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2013 - 25NL to 100NL + Super Nova 2013 - 25NL to 100NL + Super Nova

02-21-2013 , 01:42 PM
Man you really seem ti be crushing those games... any particular advice you could give? Im about to jump there from nl10 (but on the .es network )
02-24-2013 , 01:36 PM
Had a busy end of the week. Almost everything is done that had to be done and I can now focus on grinding and studying. Back to da grindz!

Originally Posted by Summnormal
Man you really seem ti be crushing those games... any particular advice you could give? Im about to jump there from nl10 (but on the .es network )
Who knows, maybe just I'm just a fish-on-a-heater.

Advice... -
  • work hard;
  • study game all the time, study group is really beneficial;
  • remember to treat each hand individualy, there's nothing standart;
  • Focus, play shorter sesh or less tables - discipline(!);
  • Excersice - in healthy body, there's a healthy mind.

^Those are the things that first pops in the mind.

GL on the jump!
02-25-2013 , 02:06 PM
Not happy how I played today, many mistakes, due to lack of focus.

Last 50K+:

Fish on a heater: [?]

Fiddy NL soon??
02-25-2013 , 02:30 PM
02-25-2013 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Really? I'm shure you can archieve atleast as good.

And nice portion of credit goes to you also Mr. blakk
02-25-2013 , 03:20 PM
na my redline is flat now

very solid work mate keep it up and crush dat fiddy asap
02-26-2013 , 11:20 AM
Played ****ty and run like aids. Really dissapointed with my self, had issues many times with focus.

Will analyse my database from today, study some materials and try to prepare myself for tomorrow.
02-27-2013 , 04:10 PM
Meh, played crappy and ran like total POS often. Can't remember the last time I ran so bad in such a small sample. 1.2K hands + total fishfest = -7BI, rollercoaster.

Tomorrow starts my AutoCad courses finally.
02-27-2013 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Bulby

If anyone is interested in talking about hands or in doing some sweet sesh and video reviews, give me a PM. Maybe we could even create our own study group.

P.S - Still looking for study group
I'd be interested in this. Hit me on Skype. Bambilesy
02-27-2013 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bilesy
I'd be interested in this. Hit me on Skype. Bambilesy
Me too, will drop you a pm tomorrow
02-27-2013 , 06:05 PM
lai veicas, pats spelēju nl10 6max, jācer drīz varēšu arī jau sisties uz nl25
02-27-2013 , 07:01 PM
Also interested in doing video review, let me know if you want to arrange something OP, I'd be happy to review ur game if u record a vid in the coming days, as I am on a little break from playing myself atm.
02-28-2013 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Bilesy
I'd be interested in this. Hit me on Skype. Bambilesy
Originally Posted by Summnormal
Me too, will drop you a pm tomorrow
Originally Posted by PandaLife
Also interested in doing video review, let me know if you want to arrange something OP, I'd be happy to review ur game if u record a vid in the coming days, as I am on a little break from playing myself atm.
Hey guys, sorry, currently I have enaugh on my hands with things I'm doing, + AutoCad courses starting today. Though sure you can freely send me some HH's that you want me to look into.

Originally Posted by anzekap
lai veicas, pats spelēju nl10 6max, jācer drīz varēšu arī jau sisties uz nl25
Paldies Tev, lai veicas!
02-28-2013 , 02:28 PM
Did short morning sesh, did well. Came home after studies, sat down somewhat tilted, played like total crap. Again one of the worst days of the year. 4 bad days in a row, mind is really lazy latley. Dunno, maybe will take tomorrow off to deal with my tilt issues.

03-02-2013 , 02:06 PM
Played a bit better today, but still crappy overall, just 1-2 steps away from my C game. No way I'm moving up to 50NL with my current game, tons of mistakes due to psychological issues.

In other note - Started my own diary, for poker and IRL stuff, writing down my emotions in certain spots, trying to better understand my mind. Ended a little bit earlier, to write everything down and analyse my thought process from different perspective.
03-03-2013 , 03:36 PM
Played better today, though still far from my A-Game, tons of minor mistakes I'm making.

03-04-2013 , 02:35 PM
Played short today, due to courses, woke up super early(5:30AM). Played well in the morning, now tirednes showed up in the evening. Made a bad ship, should have folded pre, but wii KK>AA!

Also graph for February:

Goals for the February:
Increse work-ethic and start acting like a pro not an recreational player - getting closer to that each day Somewhat good.
View and analyze 20 poker videos - ~7 actually I think Badish
Daily hand reviewing and debate - Group is a little bit inactive this month, due to everyone traveling, moving, exams, ext. Have not reviewed my hands enaugh. Badish
Platinium Star(!) - well I do have 4 stars right? BAD
Finish Tandlers book till last page and go through daily ''Analytical No-Limit Hold'em''. - Still not finished any of them, did just ~30%. BAD

My grade - IMHO 5/10

Another failed month. But bit better then January.

I have not figured out this months goal, will do that tomorrow morning.
03-04-2013 , 02:38 PM
keep going dude
03-05-2013 , 03:09 PM
Played ok overall, still many mistakes and tilted a bit near the end. Was doing good in the morning, came home from courses, one of the first hands delt:

    Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #16379451

    BTN: $16.78 (67.1 bb)
    SB: $16.85 (67.4 bb)
    BB: $27.08 (108.3 bb)
    UTG+1: $13.12 (52.5 bb)
    UTG+2: $36.11 (144.4 bb)
    MP1: $32.64 (130.6 bb)
    MP2: $57.40 (229.6 bb)
    Hero (MP3): $25 (100 bb)
    CO: $23.02 (92.1 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP3 with K K
    UTG+1 folds, UTG+2 raises to $0.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2, 4 folds, UTG+2 raises to $3.50, Hero calls $1.50

    Flop: ($7.35) 2 9 5 (2 players)
    UTG+2 bets $10.50, Hero raises to $21.50 and is all-in, UTG+2 calls $11

    Turn: ($50.35) 8 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: ($50.35) Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $50.35 pot ($2 rake)
    Final Board: 2 9 5 8 Q
    UTG+2 showed T K and lost (-$25 net)
    Hero showed K K and won $48.35 ($23.35 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Then everything started going downhill, ran into quads, some hillarious runner-runners and board was just terribad overall for me to do anything.

    Goals, goals, goals...for March. Will definatley do them tomorrow morning, need to sleep on them to set solid goals.
    03-07-2013 , 12:24 PM
    Goals for March:
    1) Start excersising a bit more seriously, just walking is not enaugh.
    2) Eat healthier, latley been slacking off at this position, once and then overeating and eating stuff that I should avoid.
    3) This month I need to work on my tilt issues, this is primary stuff I need to work on now currently.
    4) Study each day atleast 1h30m.
    5) Improve focus while grinding and try focusing on A-Game.
    6) Hidden goal.

    Back to grinding tomorrow morning, felt that I was tiltish yesterday, did not grind, studied, today I'm really sleepy, my own faul, need to stop going late to bed.

    On other note - 'Crushing' in AutoCad studies, IMO(Pretty sure) I'm doing the best in the group.
    03-08-2013 , 03:42 PM
    Figured out that +EV could be that I will post results once a week + set goals for each week. It will be easier to achieve goals for me if I will create them weekly, I believe that I would be this way more motivated then I was before, because I could reflect on my short term performance better then on longer-one. Also quality over quantity, lots of posts from me are somewhat 'spammish'.

    Also I have an idea to post hands where I sucked out on V's, it will be something different from rest of the PGC threads and more interesting IMO.

    Played today and played good, some minor mistakes, but quite pleased by my game today.

    Also I would not recommend to anyone Jared Tendlers book or coaching, he's absolutley terrible, would not recomend to any player, better read this:
    03-13-2013 , 12:03 PM
    As I earlier mentioned have not played that much last weekend, because I had some IRL stuff to do. Took a little more balanced approach.

    Goals for this week:
    • 25K hands
    • 5 videos
    • Review 25 hands
    • Go through Tenlders book once more, to improve my tilt profile, so I could write everything down more solid with better understandment
    03-13-2013 , 10:31 PM
    Originally Posted by Mr.Bulby
    Also I would not recommend to anyone Jared Tendlers book or coaching, he's absolutley terrible, would not recomend to any player, better read this:
    haha loled

    Solid goal setting ITT. Gl broski
    03-19-2013 , 01:48 PM
    Last weeks giraffe:

    Goals for last week:
    • 25K hands - 17K, did pretty poor, played just 4.5 days due to one day off + IRL stuff. Poor
    • 5 videos - 2, Bad
    • Review 25 hands. Hard to tell number or how well I analysed, so I would say - Medicore
    • Go through Tenlders book once more, to improve my tilt profile, so I could write everything down more solid with better understandment - Little effort in this one, Bad

    Overall - 5/10

    Targets for this week:
    • 15K hands
    • 3 videos
    • Go till page 200+ In analytical holdem
    • Try not to look at results till end of next week

    Goals for this week are pretty weak, because flying off to Verona, Italy this weekend for couple of days, to help one Latvian as a translator(English), so no Micro Main event for me .

    Last 100K:

    When the backer returns from holliday will start to take shots of 50NL,... hopefully.
    03-28-2013 , 08:26 AM
    Came back from Italy with 39.4C temperature.

    Bed regime.

    Not counting that, had an overall good time at Italy. Can go in details later if anyone is interested, now I'm feeling really tired.
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