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2012 getting my life in order 2012 getting my life in order

01-21-2012 , 08:50 PM
hit a downswing and maybe began to not play great, with frustration of dropping a ton of buy ins i just played very sloppy, felt so unmotivated while playing and feeling exhausted from a long tough week outside of poker, im not gonna play until im fully rested and really wanting to grind out the pokerz.

br - $336.68
vpps - 948.66
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-21-2012 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by neverlowgo
Any advice here?

what sort of bankroll management would anyone recommend when playing satellites? I have tried searching for bankroll management when it comes to satellites but haven't come across anything
this is without a doubt THE best Tourney Bankroll guide by the awsome 'Jennifear'

GL on your journey! im doing one similar, $40 - $5000 by June playing mtt sng's.
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:03 PM
br - $319.03
vpps - 989.03

my graph for the week, just has been a bad end to the week after it started fairly well then got killed in the last hundred games or so, looking to put it behind me and come in next week fresh.

2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-22-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by mateo1
nice thread! subscribed and gl in the future!
Originally Posted by Bargain Bucket
this is without a doubt THE best Tourney Bankroll guide by the awsome 'Jennifear'

GL on your journey! im doing one similar, $40 - $5000 by June playing mtt sng's.
cheers guys, next week will be crucial
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-23-2012 , 09:26 PM
br - $332.66
vpps - 1070.65

long assed session breaking even like a boss then booked a small win at the end
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-26-2012 , 05:17 PM
had been suffering a bad downswing recently which knocked my confidence a bit, felt recently every session i was bleeding buy ins running pretty terrible, how ever a session today i managed to recover slightly and got my roll heading back in the right direction for a change as i avoided losing all my races and running big hands into cooler situations and busting repeatedly on the bubbles.

I think if it wasn't for me having set goals at the start of the year, within the last week i would of busted my roll taking shots in frustration of hitting the downswing. I have been strictly sticking to some bankroll management guidelines so I'm never feeling im playing outwith my bankroll. So basically I have more structure to my playing than what i did say a year ago, when i would just play when ever and what ever i felt like, so if i didn't set BRM rules and didn't have any goals and was just playing for the sake of playing i would no doubt of jumped up stakes trying to chase loses and inevitably go broke in the last week.

br - $350.99
vpps - 1199.90

I will put up the next graph at the end of the month when i will update how all my monthly goals went and how the yearly goals now look and will look to set my February goals.

2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-29-2012 , 12:20 AM
br - $383.29
vpps - 1283.34
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-29-2012 , 02:47 PM
br - $399.91
vpps - 1316.29
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-29-2012 , 06:00 PM
br - $404.28
vpps - 1343.63
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:56 PM
Good luck, we have very similar goals & mindset. All the best.
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by samcx
Good luck, we have very similar goals & mindset. All the best.
cheers , good luck with ur goals samcx
2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-30-2012 , 08:07 PM
loved poker today bubbling and getting 3 outered about 7times/min 60/40's 50/50's couldn't win and basically got screwed over every time i had my opponent crushed, really struggling to recall any hand hold up AAH so tilted ended my session and i think i will call it an end for my play in January.

br - $351.33
vpps - 1381.03

will throw up my graph for January tomorrow and take a look at how the monthly goals went and set my February goals

2012 getting my life in order Quote
01-31-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by neverlowgo
loved poker today bubbling and getting 3 outered about 7times/min 60/40's 50/50's couldn't win and basically got screwed over every time i had my opponent crushed, really struggling to recall any hand hold up AAH so tilted ended my session and i think i will call it an end for my play in January.
woaw i was soo pissed of when i wrote this, tit.

Anyway lets look at how my January goals went...


1. Online poker bankroll to go from $200 to $350 minimum (playing micro stakes)
Managed to achieve this JUST getting to $351.33! On the bright side i reached this target but I did have hopes to do much better especially after the first couple of weeks i was well ahead of pace.

2. Accumulate 1000 vpps minimum (bronze to a silver star)
Managed to reach 1381.03 which i am pleased with this considering the stakes i played.

3. Play live poker once likely £5 sng with friends or there is various pub poker games around town £10 entry tournaments usually 20-30 players
FAIL! didnt play once in all of January . I expected to get a home game organised at the start of the month with a lot of friends being home for xmas and new year but this didnt go ahead, then mid month i really didnt have any funds to play and when i was payed at the end of the month there was no games really round town (that where publicly known) with a lot of "pub poker leagues" not running until mid febuary I thought I would of played on Sunday in a weekly game at local pool hall but the league is of for a few weeks . I guess if this was really important to play once this month i could of found some really rough pub accross town tonight playing a tourney with a group of terrible 45 year old + playing about 1 hand every 10 minutes, while tired from work and gym with work tomo early so in the end i think if i passed playing this month and make up for it in Febuary as looking at the year goal it would be better in that sense rather than getting stuck in a monthly goal.
4. Go to the gym 16 times
Achived this goal finishing my 16 session today, was a fair effort!
5. Apply to 4 other jobs
Think i more or less summed up this goal in my mid month review of it

6. Eat out with family/friends once (end of month wage)
7. Buy one item of cloths (end of month wage)
8. Drink no alcohol
Done! Fairly easy to do when you don’t have any money :P
9. Put few hundred of wages into savings and into savings for trip abroad
Have put £310 into savings and put some aside for holidays! But i guess the real test will be next month to see if i can avoid dipping into that monies! :S
My 8 year goals at this moment
1. Have saved £10,000

2. Poker - Make at least $10,000 at the tables before rakeback. Also side goals to achieve supernova and to earn 250,000 fpps for a $4,000 bonus.
$151.33/$10,000 profit
1381.03/100000 vpps
1699.99/250000 fpps

3. Go to the Gym 150 times (averaging 2-3 times per week)

4. Go abroad twice this year (very ambitious with my current situation)

5. Trips to other Citys in my Country, this can be anything from visiting family to go drinking with friends or to go to music festivals etc. Ill try to make 6 of these trips in the year.

6. Eat out at restaurants with friends/family once per week average (52 year total)

7. Buy cloths or something that i want for myself once a week average (52 total) but not because i need it but more that i want it. Seems a silly goal but if I'm putting a lot of time working and playing poker it will be good to spend money on my self for the sake of it for a bit of balance instead of just saving.

8. Find another full time job - I'm not to worried about any "career" jobs, I'm just wanting another job maybe bar work or in a book makers etc. My current office job i have been there over a year and a change would be good for me.

1. Bankroll to go from $351.33 to $700 at the very least
2. To achieve 2000 vpps alone in Febuary
3. To play live poker 3 times this month
4. To eat out with friends/family twice this month
5. Buy New cloths once this month
6. Weekend trip away from my home town during the month (have organised to head down to Glasgow for a friends birthday weekend)
7. Go to the gym 12 times
8. Have £600 saved at the end of the month this isn’t including saving for holidays
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-08-2012 , 07:23 PM
last few weeks iv more or less been breaking even which has been pathetic since im playing very small micro stakes, its been a very busy few weeks at my sh**ty job also with weekend plans iv been feeling extremely exhausted with day to day work and life that when i play poker im never ever playing when im full of energy and ready to grind out the games, its when im burnt out from life i try fit in a few hours to play. I hope to get to the weekend and get plenty of rest and hopefully can turn things round at the tables because if i cant reach these monthly poker goals i may have to seriously think about throwing in the towel or make some big adjustments.

so far my play in February

and so far for the year

br - $339.23
vpps - 1565.18 (184.15 for the month, way behind pace)
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-11-2012 , 07:53 PM
last few days iv been running a bit better also think iv changed a few things to my game that has worked well so far.

br - $365.21
vpps - 381.79 this month, 1762.82 this year

Also to mention about me setting a £100 limit on the year for other gambling anything from sport betting to degen roulette etc. If my results ever got to
-£100 on the year id stop betting anymore on the year.

Well on a weekend away for a friends birthday -£30 for on roulette on casino stop and placed couple of £5 bets on football this weekend, one on Liverpool to win 1-0 at 10/1 and on accumulator man city/Chelsea/arsenal/Ross county to win, but lost both the £5 bets.

So overall im -£40 on other gambling leaving me just a limit of £60 for the year. Again this is'nt a challenge or attempt to even make monies just a way to limit my loses. hopefully iv not bust the 60 by euro 2012
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-12-2012 , 05:46 PM
br - $471.89
vpps - 476.96 this month (1857.99 for 2012)

good day ran well, need to get the vpps up in the coming week, shall put up a mid month review of February with graphs around Wednesday
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-12-2012 , 06:31 PM
Good luck, i'll suscribe myself.
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:47 PM
hi folks and mid February update on how my months goals are going

1. Bankroll to go from $351.33 to $700 at the very least
currently $497.30, it was a very slow start to the month but has been picking up in the last week running pretty well, hope it continues.
2. To achieve 2000 vpps alone in Febuary
587.48 so far this month so im fairly behind pace, looking to try push myself to get a bit of volume in each day until the 2000 it met, ill probably make use of the weekends this month for getting vpps in.
3. To play live poker 3 times this month
so far not played so far , well does it count as a tourny win if your the only person to register for a tournament? forced myself to get to game at a local pool hall where numbers were never great but always enough for a game but with it just starting up again i dont think it was well advertised etc so anyway yet to play live this year and my original goal of twice a month average now seems a bit to much as its quite time consuming and iv more or less done my fair share of wasting a night playing 10er buy in with terrible 40 to 50 year old players playing drunk or just plain ******ed so its not to much worth to me even if i win to go through that, may decided to drop it to once a month....shall think about it the rest of the month.
4. To eat out with friends/family twice this month
already met this target
5. Buy New cloths once this month
not yet, end of month i guess, (feel stupid making this goal but a well lol)
6. Weekend trip away from my home town during the month)
went away for weekend to glasgow for friends birthday at the start of month
7. Go to the gym 12 times
3/12 so far didnt go the first week as i was recovering from January lol shall try pump up the volume this week
8. Have £600 saved at the end of the month this isn’t including saving for holidays
my general savings from my wages i haven't maybe been the most disciplined and i find it a struggle, i think my wage just gets me by so the fact im trying to save some each month its not as easy as i thought. need to kinda get a more strict plan on how im gonna go about this for future months to get back on pace.


So far this month

and so far for the year

2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-18-2012 , 07:02 PM
bad spell, running bad, tilting a bit and spewing away buy ins also to mention had a connection problem the other day so dropped those buy ins. burnt out and low on motivation really need a good rest, way behind pace atm need to crap or get of the pot
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-18-2012 , 07:10 PM
Good luck. Like this thread. Keep updating it please everytime your done playing. Short and straight to the numbers!
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-19-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Audorin
Good luck. Like this thread. Keep updating it please everytime your done playing. Short and straight to the numbers!
cheers pal,

br - $464.80
vpps - 1114.49 this month, 2495.52 this year
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-20-2012 , 05:47 PM
iv been playing terrible while playing far to many tables when im feeling so sick of poker just to get in volume and tilting of because im behind pace. i could give up on poker iv spent a bit too much focus on vpps this month which has killed my results at the tables therefore isnt looking great for future months.

br - $400.90
vpps - 1188.32 this month 2569.35 this year

2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:26 PM
tilting so much and handing over my buy ins every time i play im so sick of playing the sngs im playing and i have played so so so bad recently im probably not going to play for a while now until i have a more focus and clear head to what i what to achive, so if i choose to keep on playing poker i might decide a different form of sng to what iv been playing. but for now its gg
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-22-2012 , 09:22 AM
hey just read through this thread and found it quite interesting,shocked to see you have quit already though. just break 1 of your aims and go out and get as drunk as humanly possible and then comeback refreshed and grind again. i am also scottish and live near inverness and you know 1 thing that scots are good at and thats DRINKING anyways good luck if u decide to start again.
2012 getting my life in order Quote
02-22-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by AJF82
hey just read through this thread and found it quite interesting,shocked to see you have quit already though. just break 1 of your aims and go out and get as drunk as humanly possible and then comeback refreshed and grind again. i am also scottish and live near inverness and you know 1 thing that scots are good at and thats DRINKING anyways good luck if u decide to start again.
Hey dude Im not quitting just yet but don't plan on playing for a bit, just means my very unlikely goal of making supernova doesn't look great and maybe have to give up going for that this year. I was getting pretty sick of grinding the same games everyday which is pretty boring after a few weeks and i had been playing too much i guess tables trying to go for vpps etc which effected my table results and i seemed to everyday recently get impatience and tilt instantly and spew of my buy ins. Needing a small break and I might think about playing some different games i thought about HU hyper turbos or standard turbo 6mans but im not decided yet.

shall throw up my weekly graphs with sh**y results

This has been for February

This has been for the year

br - $357.19 (very disappointing)
vpps - 1317.54 on the month, 2698.57 on the year

But at the moment the word poker just tilts me so im not sure when i or what ill be play next
2012 getting my life in order Quote
