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2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast 2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast

03-23-2013 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by XMenCypher
I've been ogling at the stars and pictures for ages and I've always wanted a telescope, but the money's always been an issue. Maybe when I make some money from poker I will indulge myself and finally buy one Did you check how much it would cost if you wanted to buy a telescope for deep space photography?
I think you can get decent telescopes for like $600-700 but the problem is with taking photos can be complicated, you need an adapter, and also if you want to take long exposures you would need a mount that rotates with the earth to avoid star trails
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-23-2013 , 08:46 PM
$35 180s are tilting me so much atm, I am still a losing player in them yet I have the best ROI out of pretty much everyone at $3rs to $15s. Today got 3 handed in one with 140k stack and bust 3rd, guy with 20k stack beats me with Q5 vs QJ aipf then comes back to bust me later when i jam KQs into AA. so frustrating, still had a nice day of about +$1500 but it should easily be $2500 if i can run normal in the $35.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-23-2013 , 10:29 PM
Time for a brag, $3rs to $15 stats this year

2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-24-2013 , 08:34 AM

Whats youre secret in beating these sngs?
I for sure can admit it is not that easy to win them. Thus far did not really try these on a regular basis because it looked like players easily push with rubbish and catch there miracle card.
You have any tips or dos and donts.
Thnx in advance for tips and strategies.
Grtz San
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-24-2013 , 01:05 PM
I totally get if you choose not to answer this question but whats your strategy on rebuying in the 3r ?

do you always double rebuy, even in the 100-200blind stage?

do you always addon even if you run up a 15k+ stack ?
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-24-2013 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Sanneke35

Whats youre secret in beating these sngs?
I for sure can admit it is not that easy to win them. Thus far did not really try these on a regular basis because it looked like players easily push with rubbish and catch there miracle card.
You have any tips or dos and donts.
Thnx in advance for tips and strategies.
Grtz San
Thats the secret

Originally Posted by JulianAssange
I totally get if you choose not to answer this question but whats your strategy on rebuying in the 3r ?

do you always double rebuy, even in the 100-200blind stage?

do you always addon even if you run up a 15k+ stack ?
I dont have any special rebuy strategy. I rebuy at the begging then double auto rebuy the rest of the rebuy period, I always take the add-on.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-26-2013 , 08:08 AM
Hi, i want to ask you. When you made videos on youtube, you had a chart in excel, do you still have it? Can you send me it please? Excel is a hell for me..

2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-26-2013 , 10:59 PM
Nice topic toast keep up the good work! Ttyl
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-26-2013 , 11:50 PM
fantastic graph for the 180 man sngs. Keep up the good work
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
03-27-2013 , 08:03 PM
send me excel chart to
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-01-2013 , 01:52 AM
hey man thx for ur vids u ve gotten me to try my luck at 180s this months with ur sicko results so thx for what ended up being my best month haha

will be seeing more of each other over the next weeks i m sure. keep crushinnnnn

Last edited by blakkman08; 04-01-2013 at 02:14 AM.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-15-2013 , 12:35 PM
What happened with this thread Toast!? Did it die out?
How are things going?
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-15-2013 , 10:32 PM
wtf happened toast? you degen off your 180 roll in plo?
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-16-2013 , 05:51 AM
Toast is probably looking at the stars and forgot about the thread
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-17-2013 , 07:17 PM
Hey guys sorry about the lack of updates, i have been too busy breaking even for the last 6000 games! fml

Here are some graphs since i won the hot $55 in january




Super frustrating to run so bad in mtts, losing all the time when the pots start to matter, cant hold when im ahead cant win when im behind etc etc etc. I really hate to complain about run bad so thats why iv not been updating this much because no one wants to hear it

I am pretty excited for SCOOP however gonna play a low amount of tables and focus very hard and try to ship one of those scoop watches, would love to get a bink before the wsop in june!
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-18-2013 , 03:31 AM
Also been doing a decent amount of piece buying in the 2p2 marketplace, my goal is to have a 5% roi at this, my current stats are:


So we will see how this goes, trying to keep that avg MU stat down below 15%, but that seems pretty hard as everyone and their dog sells at 20%+ Its hard to find good packages because i think so many ppl are overcharging on MU.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-18-2013 , 04:11 AM
thanks for the update, SCOOP win would be nice
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 12:32 AM
Massive day for me today to finally end that dreaded breakeven stretch!

notable scores:
1x $15 180 1st
1x $15 180 2nd
1x $35 180 2nd
1st turbo fiddy for $2000
1st saturday speedway $11,110


overall was a 12.5k day! sweeeet, nice to run good and get some confidence right before scoop starts.

Also the speedway ship puts my lifetime profits over $100k now on sharkscope!


Grinded from about 4am to 7pm so I am exhausted and need to get some sleep, gl on the sunday grind tomorrow everyone
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 01:09 AM
why am I just finding this thread now? lol
Nice bink on the speedway!
Keep up the posts for SCOOP, GL, will be following.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 05:13 AM
nice, congats and GL in SCOOP
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 05:38 AM
Super day, congrats on the Speedway score.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 06:17 AM
Well done!
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 06:28 AM
Sick score in the speedway, did you ever think about dropping MTTs for a short period of time just to take home some profit from 180s since all of it was being wiped out, or is that irrelevant if you're backed and in MU or whatever?

Just sick to see all of your 180 profits be wiped out by MTTs.

gl anyways good thread.
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
04-21-2013 , 09:52 AM
Nice thread and well done binking! Will be following!

Originally Posted by ISmellToast
Also been doing a decent amount of piece buying in the 2p2 marketplace, my goal is to have a 5% roi at this, my current stats are:


So we will see how this goes, trying to keep that avg MU stat down below 15%, but that seems pretty hard as everyone and their dog sells at 20%+ Its hard to find good packages because i think so many ppl are overcharging on MU.
I've also recently started doing this. How do you track the results? I'm doing it in excel at the moment but I really suck at that! So any tips would be appreciated!

Cheers mate gl!
2013 MTTSNG - 200K VPPS - 000 Profit - ISmellToast Quote
