore resulting in a lower total caloric intake per day then yes it will be better.

Thermodynamics isn't made up

All calories are the same in terms of weight loss, some foods help "fill you up" more efficiently which makes a lower caloric intake easier to achieve.
12-16-2015 , 08:35 PM
No offense but I don't think you actually know what a calorie is. Obv fruits and veggies are more nutrient dense which will allow you to be "healthier" but no on weight loss. That is truly one of the dumbest posts itt.
12-16-2015 , 08:35 PM
there's the fact that eating 1500 calories of healthy food is going to make you a much healthier person than if you lost weight eating 1200 cals of garbage, even if you lose your weight a bit slower
12-16-2015 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Fayth
there's the fact that eating 1500 calories of healthy food is going to make you a much healthier person than if you lost weight eating 1200 cals of garbage, even if you lose your weight a bit slower
A diet of pure fruits and veggies won't make you healthy. It will lack a lot of key nutrients.

But is talking about weight loss so it's moot.

At the end of the day talking in extremes like his is silly.
12-16-2015 , 08:38 PM
Time is a flat circle.
12-16-2015 , 08:38 PM
well obviously nobody would eat exclusively fruits and veggies but realistically you have almost all needed nutrients within fruits and veggies, except B12... maybe something else I'm unaware of?
