Landed in Sacramento yesterday morning. Decided to head to Thunder Valley. I looked at the casino in downtown Sacramento but after block after block of homeless guys and people using upside down shopping carts as tables, I decided to try somewhere a little safer.
Thunder Valley is a pretty large casino northeast of Sacramento. Its kind of in the middle of nowhere which is ok with me.
The poker room is near the back of the casino and a pretty good walk from the parking lot. Walking through the smoke filled casino did wonders for my allergies but finally I made it to the check in desk where I was promptly told the 385 person tournament was tying up all the tables and probably would be for the next hour.
I put my name on the list for 2/5 and wandered to check out the table games. Craps is always a favorite of mine so I figured "why not?" when I saw a $5 craps table.
Apparently California has some sort of law against betting on the outcome of a roll of dice which is absurd but I digress. So it took me a little while to get the hang of the craps game I was part of.
In this version you roll a blue and red die but they aren't true die. They have six sides but they only have 1, 2 and 3 pips repeated on them. Once you roll they look at the color of the higher die and then they have two special decks of cards that are red and blue. These cards have numbers 2-12 on them just like if you rolled two real die. Whatever the card says is what you "actually" rolled. Lol California.
Anyway after a quick $65 I decided to play some single deck blackjack. I also had a little learning curve here as well as the dealer had to tell me just about every rule (only use one had to look at the cards, if you stand put them under your bet, no doubling except 9,10 and 11) I asked for a rule book at one point lol. I am used to shoe games so this was a little different.
I gave back all but $5 of my craps winning after hour and a half and decided there had to be a seat open by now. When I got back to the poker room, I had in fact been skipped and my phone didn't get their text. The manager just told me to head to an open seat anyway so off I went.
My table had lots of short stacks...$300, $200. One guy was in for $700 so I bought in for $505 (my normal 100 bbs plus my $5 in craps winnings haha).
I didn't play a lot of interesting hands but I have to give credit to the Crush Live Poker approach of bet-fold. Early on I played the following...
Villain (mid age Asian guy who seems pretty loose. Likes to call IP with almost anything)
Hero ( Havent played a hand yet so no real image) ($505....V covers)
V Limps.
Hero (K


) in CO. Raise to 20. V Calls. Pot is $45
Villain says "Check dark." Whenever I hear this I think I am never up against a big hand or even a pocket pair. Its always some sort of drawing hand imo.


I bet $20. V calls pretty quickly and says "check dark." Now I think he has a drawing hand for sure.
Pot is $75

(More equity and a reasonable card for me to barrel
I bet $50. He thinks for a moment and calls and says "check dark." lol
Pot is $175
I think for a moment and bet $105. V insta folds. No draws got there. He pretty much never has an Ace and my hand might have been good at showdown but I figured why not get a hand like 66-77 to fold? Anyway that was my thought process. Comments are welcome
The only other hand of note was the following....
UTG (late 20s guy, haven't seen him show down anything but hes called a good bit)
Raises to $10
MP Hero (TAG image I think at this point. Shown down a couple winners but folded a good bit) $500 effective


3 bet to 35
Villain Calls. Pot is $85


Villain is giving me the staredown like I am about to say something mean about his mom. He checks.
I decide to check to make a move on the turn if possible
Villain hasn't blinked for like 30 seconds now staring at me. He checks
(I think this is a good barrel card for a delayed Cbet. He cannot call without at least one high club and why wouldn't he lead if he had a hand like KQ with the K of clubs here? I think its pretty unlikely he has much here...maybe a small pair or some connector)
HERO bets $50. Villain folded so fast that he was literally almost to the entrance to the poker room walking away before I even knew he had folded.
It was a pretty uneventful day. Overall the aggression I am beginning to incorporate into my game mixed with my prev nut peddling is really starting to pay off. I don't feel like I have run particularly well or bad...just average.
I was listening to Bart talk to a caller and he was asking the guy why he bet in a certain situation. He reminded the caller that we bet for two reasons...value and to make a better hand fold. I use to just bet to bet thinking that's what I was supposed to do. Now I am putting much more thought into my bets, the sizing and when and its definitely paying off.
W/L: +93
Next trip report....the card rooms of central California