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200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro 200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro

05-10-2015 , 05:44 AM
wow what a challange and in this era of tough games, i could make a case for starting at 100nl because to be honest i dont even know if i can beat 200 6 max anymore...

anyway ... since the end of 2010-2013 iv been a heads up bum hunter mostly, with sprinkles of 6max in there... here was my graph for that period.....

in 2014 i crushed the live cash scene....

in 2015 ive been back playing online cash heads up mostly with sprinkles of short hand... heres my results for this year so far

so things are still going ok, but iv noticed the games have got alot tougher thats been really noticed more because iv been away a year.... but again volume has been lowish......

so heres my challange....

move from 200nl-1000 starting with 5000$ in my pokerstars account, i will stay at 200 before i take a shot at 400 abit longer as you can see below just because im new to the games, I will never have to withdraw because i have my other sites where i play heads up that i will live off

nl100 1600-4000
nl200 3400-12000
nl400 10000-20000
nl600 18000-33000
nl1000 30,000-60,000

heres my schedule

6 days a week monday off

9:15-10:15 study
10:30-12:30 pokerstars challange
lunch/golf for hour
14:15-16:15 pokerstars challange
16:30-17:30 sleep
18:00-20:00 bread and butter heads up cash grind on euro sites (seperate role)
20:00-21:00 eat
21:00-23:00 bread and butter heads up cash grind on euro sites
23:00-01:00 chill
01:15-8:00 sleep
repeat appart from saturday where i will play golf all morning and not study or play stars just my bread and butter on an evening

wish me luck... please follow.. im new to posting on 2+2 if you question my poker pedigree i dont blame you... i guess only time will tell if this is do able... as i get higher in stakes i might have to do more study....which may be difficult because iv never studyed much....
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 06:20 AM
Sounds good, subbed and looking forward to following! What brought you back to online after crushing live?
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 06:35 AM
subbed gl
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 07:12 AM
GL man!

It would be interesting to hear some more about what sorts of live games you crushed last year!
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 08:14 AM
Interesting, subbed and gl!
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 08:39 AM
im changing my plan of attack a little...played the 6max 200 normal games, and to be honest im going to learn quicker playing zoom, got crushed at 200 normal speed in first few 100 hands, and just felt out of my depth.... at zoom i dont level myself as much and just try to play closer to gto....

so heres how its going to go down....

still same hours per day..... but i will change how i move up....

zoom 100 bankroll 0-8000 in my first few week im just going to get feel of zoom thats why il play over rolled here for abit after that my bankroll requirements will be simlar to the old ones stated in first thread

zoom 100.. 0-4000
zoom 200.. 5000-20000
zoom 500.. 15000-50,000
zoom 1000.. 45000 and beyond....
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 08:55 AM
here are the results of the 5 months i played live as requested.... i was living in london (marble arch) at this point day gaming women on oxford street.... iv now moved away from london.... i was mainly playing the 1-2 deepstack games... so i would say this is crushing for mostly 1-2.... the train wreck at end was vs a guy from abidjan who basically just came along and made the games massive playing 5-10-20 and i lost 7k twice in 2 session.... some of my friends feared he had spotters in the room working with him to look at our cards.... anyway thats a learning curve and a lesson to always keep your cards down when playing live.... i happen to believe we werent cheated and just got owned by him playing a high varience game with limp 3 betting our iso raises then never folding post flop it was pritty insane to play against...
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 06:45 PM
overall today

6max on stars today,

i didnt quite reach my 8 hour grind goal 6 hour 44 but much longer then my standard day so quite happy with volume.... i might just add zoom in back ground over my bread and butter hu tmoz, and see how many hands i get in, man i just prefer hu so much more
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-10-2015 , 06:47 PM is shipping this turn a spaz?
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-11-2015 , 03:17 AM
Sick live results, Marble Arch is ideal for the Vic, is that where you played mostly?
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-12-2015 , 07:46 PM
No played In empire bud, this thread is not quite going to be what I originally stated .... I hate 6max bores the crap out of me.... Il play heads up till I die or live ...:-)
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-13-2015 , 03:42 AM
Full ring might make you die of boredom!
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-13-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Parsons Grinder
Full ring might make you die of boredom!
What do you plsy bud?
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
05-14-2015 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by golf
What do you plsy bud?
Micro online cash 6max, live usually 1/1 and 1/2 but have played up to 5/10 in London.
200-1000NL 6max by a heads up cash pro Quote
