Just like with every word, meaning comes from how we define it. I'm sure spirituality can be defined in many different ways so I'll explain what it means for me.
Every religion has the same core that seems to be pointing towards one truth. Spirituality is the name of the search for that truth.
I remember in my very early ages I was always a curious kid, looking at the stars and wondering where all of this came from and why it existed.
What is this universe? What is this existence? What am I really? What's the purpose of all of this?
I kept asking and pondering throughout the years but eventually I figured that these questions are not possible to be answered so I just dropped them one by one and focused on what is actually important (or so I thought).
I used to be very obsessed with self improvement and personal development and read many books in many areas. Spirituality always seemed to me some nonsense brabbel that people were into when they lost their way. That might be perhaps because many dont really understand what it is and are really just brabbeling about nonsense and using it as an excuse, or are outright scamming with pretend spirituality.
It's pretty funny, after an amazing year or two, I pretty much found myself in a situation where everything was exactly the way I wanted it to be. I definitely felt happy but when thinking back of how I expected it to feel, it was kind of underwhelming. Life still felt like it always did. Taking a **** felt like taking a ****. Feeling tired felt like feeling tired. Being sick felt like being sick...
After a while I delved back into pondering about the mysteries of the universe, spend countless hours listening and reading the words of humanities great sages and even more hours thinking about them.
As mentioned earlier, I soon came to the realization that they all seemed to point in the same direction and I figured that this couldnt be a coincidence.
Naturally this led me to dig even deeper.
Fast forward a couple of months.
Now I'm here and I KNOW as a fact that it wasn't all just some nonsense brabbel, but there is in fact this one truth and there is nothing more worth pursuing.
I now KNOW that life, as we know it is imperfect, insatisfactory, and Im not stating from a pessimistic point of view, but it simply cant be otherwise due to the impermanent nature of duality.
I now KNOW that there is a way out of this. "The end of suffering" according to Buddha or "salvation" in Jesus' terms.
I now KNOW that there is no self. The false sense of self that makes you feel like a you are merely five aggregates that you identify with.
I now KNOW that you are what I am, the whole universe.
I now KNOW that everything is empty. And you will have a hard time understanding this from a non-pessimistic POV, because you imagine emptiness from a dualistic POV, as the opposite of fullness. I'm talking about nondualistic emptiness, which does not have an opposite.
I now KNOW that enlightenment is attainable, and not just reserved for the Buddhas of this world. I also KNOW that nirvana is the most unbelievably indescribable ..............................
That's enough for this time. I have a hard time writing about this because I know how it comes across since I was on the other end of these kind of texts/lectures and was just wondering what stuff the guy took. But yeah, Id consider myself an extremely rational/reasonable character so take it for what its worth. For me personally, I am 100% dedicated and commited to having enlightenment as my primary purpose.
Originally Posted by Silentb0b
Any other good book recommandations?
The power of now is extremely good for beginners, and helped me alot in getting started. Later on youll notice that there are perhaps some small misunderstandings, but dont worry about that for now.
Originally Posted by psek1
I've been playing poker for fun and these are results since I started being more serious about spirituality.
I find that I enjoy poker much more, have no mentalgame issues or tilt whatsoever, and also play surprisingly well.
Latest results, most volume last 30 days. Started battling some 1knl shorthanded towards the end
Also been doing alot of coaching lately, enjoy seeing students reach their goals.
Peace out and much love as always
Last edited by CRAIBaby; 08-14-2018 at 07:58 AM.