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01-16-2015 , 05:33 PM
Guys, can you believe it? The Day 1 video for this challenge is ranked #25 on Youtube for "microstakes poker"!

That's almost 1st page on Youtube!!!

If we bump it up 5 more spots to number 20, it will be on the first page. So if you guys wanna help, there are a few simple things you can do to give it some juice. Below is a list in order of powerfulness. You can do one, some or all, whatever you want:

Go to the Day 1 Video:
1) Click subscribe
2) Share it on facebook, google plus, twitter
3) Comment
4) Like
5) Add it to a playlist
6) Let the video play through to the end
Basically, any time you watch one of these videos, interacting with it in any of those ways helps it gain popularity.

TBH I think the Day 1 video isn't that interesting. But it's the flagship. The Week 9 Video is climbing fast too because you guys commented, liked it, ect.

Thanks for your support and feedback everybody!
01-16-2015 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by flotothariva
BTW, I like your YouTube videos, keep it up. Perhaps some more live play or at least post-analysis of a recorded session?
Thanks for the suggestion Flo. Someone requested live play vids in a youtube comment too. Was that you?

I think it sounds fun. I would like to make some different kinds of videos, so maybe live play would be a nice change. I want to do instructional videos someday, but I'm not qualified or good enough yet for that.

I'm not sure what you mean by "post-analysis of a recorded session". Could you elaborate?
01-16-2015 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by evthealien
Thanks for the suggestion Flo. Someone requested live play vids in a youtube comment too. Was that you?

I think it sounds fun. I would like to make some different kinds of videos, so maybe live play would be a nice change. I want to do instructional videos someday, but I'm not qualified or good enough yet for that.

I'm not sure what you mean by "post-analysis of a recorded session". Could you elaborate?
No but I was talking about your HUD layout.

You have the right mindset for instructional videos I'd say. You speak clearly and your thoughts articulate well.

What I meant by post-analysis is a twist on live play commentary where you record a session playing without talking though hands in real time. Then you replay it and add in your thoughts afterwards. Can be an alternative if you wish to be able to pause the video to discuss key hands without missing any future ones while you're discussing another. Takes more time and effort obviously but can be very useful if you want to go deeper into each hand.
Either method would be interesting and fine though.
01-17-2015 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by flotothariva
You have the right mindset for instructional videos I'd say. You speak clearly and your thoughts articulate well.
Thanks Matt! Maybe when get better at poker, I'll do some of those vids.

Originally Posted by flotothariva
What I meant by post-analysis is a twist on live play commentary where you record a session playing without talking though hands in real time. Then you replay it and add in your thoughts afterwards. Can be an alternative if you wish to be able to pause the video to discuss key hands without missing any future ones while you're discussing another. Takes more time and effort obviously but can be very useful if you want to go deeper into each hand.
Either method would be interesting and fine though.
That sounds a lot better than straight up live play. I might do one of those then. Thanks for the suggestion.


If anybody else has video requests, suggestions, feedback, I wanna hear it. Lemme know
01-17-2015 , 04:32 PM
Ya I would love to see a session video! I would like to see some of your smaller pots in your weekly videos as well to see that side of your game. Maybe to highlight some of your flop aggression tendencies?
01-17-2015 , 05:10 PM
Hi like the youtube videos. Subscribed. Might see you at tables
01-19-2015 , 01:59 AM
Hey guys. I'm in Savannakhet, Laos now. Small border town with not much going on. There are a couple of casinos here, but NO POKER! Pretty lame casino man. Well, they did have 1 poker game, something like Norwegian 7 card stud. One of those crappy casino games where the house has a 5% edge and you can never win in the long run. I hate gambling, so I didn't play anything.

I had to come here to get a visa so I can stay in Thailand a little while longer. So I've been here a couple days. Laos people can speak Thai because most of their TV shows are Thai imports, so I can talk to people a bit here. Met some locals. Went to a circus. Fed some street dogs. Ate a fried cricket. It's frigging cold here. I didn't realize it would be cold and only came here with a couple t-shirts and shorts.

Just sitting in a cafe now, drinking a Beer Lao, waiting for my passport to comeback, hopefully with a visa on it. It's really nice having some down time, and getting some reading done. Reading Professional No Limit Holdem by Ed Miller and gang. I have a 12 hour bus ride coming up, so I'll be getting more reading in. I got I Robot audiobook by Isaac Asimov on my iPod. Some poker podcasts too.

When I get back to the 'kok (AKA Bangkok), I'll mash up the Week 10 Video.

Thanks for all the likes and comments on youtube guys!

Originally Posted by B52Bummer
Ya I would love to see a session video! I would like to see some of your smaller pots in your weekly videos as well to see that side of your game. Maybe to highlight some of your flop aggression tendencies?
Thanks for the feedback Bummer. Love hearing ideas from you guys.

All right well, looks like I'll be doing a live session video. You guys will get to see all the huge, embarrassing donk moves I do that I don't show in the weekly videos :P

Smaller pots in the weekly vids. That's a good idea. I'll try to choose a variety of hands, not just the easy monsters. Some common spots, tough spots, hard decisions, stuff like that.

Originally Posted by Declanisfolding
Hi like the youtube videos. Subscribed. Might see you at tables
Thanks a lot Mr. Folding! If you see me at the tables, take it easy on me okay!

Last edited by evthealien; 01-19-2015 at 02:23 AM.
01-19-2015 , 04:14 AM
Couple questions for all you guys:

Live session videos. What do you wanna see in a good live session video?
How long can you watch one before getting board and switching to porn? How many tiled tables can your eyes handle? I'm thinking 4 is the most, more than that and I can't see anything. Anything else that makes a live session video interesting for you? Or what bugs you about some live session vids?

Hand review videos. The $2 Challenge videos are under 10 minutes, so usually I cut out a lot of the hands I wanna show. If you guys find the hand reviews interesting or helpful, I could make separate hand review videos, if it looks like people wanna seem em. Let me know if you'd wanna see that. And what aspects of a hand review do you guys generally find the most helpful or interesting? Any examples that stick out in your memory?
01-19-2015 , 08:24 PM
As for the live session videos, I think 4 tables is fine but its likely to make your videos too long. If you can find a way to cut portions to the most interesting 15/20 mins or so that would be good.
But im sure there are people that will want to see longer full videos so maybe these can be done separately? Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work.
01-20-2015 , 05:46 PM
6tables 1hr videos for live sess
i like deep over analysis of hands in HH reviews-like how would u have played the hand differently from different positions and against diff player type what u did right and wrong in a hand irrespective of results etc

nice thread,gl
01-21-2015 , 07:31 AM
Thanks for the video suggestions #joggle0 and #lordofwhales.

@Lordofwhales, I like your suggestion for deep analysis. But maybe specifically for hand review videos. It might actually slow down a live session video if I talk for 5 minutes on a few hands, then it basically ends up being a hand review video. Or maybe no more than a minute on each hand. Thoughts?

More feedback from the quiet people is encouraged. Still deciding on the format to use.
01-21-2015 , 08:00 AM
yeah i meant it for HH videos only live sess u play as u normally wud
01-21-2015 , 11:51 AM
Week 10 ya'll. I went to Laos over the weekend. As a result, I didn't get much poker time. But still managed around 4K hands at NL5.

I played my A-game a bit more than normal this week. But did tilt a bit, or just made a few bad moves when I wasn't focused. I think I can do a lot better than this. Working on it.

We've been talking about aggression and my red line lately. I've put some aggressive play hands in this week's video. Hands were I go out of my way to push guys off their hands. Check it out. It's 10 minutes.

I'd love you here what you guys think of some of the hands in the video. Like questions why played them a certain way, or tell me how you would have played it differently. Comments here or on YouTube are welcome! As are "likes" and "subscribes" on the video's page. Keep me motivated.
+$28.59 - Profit from Week 10

12.9 bb/100 - Win Rate (not happy with this)

$235.99 - Balance to date

11.8% - Progress so far
Here are results from Week 10:

01-21-2015 , 08:24 PM
Hi Evan,

I think for the live play video, 4 tables should be the max for easier viewing as you mentioned. Or perhaps only 2-3 total with a zoom table to keep the hand rate flowing.
I think if you just play as you normally would a session and think out loud as you play should be the best way to communicate your thoughts on why you're doing each action. That should keep the action moving along without delving too deep and possibly falling behind on other future hands.
01-22-2015 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by flotothariva
Hi Evan,

I think for the live play video, 4 tables should be the max for easier viewing as you mentioned. Or perhaps only 2-3 total with a zoom table to keep the hand rate flowing.
I think if you just play as you normally would a session and think out loud as you play should be the best way to communicate your thoughts on why you're doing each action. That should keep the action moving along without delving too deep and possibly falling behind on other future hands.
Make sense, Flo. Appreciate the suggestions!
01-22-2015 , 12:12 PM
great have just inspired me to do my own PG&C thread.
keep up the good work and loving the vids
01-22-2015 , 06:46 PM
Great thread! Will be following. How long have you been in thailand? I'm canadian as well, moved to chiang mai to grind fulltime. I just got back from laos as well, got a double entry visa from vientiane. Did you get a double entry from savannakhet?
01-23-2015 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by crackdemaces
great have just inspired me to do my own PG&C thread.
keep up the good work and loving the vids
Thanks Crack. PM me your PGC thread when you start it.

Originally Posted by NL_Degen
Great thread! Will be following. How long have you been in thailand? I'm canadian as well, moved to chiang mai to grind fulltime. I just got back from laos as well, got a double entry visa from vientiane. Did you get a double entry from savannakhet?
Been in Thailand 10 years, but going back home soonish. I'd like to get better at poker and do that full time like you, but also I'm getting old and need to think long term. So I'll be going back to school and getting a career. Hopefully poker can be my part time job during school, although might be stressful.

Chiang Mai is really nice. I much rather live there than Bangkok.

Yup, a double entry from Savannakhet.
01-27-2015 , 12:37 PM
This week was tough. Lots of bad beats and bad flops. You know how it is. Having some personal problems lately and it's hard not to let it affect my game.

I know it's part of poker. It's variance. I want to be okay with it. And I can handle it for a while, continue playing my A game for the first half, or the whole session. But more than that and I get really frustrated and angry, then I start to make mistakes. I gotta learn how to deal with this better, as it will happen again, and I don't want to let it control my game.

Anyway, still up for the week, a tiny bit. Checkout the vid, there are a few surprising hands that will make your jaw drop. Here it is:

I love all the feedback you guys have been giving me. Comments here and on YouTube are welcome! As are "likes" and subscribes on the video's page.
+$8.58 - Profit from Week 11

4.6 bb/100 - Win Rate

$238.32 - Balance to date

11.9% - Progress so far
Goal for next week: Get better at setting goals :P

Here are results from Week 11:

I'm reading Professional No Limit Holdem by Ed Miller and gang. Did I say that before? Feels like I've already said that. It's pretty good. Most of it is pretty basic stuff, but it's nice to drill it in my brain. I'd like to read a more technical/advanced book next time, although maybe it's too early for that at NL5.
01-27-2015 , 12:48 PM
That's a sick orange line. But like you said, it's piker. I don't think there is anything wrong with reading more advanced stuff. It may not be as applicable but it's better to learn it before you move up than to try and adjust during.
01-28-2015 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by B52Bummer
That's a sick orange line. But like you said, it's piker. I don't think there is anything wrong with reading more advanced stuff. It may not be as applicable but it's better to learn it before you move up than to try and adjust during.
Good point Bum. I'm sold
01-28-2015 , 08:45 AM
skipped after the first posts, but wanted to say some things.

1. Yes, playing NL2 with 2$ is extremely dangerous, but it's not like anyone would cry about losing 2$.
2. If you actually go below 10$ I'd advise you to try out the Super Turbo 6max and 4max Nitros on 888, mainly the 0.10$ and 0.33$ games as they're super soft and even with 10/11% rake they're way easier than any game on stars.
3. Yes cash rake on 888 is way higher than on stars, which in return leaves all the fishes who don't care about rake and play for fun w/o any strategy on 888 rather than stars.
4. A good game on stars is the 990man hyper turbo for 0.02$ since they're rake free. Grind them for a day and you got your 2$ starting BR if you ever go almost broke.
5. 0.10$ 360man are also nice on stars, not as easy as the small 888 games, but def beatable.

GL to you
01-28-2015 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
skipped after the first posts, but wanted to say some things.

1. Yes, playing NL2 with 2$ is extremely dangerous, but it's not like anyone would cry about losing 2$.
2. If you actually go below 10$ I'd advise you to try out the Super Turbo 6max and 4max Nitros on 888, mainly the 0.10$ and 0.33$ games as they're super soft and even with 10/11% rake they're way easier than any game on stars.
3. Yes cash rake on 888 is way higher than on stars, which in return leaves all the fishes who don't care about rake and play for fun w/o any strategy on 888 rather than stars.
4. A good game on stars is the 990man hyper turbo for 0.02$ since they're rake free. Grind them for a day and you got your 2$ starting BR if you ever go almost broke.
5. 0.10$ 360man are also nice on stars, not as easy as the small 888 games, but def beatable.

GL to you
Interesting suggestions. Thanks! I've never played a real money fancy games with crazy names before. I think I'll check em out at some point. I find tournament style tilting so maybe after I improve my mental game and stuff.
01-28-2015 , 04:30 PM
I say stick with cash games given your current success for sure. Also, cash games get you a lot better playing deep stacked, which is very profitable.
01-28-2015 , 04:37 PM
GL OP. Glad to see your making success!
