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2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! 2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind!

02-15-2011 , 11:36 AM
Imported YouFaiil's hands last night and took a good look for leaks using HEM filters, NOT leakbuster. This is what I've found so far. YouFaiil, we need to setup a time to do a lesson to talk about this stuff (how to fix it), go over some hands, and maybe do a sweat session as well. As you know, I can really only do a lesson at night so that will be early in the morning for you, does that work?

Here's my initial findings:

- Losing in the Blinds
a. CC Broadway
b. CC SC T9 and less
c. CC PP 77 or less
d. CC PP JJ, TT, 99, 88
e. CC A8-A3s
- Losing in other positions
a. CC 99, JJ, TT, 88
b. CC broadway

He is winning in the blinds when he 3bets as well as when he 3bets in other positions too. My initial recommendation until we can work through some hands and talk about specifics is to literally stop cold calling all together other than with small PP's, in position, against EP raises, everything else he should be 3betting or folding. He's just not winning when he CC's from the blinds other than with AA, KK, and QQ.

I'd like to go over situations when he's opening via skype and mikogo. YouFaiil, what night/morning would work best for you?
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-15-2011 , 11:51 AM
I can do anytime from 6am to 10/11pm most probably, ill be ordering a mic this week so im not sure how long that will take to come or we can do without, its upto you.

I can make a vid for review with/without commentary, im planning on doing one with commentary as soon as i have a mic anyway.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-15-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
I can do anytime from 6am to 10/11pm most probably, ill be ordering a mic this week so im not sure how long that will take to come or we can do without, its upto you.

I can make a vid for review with/without commentary, im planning on doing one with commentary as soon as i have a mic anyway.
ok, lets wait until you get the mic in, would be really hard for us to do much without you having a mic. I supposed I can swing 6am your time, that's 12 pm my time so I can only do a one hour session at most because I HAVE to be asleep soon after 1 am my time. If you could do 5 am your time, that would be better because it's 11 pm my time, but I understand if you can't. Let me know as soon as you get the mic. I might be able to drive home for lunch a few times and do a lesson as well, that might turn out to be better if you can't do 5 am your time.

Between now and then, based on what I found, I highly recommend no more Cold Calling at all from the blinds with any hand, 3bet or fold. You're winning with common groupings of hands when you 3bet so that is what I recommend.

Looking forward to a coaching session.

2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-15-2011 , 02:04 PM
awesome stuff guys! the amount and effort of support your friends put into helping u should be more than enuf motivation to improve. gl bro
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-16-2011 , 12:11 PM
Very true lau, everyone who posts here is amazing, it's extremely kind of people to offer advice and help when they get nothing in return.

@Dr._Hyde, will let you know when I have a mic, 6am is pretty much 100% fine, 5am not so sure, obv if you can get home at lunch it makes things easier but it's totally upto you, what about weekends or are you busy?
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-16-2011 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
Very true lau, everyone who posts here is amazing, it's extremely kind of people to offer advice and help when they get nothing in return.

@Dr._Hyde, will let you know when I have a mic, 6am is pretty much 100% fine, 5am not so sure, obv if you can get home at lunch it makes things easier but it's totally upto you, what about weekends or are you busy?
Ok, let me know as soon as you get a mic. We'll figure something out re the scheduling. I tend to spend the weekends, during the day, with my wife and daughter so that's pretty much out.

Have you tried playing any without cold calling? I think you'll see a BIG jump in your winrate as you were bleeding money doing that before, especially from the blinds.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-16-2011 , 03:33 PM
Ok that's np at all, I've stopped cold calling and taken the 3bet or fold line more often.

In 3bet pots, are we c-betting missed dry boards as a standard? I've noticed that I'm c/f in some 3bet hands, probably way too often.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-16-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
Ok that's np at all, I've stopped cold calling and taken the 3bet or fold line more often.

In 3bet pots, are we c-betting missed dry boards as a standard? I've noticed that I'm c/f in some 3bet hands, probably way too often.
Usually, when we 3bet, we cbet the flop, almost every time. I check the flop more often when I actually hit it hard and think they don't have anything, like an A32 rainbow flop when I 3bet with AK, than when I have air. If they call, you can re-evaluate the turn, but you're gonna take down most of these with your flop cbet. Be careful with people who just can't fold, but still, I'd cbet most flops with air.

Last edited by Dr._Hyde; 02-16-2011 at 04:38 PM.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-16-2011 , 05:25 PM
+1 to c-betting almost every 3bet boards. You have to remember though youfail that all this strategy is very villain dependent. As for the previous example, I think at the micros its much more profitable to cbet that board with AK because there are a ton of Ax combos that villain can have so you can extract maximum value.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-16-2011 , 05:31 PM
I don't want to add much to this since my strategy is very different, but something transferable in that regard would be... I was going to advise you on how to play against set miners when you whiff, but I guess you probably never get a good enough hand sample on someone to have a good guess that they're set mining.

So... you should remember that depending on your opponent, they're either going to hit a lot of KQx flops, or they're going to 'hit' a lot of 67x flops, in that they'll have some junk pair and won't fold flop. So on 67x if someone calls you're likely trying bluff them off 88/55 on good turns, or you're trying to valueown yourself vs a mighty nitfish. Gotta know which one you're doing. Likewise, most of the time you bet KQx, you're trying to fold 22-99, if they call you're probably not going to be able to get them to fold.

But don't go overboard, it's probably worse to try and get folds on turns/rivers at 2NL than anywhere else.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:40 AM
Ok in that case I think I'm 3betting the right people because they call so wide and I'm going to be able to get 2 streets of value from.

It was mainly when I 3bet loose passives who never fold that I ended up c/f or checking it down unimproved.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:14 AM
well todays first session was really fun. -5BI in 362 hands, 2 bI's under aiev in 362 hands...

I don't even think I played bad but when you run 2nd nuts into nuts or have a player who raises every cbet turn up with a set, poker sucks.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 07:21 AM
"I don't even think I played bad"

Yes I did... I could have saved so much money, i would have lost for the session but some of the mistakes i made were f terrible...

Anyway took a break, did some analysis then played again for good results.

2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 07:28 AM
nice rostucko
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
i know implied odds obviously, i just wasn't totally sure on pot odds.

I don't want to a dick but there was progress before, i had beaten 2nl and 5nl and played 30k hands at 10nl but obv this time around i have a much better WR (so far) so yeah the progress is good.
Yeah, well with implied odds I don't mean just knowing what they are but figuring out how much you have to win on later streets to call with your draw/equity etc.

Anyway, I didn't mean to be a dick either with the no progress implication. Just from looking at your 'lifetime' graphs it seemed like you were losing but winning from rakeback or w/e, but if not my mistake. Anyway it def seems to me like you're breaking through and thats awesome, so keep truckin brotha
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 09:01 AM
Thanks choiceasbro,

Dw about it smokeyJ, tbh I did win through rakeback mainly but it wasn't as if i didn't move up at all and it just tilted me a little is all.

1589 hands so far today, $+5.26

BR: $64.05, won't be long until 5nl!
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil

1589 hands so far today, $+5.26

BR: $64.05, won't be long until 5nl!
I thought I remembered your BR over 200 at some point, is that wrong? Did you switch sites or something? Also I was curious what your BRM is like. I was planning on moving to 5nl at 200, and then back down at 150, but also I 24 table. GL.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:06 AM
I see why everyone thinks I've been at 2nl for the past 6 months lol, BR was at $270/300 at highest point, taking shots at 10nl which last 30k hands.

I then had some kind of nervous/mental breakdown (lol) and cashed out leaving $20 on FT so I started again at 2nl with that.

BRM is 20 BI = 3-5 BI shot, not a br nit because this is the micros.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:27 PM
YouFaiil, some questions.

1 - Do you BI full, $5 for 2nl?

I think people respect more when I buy full (I don't like it) or when I grow my stack to 8 or 10. Then I just want to leave and start on a new table.

2 - I have 130 ATM, do you think it's a good point to take a shoot at 5nl, buying short for 5-8? If I loose $20 I would move down again.

I play only 2-3 tables, because I run 40/30 - 40/20. My WR is ~ 20BB/100. 3 - Do you think play tighter + more tables is better? I like to play LAG.

I lost $27 in a session. running bad and spewing. All tho, I'm up 28 this month. If I didn't spew I would be up 50+ this month. 4 - How do you come back from a loosing session? I played only one table and tightened some until confidence was back. My red line went down and my blue went up (the green was upwards ).

5 - Why did you take the money of your account?

GL on and off the felt.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:05 PM
I play on FT so its 100bb deep and yes I BI in full. If the tables good, ill stay if not ill leave, my stack size is irrelevant.

130 is definitely enough to play 5nl, you could just buy in for $5 (100bb)? Take a 6 BI shot and move down to 2nl if you drop to $100.

What sample size do you have for that WR? It's a huge WR. My advice would be to play tighter and more tables, however your current style is crushing so you might be able to add in one table at a time and keep the same style. I think the best thing is to look at the amount of tables played/WR/hourly, for example if you play 3 tables and win at 20bb/100 and add in one table and your WR drops by 2bb/100, it would be worth it because you get it in more hands and your WR doesn't drop by a lot. It's weird hearing that a 40/30 crushes which is why I asked about sample size, I'm sure that most people would advise playing tighter because it's the micros and making hands to value bet is the core of it. Tight solid poker is the way forward. Overall I would say playing 4 tables and just going over your range from each position and starting from there.

It's a tough question because nearly everyone will say play tight, value bet which is true but there's so much more to it and currently your winning at a very good WR so it all depends on sample size imo.

Coming back from losing sessions has everything to do with confidence and learning from your mistakes, like we all know that 99% of the time getting KK in pre at 2nl is very +EV but if you have a losing session and lose with KK aipfr it can knock confidence so the key is to notice when your making good decisions and when you're not. As long as you make good decisions, the results will follow.

Motivating yourself before and during a session is key also, you have to go into the session with a good mindset but maintain it, if you make a bad mistake or take a bad beat then you have to keep the level of motivation there instead of losing control if that makes sense.

I cashed out because every session I put in I would lose a BI, quit, rinse and repeat, I couldn't really take a break, I would always end up playing at some point in the day and it was just bleeding money. Plus I wasn't in the right mindset at all, I wasn't analyzing my mistakes or figuring out where I was going wrong, I was just blaming variance.

I hope that answers you're questions, as for question 3, can I see a graph and your positional stats please?

Also my advice might not be the greatest, I think everything is different for each person in poker, sometimes you just have to find the things that are right for you.

glgl as always!

EDIT: Today's Graph... Haven't posted a daily graph in a while and I think this one is pretty good...

2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 04:29 PM
I'm on a hot run for sure. I'm ~28 up this month but had a -27 spew day. I'll pick the stats at night. ~3000 hands only I believe, but I can't mult table due to style. I rely on tells and tendencies, so I need reads to play the game. The last thing I remember recently is that I staked off three times in a session holding KT the nuts Broadway (this is really hot).

I'll pick the stats when I get home. I'll add Jan/11 to have some volume too. I'll put the stats with and without my spew day (that's a huge difference on WR lol ).

I didn't take a shoot @ 5nl because I know I'm running hot for while, the board just helped a ton. But I usually put the money in good, the villains just don't see I can bluff but I can't stack off bluffing.

Last edited by magic32; 02-17-2011 at 04:30 PM. Reason: nice graph :)
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 07:33 PM
Feb/2011 graph.

Feb/2011 without spew.

Jan+feb without spew.

Jan+Feb all.

stats jan+fev+spew... lol

For two months the WR is ~15, without that bad day (this day I was trying to 4 table) it's 21, much better, but that's ok...

Last edited by magic32; 02-17-2011 at 07:38 PM. Reason: last comment
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-17-2011 , 07:47 PM
I have two more questions:

1- How do you get rakeback? I play on PS and don't have a FT account yet. I'll create later, but to play 50nl+

2- On PS we can buy in full @ 2nl for $5.00 so it's 250 deep. If you're able to, would you buy in for 250bb?

Thanks for your time, hope you don't kill me for my stats....... I know they're bad....

I've been running 38.9BB/100 last 1600 hands. 43/22/4/7 (vp/pfr/3bet/4bet) I know this is hot and I can't win at this rate for long, I wish I could. I'm i little more passive because I was seeking some fishes.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-18-2011 , 03:06 AM
Well from the graph and positional's it looks like your running hot atm which is why I would definitely suggest not playing 40/30 in FR, for sure going by reads and tendencies is great but being able to play more tables would outweigh 2-3 tables making good reads in the long run as you should be able to make reads when your 4/6 tabling.

I signed up with, it's the only one for FT and I think you need to sign up there first and then make a FT account.

I like the idea of being able to buy in 250bb deep especially if there is some 72/0 sitting with 200bb however for regular grinding and each session I'd much rather play 100bb deep because there's a lot of changes you need to make when playing deeper.

I think you definitely need to tighten up and I think over a longer period of time/bigger sample you'll realise that playing 40/20 at FR in the micros isn't going to be hugely profitable.

It's better to make the changes now rather than realising it was just a hot run or w/e and then trying to change everything at once.

glgl, if you have more questions feel free to ask.
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
02-18-2011 , 07:15 AM

Full Tilt Poker $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

BTN: $2.60
SB: $2.17
BB: $2.58
UTG: $2.13
MP: $0.73
Hero (CO): $2.00

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is CO with T Q
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.06, 1 fold, SB calls $0.05, 1 fold

Flop: ($0.14) 5 A A (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($0.14) J (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.10, SB calls $0.10

River: ($0.34) K (2 players)
SB bets $0.41, Hero raises to $1.84 all in, SB folds
2011, Onwards and upwards: 2-100nl, YouFaiil continues the grind! Quote
