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2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ 2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+

11-05-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by taikogod
lucky looks like you're doing well too
Didn't finish my sentence..

Originally Posted by GAYEST_MAN
grats on these binks. I used to play turbo HUSNGs pre black friday too and starting to donk around in tournies on lock right now. Just wondering if you studied any tournament strategies or just messing around since husngs are pretty different from mtts
Nope, just be lucky!

lol, live was actually a lot different. Even though the field was "tough" for a random $2k, I still had an edge for sure. I don't even know the basic ranges except to play tight early, start opening up ranges more as we get deeper, basic pot odds/postflop play. Basically a fish, so I'll only be playing the easier ones every now and then

Originally Posted by crazyriver
What a beast!
u know im a fish!

Originally Posted by ver gato
gz on another one
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
11-05-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by taikogod
Didn't finish my sentence..
haha i was wondering what u canadians speak for a language

as for doing well, meh...
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
11-05-2012 , 06:03 PM
congrats on the bink
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
11-21-2012 , 07:11 AM

^ month so far at hypers. feeling a little more confident about my game, but still quite a ways a way from where I'd like to be

Also recently bought a share of Pocarr, which is a micro-mid stakes staking/coaching group. mostly for MTTs. they're actually still selling some %s if anyones interested

I'm pretty free for the next week or so, so hopefully I'll finish off SN, and maybe get in ~1.5k games for the month.

Also staking 10+ people now, mostly HU players, so that takes up a little time too

Plan right now is just to grind as much as time allows, which isn't too much. I think if I had no other obligations I'd have a decent chance of being at least a 200/300 reg. maybe I should take a year off school

..not happening
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
11-22-2012 , 10:41 AM
Just hit SN for the first time ever obv I'm a fish, should've got it 6 months ago etc but

[x] Supernova

sharkys been super annoying, just not regging anything all day. Then had it going crazy for the past couple hours... sat prob 50 reg games late. Then I realized I had dave's one-click reg script on...

Anyway, def most games played in a "day" @ ~250.. and it's almost 7am now so my sleep schedule is officially ****ed got some school work to do tomorrow/Friday, should be grinding again this weekend
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-01-2012 , 12:28 AM

[x] 2k games
[x] be confident playing again
[ ] pass midterms once again close...

It's been a pretty sick month for me in terms of poker. Luckboxed the tourney early this month, but more importantly for the past week I've been actually grinding focused and hard. I hit SN before the past week but was playing terrible and just autopiloting a ton still. Then I started grinding with "DanielLiu" on 2p2 @ school and played the most focused I have since last November/December. It also helps I ran awesome.

Showed chips cause this one looks better than the $ one.. only up $6.2k in EV. Ran around EV at 200s and under in 60s/100s. 106 hours played.

Staking around 10 people now and won't be looking for more for now. Don't wanna risk over-doing and going busto, esp since I'm mixing in mostly 100s-200s now.

December goals

So hoping for a good finish to the year (not like I haven't had enough rungood for this year...)

[ ] pass all finals
[ ] 2k games at 100s/200s
[ ] focused while playing

Will be tough with finals, mom coming to visit, christmas, and LA/vegas trip with friends (actually can't play in US!)

edit: [ ] 10k
cause everyone loves money goals

Last edited by taikogod; 12-01-2012 at 12:42 AM.
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-01-2012 , 07:05 AM
I imagine its a sick grind between you and daniel hehe

nice month!
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-05-2012 , 03:22 AM
dude. Time to grind school, exam time =O,
2013- 200k gogogo?
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-09-2012 , 11:10 AM
Month so far

run goooood! hope i didn't jinx it. played 11 hours, 263 games "today" (5pm-7am)... most ever. played optimal like 1/3rd of the time. other 2/3rds still lot of autopiloting
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:39 PM
Go taiko goooooooooooo (party)
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-09-2012 , 04:11 PM
Goodluck this month!
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-19-2012 , 06:56 AM
Dropped 5k yesterday, so tilting. running bad this month and spewed a bit today too. Hope to hit 1.5k games at least, but been very busy. Finished with finals - hope I pass all my classes.. Also shipped 1k thx to bustofish winning.

ABI is $157

2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:20 PM
just came back from LA/Vegas trip w/ my friends. exceeded expectations - 9/10 would go again!

Recap of 2012

Originally Posted by taikogod
[x] $50k+
[x] Supernova
I did also mention:

Originally Posted by taikogod
[x] 100k
[ ] 300k VPPs
Total profits should be around 100k. Not the most ideal way to make it ldo (up like 50-55k in MTTs?! lol...) but it's there.

Here's the graph since I started this thread/restarted poker:


It's been a big year for me. From working hard and starting poker back up, to staking/coaching, to hating poker, to binking MTT scores, and finally finding motivation to grind again. I'm thankful for the opportunity I have, as well as everyone who has helped me - all my stakees, GF, and pretty much everyone else in the poker community. I've learned a ton about myself this year, and it's been really fun.

Moving forward

These will be the main goals:

Originally Posted by taikogod
[ ] 150k
[ ] travel
[ ] pass all courses
[ ] don't spend too much $ -> go busto

[ ] learn to socialize v well
[ ] figure out what I'm going to do after school -> future
These goals are pretty realistic and reachable, while the $/last 2 goals will be the hardest. But what are goals and challenges if they're easily reachable? In my mind anything >100k year I'd be happy. I'm sure all the other things will come along as long as I stick to it and don't lose myself in any way.

Tentative plans:
Jan - grind
Feb - midterms and Malta
Mar - grind/midterms
April - grind/finals
May/June - travel Europe (don't see much grinding done, so must grind hard to get the $ for this trip from Jan-April)
July/Aug - enjoy Vancouver summer for once, grind hard
Sept-Dec - too far to plan ahead but I'm guessing it's school/grind

This thread died off after a few months but it's been fun to keep track of what happened. I really enjoyed it and will be starting a 2013 thread tomorrow.

GLA! Hope everyone has had a good year, and if not then 2013 can always be better.
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
01-01-2013 , 05:02 PM
been a nice year man, keep it up!

Gonna start a new thread?
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
01-01-2013 , 05:41 PM
did you include propbetting in yearly profits?
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
01-01-2013 , 09:20 PM
nice nice nice

gl in 2013
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
01-02-2013 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Desenzano
been a nice year man, keep it up!

Gonna start a new thread?
thanks, looks like you're having a great time

here's the new thread:

Originally Posted by yay
did you include propbetting in yearly profits?
lol i didn't really count my profits exactly but prop betting i should be up around close to or 3k..

Originally Posted by ver gato
nice nice nice

gl in 2013

2013 thread:

thanks to everyone for the support!
2012 ST HUSNGs 50k+ Quote
