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1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' 1k vpp/day ''almost supernova''

10-25-2013 , 01:04 PM
Hey there ,

Since no one know me around here gonna write a little bit about myself .
My name is Abel, I'm 23 years old Hungarian living in Romania, we're a pretty ''huge'' minority over here, you might heard of Transilvania, so world wars , Germans , Russians , you all know the story, still it's not all that pleasant to live here, Romanians hate you for some reason , and Hungarians call you Romanians for also some unknown reason .. Graduated as a Marketing specialist at a not so famous university, don't think i'll ever use my diploma , but over here for some reason everyone has to have one.

Back in 1998 lost my father, my mom raised me and my sister on her own , which wasn't easy , but we grew up , and turned out great So here we get to 2013. It's been my worst year of my life , i lost my sister back in may , to some aggressive cancer type/tumor, (didn't find the translation for that , its the thingy in the back of the organs which holds the organs? or something like that, we still didn't get the written diagnosis , even tho they're legally obligated to provide it in 3 months). Had plans of moving elsewhere in a chance of a happier life, but with this tragedy those are vanished , my only goal now is to provide some ''happiness'' to my mom , to take her to Russia one time (she's a Hungarian/Russian teacher/retired tho, on pension for quite some time now) , she's eager to see Moscow and Pettersburg, and also to at least free her from thinking about the money (for some comparison, she's pension isn't enough to pay our gas bill)

Sorry for the wall of text , this is gonna be my first blog ever,so i thought gonna write a bit about my life. SKIP THE FIRST PART IF YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT POKER RELATED


Been playing for like 2.5 years , around all the networks , you won't have much trouble figuring out my stars screen name, was playing the highest back in 2011 on 888 nl200 FR , bought a car , hit a downswing , had to start all over again, played a lot on stars nl25, with decent amount of profit ,but due to a lot of cash outs couldn't move up enough to never move down again , it was up and down for a while , but now it seems that i did catch a break and if i run well enough i won't have to drop stakes again.

My main poker goal is to reach supernova this year , haven't been playing a lot of poker this year so i'm only at 44k vpps , so i need roughly 1k/day , grinding nl50 , that's almost 6k hands every single day , started it 6 days ago ,everything is smooth right now , the reason im writing this blog is the hope that this one keeps me motivated even through the downswings

Something for the eyes
nl25 regular tables

nl25 zoom

nl50 zoom
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-25-2013 , 02:15 PM
gl mate, sorry to hear about that tragedy.. unfortunately nothing we can do. keep going, nice results.
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-25-2013 , 02:57 PM
Din ceea ce spui se pare ca esti din Cluj (ca si mine). Si eu joc mult 25nl si poate ne-am mai intalnit pe la mese. Ma aflu in aceeasi situatie privind cursa catre supernova desi am un avans fata de tine. Daca vrei sa mai discutam o mana ceva adauga-ma pe skype, am acelasi ID ca si aici. Bafta in ceea ce ti-ai propus!
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-25-2013 , 04:36 PM
gl, hope to see some cool pictures of Russia soon
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-25-2013 , 06:24 PM
hey , thanks guys for stepping by

@alex , o sa-ti dau add , dar cand am timp ma joc , sunt din satu mare

Volume vise it's been a great day , reached my goal (1kvpp)
Profit vise , ain't that sad about that either , was pretty tired playing my last 3k hands or so , spewed some.. so it's no biggie

1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-25-2013 , 07:24 PM
Hey I think we've spoke before (this,is pleno) but those graphs looks pretty sick. What's ur winrate?
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-26-2013 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Hey I think we've spoke before (this,is pleno) but those graphs looks pretty sick. What's ur winrate?
Hey Pleno , yeah we did , regular tables was around 11-2-3 bb , that's the only graph i have left from that database , zoom 25 was around 8, 50 was around 10 as well , but went do to 8 due to high volume , playin nitty/tired , think it'll go down a bit more , but it's still fine
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-26-2013 , 01:47 AM
good luck, sick results. Sorry about such a bad year. I have been in a similar situation, so I understand your motivation. Glgl.
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-26-2013 , 02:37 AM
Hey, are you grinding 4 tables of 50NL Zoom to meet your goal?
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-26-2013 , 04:02 AM
Will be following, I play 50nl zoom too.
GL, except vs me
1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
10-26-2013 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by zencro
Hey, are you grinding 4 tables of 50NL Zoom to meet your goal?

not going to well this morning , still got a bit back from the beats

    Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20208531

    BTN: $56.42 (112.8 bb)
    SB: $79.98 (160 bb)
    Hero (BB): $50.50 (101 bb)
    UTG: $43.66 (87.3 bb)
    MP: $48.50 (97 bb)
    CO: $103.23 (206.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with A K
    UTG raises to $1.50, MP calls $1.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $7, UTG calls $5.50, MP folds

    Flop: ($15.75) 8 3 7 (2 players)
    Hero bets $7.50, UTG calls $7.50

    Turn: ($30.75) 3 (2 players)
    Hero checks, UTG bets $29.16 and is all-in, Hero calls $29.16

    River: ($89.07) T (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $89.07 pot ($2.50 rake)
    Final Board: 8 3 7 3 T
    Hero showed A K and won $86.57 ($42.91 net)
    UTG showed Q J and lost (-$43.66 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    yeah , you still don't have the balls do you?

      Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20208541

      BTN: $65.96 (131.9 bb)
      SB: $40.18 (80.4 bb)
      Hero (BB): $55.96 (111.9 bb)
      UTG: $60.46 (120.9 bb)
      MP: $52.81 (105.6 bb)
      CO: $40.79 (81.6 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BB with K A
      3 folds, BTN raises to $1.50, SB calls $1.25, Hero raises to $7, BTN calls $5.50, SB folds

      Flop: ($15.50) 2 2 T (2 players)
      Hero bets $7.50, BTN raises to $15, Hero calls $7.50

      Turn: ($45.50) T (2 players)
      Hero checks, BTN checks

      River: ($45.50) 8 (2 players)
      Hero checks, BTN bets $26, Hero calls $26

      Results: $97.50 pot ($2.50 rake)
      Final Board: 2 2 T T 8
      BTN showed 6 5 and lost (-$48 net)
      Hero showed K A and won $95 ($47 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      can i rep a set here?

        Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #20208551

        BTN: $59.14 (118.3 bb)
        SB: $39.99 (80 bb)
        Hero (BB): $52.75 (105.5 bb)
        UTG: $63.04 (126.1 bb)
        MP: $24.25 (48.5 bb)
        CO: $110.80 (221.6 bb)

        Preflop: Hero is BB with A K
        UTG raises to $1.75, 2 folds, BTN calls $1.75, SB folds, Hero raises to $7.50, UTG folds, BTN calls $5.75

        Flop: ($17) 7 6 J (2 players)
        Hero bets $8, BTN raises to $16, Hero calls $8

        Turn: ($49) 7 (2 players)
        Hero checks, BTN bets $32.75, Hero calls $29.25 and is all-in

        River: ($107.50) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

        Results: $107.50 pot ($2.50 rake)
        Final Board: 7 6 J 7 7
        BTN mucked Q A and lost (-$52.75 net)
        Hero showed A K and won $105 ($52.25 net)

        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-27-2013 , 04:58 AM
        Saturday was far too long , did almost 1.5k vpps, so volume wise was excelent , however i ran pretty bad , played pretty bad , so lost a bunch of stacks

        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-29-2013 , 02:27 AM
        My last two days were a little bit too ''swingy'' for my taste , still , made 2.2k vpps, so if I keep doing it at this rate , might catch a break at the end.

        Also what do you guys think , how though is 100 zoom? got around 70k hands now on 50 , winning for about 6bb , and had a bit of a DS in between for 30k hands or so , i think i could maintain around 7-8-9 at 50.

        If i'd be winning at 4bb on 100 , that would still be way better then 8-9 on 50 , also i do get 3bb ''win rate'' only from the rake , paying around 8bb on fiddy , and only 5bb on 100.
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-29-2013 , 02:33 AM
        gl, sorry to hear about your family issues
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-29-2013 , 03:54 AM
        Hey man, im really sorry to hear what happened to you. I think at 50nl you wont have a problem reaching supernova if you just keep a somewhat normal schedule. Good luck at the tables! (just not against me haha(ok, we can chop running it twice))
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-29-2013 , 03:59 AM
        Originally Posted by theproksa
        Hey man, im really sorry to hear what happened to you. I think at 50nl you wont have a problem reaching supernova if you just keep a somewhat normal schedule. Good luck at the tables! (just not against me haha(ok, we can chop running it twice))
        Oh hey there , unfortunately don't have that turned on , how's zoom treating you ? remember you from back in the days nl25FR i guess?
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-29-2013 , 04:16 AM
        Originally Posted by imbahness
        Oh hey there , unfortunately don't have that turned on , how's zoom treating you ? remember you from back in the days nl25FR i guess?
        I didnt play much fr, i always found it too boring. But we played a bunch of 6m together and I remember you, KLSmoothy and GarikUA to be one of the more solid guys (I know Im a spew monkey so you might have that noted heh). I still play more regular tables nowadays, but i like to just chill at zoom when i get sick of opening/closing tables so we might see each other a little more often
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-29-2013 , 04:36 AM
        yeah that KLSmoothy guy was a pain in the ass indeed .., no bad notes on you, you were quite solid back then, the one spewing is me im afraid how are the regular tables compared to zoom btw? (had a way better win rate on them , but needed too much table selection, ended up switching)
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-30-2013 , 04:44 AM
        Originally Posted by imbahness
        yeah that KLSmoothy guy was a pain in the ass indeed .., no bad notes on you, you were quite solid back then, the one spewing is me im afraid how are the regular tables compared to zoom btw? (had a way better win rate on them , but needed too much table selection, ended up switching)
        To be honest I find them both pretty soft atm, dont know if its ego speaking but there sure is money to be made. I honestly cant believe it took me so long to break into those games. I guess reg tables are a bit softer cuz you know, fish dont leave the table after one hand, developing dynamics with regs, etc..
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-30-2013 , 02:26 PM
        Hey OP,

        I opened this because I thought the title was "1vpp/day" lol

        Read it all anyway - really desperately sorry to hear about the horrible tragedies in your life.
        I hope that you find happiness for you and your mum with whatever goal you choose.

        Gl getting supernova and gl at the tables

        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        10-31-2013 , 04:44 AM
        failed a bit on the volume department the last 2 days , first was around 700 vpp's , and the second around 800 , still , last weekend was doing 1.2-3-4k days , so nothing to worry about.

        I'm really really happy with my play for the last couple of days , haven't been running too well , still kept my cool, (which is rare ) my nonsd didn't suffer , and WWSF was still all right , gonna post a monthly result graph this evening , till then this was my wednesday

        Don't rly care about the EV, still it's good to know that i wasn't all that ******ed with my leveling..
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        11-01-2013 , 01:07 PM
        finished the month with a nice profit , around 3.7k with RB , could've been way better , but i've been break even for the last 40k hands or so , still running bad , but i it'll end sooner or later , at least not going into minus , for some reason my hem got bugged , my database went up to 400gb, no bad sectors , so it's hem bug for sure, so im reinstalling postgress and hem as well, and lets hope i won't have to format, anybody had the same ?
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        11-05-2013 , 02:28 AM
        Was kinda busy the last couple of days, as soon as i finished grinding did immediately toss myself into bed, been to tired to post updates.

        So poker wise it's going good , did hit a pretty big downswing , still not worried , i'm glad that i'm having the volume needed. Also despite running bad my game didn't change that much , bluffing less, trying to avoid big pots. The sad part is that i still cannot play tiltless, it doesn't affect me as it did before, but i'm making a lot of bad calls (bad i mean when u have your cursor on the call button, already knowing that u're so stupid, and should never ever call it)

        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        11-07-2013 , 01:17 PM
        it seems i'm back on track, not going super awesome , but at least i don't get coolered by everyone. Got 6.2k vpps so far which is allright , had to sort out my hem , and also had a huge hangover one day, so if i put in 1k more on week ends it should be more then enough.

        this month so far:

        Also trying to build a new sleep schedule, read a little about the topic, and it seems that 4 hours of sleep could be the same as 8+hours, trying to sleep from 10-2, which should be better then the usual midnight till 7-8.It's weird since i don't think i ever slept at 10 in the last couple of years, still i feel more rested this way, would also like to try to take 3-4 separate naps a day , like 1 hour each , but im struggling falling a sleep , any tips for that (no pills obv) music or some non alcoholic beverages?
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
        11-07-2013 , 02:58 PM
        Sorry to hear that, hope you do well!
        1k vpp/day ''almost supernova'' Quote
