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00 staking---->K by 2013 00 staking---->K by 2013

05-19-2012 , 04:09 PM
One of our players satellited into the UKIPT Dublin event before playing for us. I bought 5% of him from my personal money (so not associated with the group), and hes still in on day three with 58 left. First place pays 100K pounds. He's got just under 100K chips, with average being around 150K. They'll play to the final table tomorrow-hopefully he's still alive .
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:35 AM

Back in the black during the weekend. glad to finally see that lol.

The horse who was in the UIKPT ended up taking I think 49th. Not a bad showing imo...
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
05-22-2012 , 05:59 PM
Deleted the last few posts and asked Razz to knock it off - please LMK (report post) if he comes back with more of the same.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
05-22-2012 , 06:18 PM
Just had a few questions. I know somebody asked you earlier, but I was wondering how you handled the money. How do you send / receive money if you are in the US? I know you said you got a partner which helped with the issues. I assume he is not from the US. I was wondering if you could explain your operation a little or how it would work if it was just you and you are in the US. Its an interesting topic to me.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
05-22-2012 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Deleted the last few posts and asked Razz to knock it off - please LMK (report post) if he comes back with more of the same.

thank you

Originally Posted by D0UGHBOY
Just had a few questions. I know somebody asked you earlier, but I was wondering how you handled the money. How do you send / receive money if you are in the US? I know you said you got a partner which helped with the issues. I assume he is not from the US. I was wondering if you could explain your operation a little or how it would work if it was just you and you are in the US. Its an interesting topic to me.
I'd find a way to make it work if it way only me. Paypal would be helpful, along with the connections I've built up over the years outside of the country.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
05-25-2012 , 02:20 PM

Obviously glad with the profit for the past few days, but the lack of volume is somewhat disappointing. We're getting about 150 games a day between 6 players, and most of that is one or two people. Have to start somewhere though.

We also just started talking to a contact from, and we'll be getting all of our players one month subscriptions to the site. Really don't see any downside to it. Just have to hope the players utilize the tools being given to them.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
05-28-2012 , 12:11 AM

weekend graph. Some really good volume by a few of the guys, but a few others are still lacking significantly. very good day by the guy in the pink today, 200 games and like $500 profit at the 2.50/180s so I'm happy with that.

We also had a few good applicants come our way finally. Hopefully we get on the same page and can sign some more of them. Need to get some new blood in our chat room.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
06-01-2012 , 03:25 AM

Graph since monday

Added a seventh guy this past week, and added an 8th today. Supposedly the 8th guy will be putting up between 5 and 10K games this months playing HU hypers. If he can manage that, I'll be pretty damn happy. I'm expecting a lot of volume from a few of the guys this month-I'm looking for somewhere around 18K from the 7 of them.

One problem might be that one of our players punched his laptop today because it kept freezing on him. Apparently, he thought that punching it would lead to it unfreezing. Turns out it didn't.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
06-05-2012 , 12:24 AM
will you stake me? I've never made a mistake playing poker before so I think I'd be a good fit. I could teach your players a lot about the game, too.
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
06-05-2012 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by JaChinaman
will you stake me? I've never made a mistake playing poker before so I think I'd be a good fit. I could teach your players a lot about the game, too.
funny part is that this may not be a joke
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
06-05-2012 , 06:16 AM
Stake me! Stake me! I know what beats what... 2 pair beats a pair, a straight beats a flush, etc. Let's get rich together!
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
06-05-2012 , 12:31 PM
pretty sure the first guy is serious

Mr Wiggles is a troll/gimmick though of course
00 staking---->K by 2013 Quote
06-06-2012 , 12:34 AM

First 5 days of the month. On pace for 15K games. Hoping for closer to 20K, and I think its doable.

The green line was pretty exciting/frustrating. He shipped a $2 tournament Saturday night for just under $700 at like 5AM his time, and then on Sunday, after not sleeping (I didn't know this until late in the day) loaded up a long MTT session. Typically, he plays 3.50/7 45s and $2 MTTs, but will play a decent selection of bigger tournaments on Sundays. He asked me right when I woke up if he could play the big 22 (hint:right when I found out that he had hit the biggest score of the team to date) and I said yes.

X amount of hours in and he had 1 Million chips with 45 or so left. He was playing decent/running well. 22K up top. He lost a hand and was knocked down to about 600K with 35 or so left, with about 35-40BBs and in 17th or so. He ended up getting it all in vs a stack that covered him and lost...AKo<AKo. Very frustrating way for him to win about $300.

As I talked about with my partner for a bit, 22K (so 11K for each of us) would have set us forward 2-3 months at the very least. Back to the drawing board-it will come soon enough.

All in all, Junes started out fairly well based solely on those scores. Once things turn around for the others (some of which it already has), it should end up being a very good month for us.
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-06-2012 , 12:43 AM
interesting read so far, just wondering how many partners do you have? and are you also coaching ur stakes or just giving them a roll to grind with?
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-06-2012 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by pontylad
interesting read so far, just wondering how many partners do you have? and are you also coaching ur stakes or just giving them a roll to grind with?
Only 1 partner ATM.

As far as coaching, I'm pretty involved at the moment. For whatever reason, I really don't have the motivation to grind merge ATM, so almost all of my poker related time is going to this. It also hurts my playing that my schedule at this point isn't consistent with a lot of random running around, so I can't really load up an MTT schedule.

But anyways, back to the coaching question. I don't think there has been a day since May 1st that I haven't gone over atleast 1 hand history/1 live rail with a player. I may not know everything about the game, but I feel like I offer some of the smaller stakes players a lot of information. It also helps (in my opinion) to have someone who is almost always around to talk about hands or even just shoot the **** about how your days going. I feel like/hope that that builds trust in the players. I'm pretty loyal (almost to a fault), and I hope that the players pick up on it because I think it's huge for a player to feel like they have someone else rooting for them on their grind.
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-06-2012 , 04:32 PM
I've decided to write about one of our most profitable (yet frustrating) horses. I asked him if it was fine if I wrote this and he said it was cool, so I'm going to give it a go. I'm not going to mention his name, so from here on out I will call him "Pat".

Pat was one of the first guys we signed. He didn't have a ton of results or even a ton of games played-only 500 ()-and didn't have a reference, but well talk to just about any applicant that has a positive ROI. After talking to him, my partner and I had a fairly long discussion on if we wanted to add him. Obviously he had the downfalls mentioned above, but he also had pretty good numbers playing 3.50 45 mans, which is ultimately what he signed on for.

The first two weeks or so with Pat on the team was...interesting. I think every night I would get on my headset, load up mikogo, and watch him play for 2-3 hours. We would discuss any spots that would come up (after he made his decision, of course) and talk about any alternative lines that could be taken with certain hands in certain spots.

The frustration started to sink in when I realized that Pat thought he was the best poker player to ever grace the felt. He was (and is) a good/profitable player, and is a player that I think can potentially make a living off of the game in the future, but he also had some pretty big leaks in his game. A typical conversation between the two of us would go something like this:

Flop comes up 92K rainbow, Pat has AQ. Pot is 1200, Pat open shoves flop for 2400.

Me:Why are we shoving 2xPSB on that board? What do we expect him to call that we beat?
Pat:I didn't want him to outdraw me.
Me:What do you expect him to call that we beat or fold that we lose to?
Pat: It was the best play. I know what I'm doing.
Me:What do you expect him to call that we beat or fold that we lose to?
Pat: I'm awesome at poker and have made more money that all your players combined (not even close to the case, for the record)

This was essentially a nightly conversation over various spots-me trying to point out certain (obvious) leaks that make no mathematical sense, but every night he was running well and making money.

Anyways, I ended up getting more and more frustrated by his ego (which I've told him time and time again is his biggest leak, as has a bunch of the guys in the group chat).

The most frustrating thing about it is that I really do think he can make a **** ton of money if he would work on his game more and admit to being wrong like once in his life-I don't think its been done. However, another thing I've noticed with him is that he will say he's right, say he's right, say he's right...but then the next time the spot comes up, he will make a line suggested by either myself or another player in our group chat. So I do think he is improving, but it's always a struggle.

Another thing with him is that he ALWAYS wants to take shots/move up. I think he asks me an average of 7-8 times a day if he can play a tournament that he's not rolled for/move up in SnGs. Adding him right before SCOOP didn't help, either, because he wanted to take every shot possible.

One of the first things he told me is that he thinks his biggest leak is his BRM. I'm starting to agree with him. I'm to the point where I don't even really consider most of his requests do to the volume of them. On top of that, the one thing I hope he gains out of this stake is a little bit of a better appreciation of BRM. He was never consistent with his game selection before joining us, and his stats showed it (this includes one like 1K score and then a huge drop off at high stakes):

516 $0.3 $7 9% $155 - N/A PokerStars 1/4/2010 4/19/2012
Looking back, I'm not sure why we even signed him lol.

His stats since joining looks much better imo:

2,393 $0.84 $4 29% $2,009 Tilt N/A PokerStars 4/20/2012 6/6/2012

(note, I wanted to put a graph up because it better represents the points I'm making, but its not working for some reason)

We've been slowly moving him into the 7/45s from the 3.50s. He'll more than likely only be playing those by the end of the month.

Anyways, there really wasn't much point to this other than discussing possibly the biggest difficulty with this group so far. He knows this, and he knows I think this, and he's fine with me posting it, so I really don't feel bad talking about it.

Hopefully he can start to accept the fact that he's not as good as he thinks he is (who is?) and can take advantage of the benefits we offer our players. I could go on and on about more stories about him (he's the one who punched his laptop), but it's already tl;dr, so I'm going to cut it off short...
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-07-2012 , 02:53 AM
What is ur staking roll right now?
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-07-2012 , 10:44 AM
I am the best eva=}

00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-07-2012 , 03:18 PM
If you could describe the perfect candidate for your stable what would they look like on paper?

Obviously taking people on that are similar in experience and play at the levels already within your stable.
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-07-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Twistedd
What is ur staking roll right now?
Sorry, I really don't want to answer this now that I have a partner. Its more than I started with and I'm on pace for the 25K, will update with an actual number when I hit it

Originally Posted by CChinaman
I am the best eva=}


Originally Posted by hotwings18
If you could describe the perfect candidate for your stable what would they look like on paper?

Obviously taking people on that are similar in experience and play at the levels already within your stable.
Interesting question.

I would say someone who (obviously) beats the game he plays. Someone who puts in a **** ton of volume. Someone who understands his capabilities as a player and wants to improve his game. Someone who will help other players improve their game. Someone who doesn't want to move up after 100 games and thinks its a suitable sample size. Someone who doesn't bitch about beats.

Probably in roughly that order. The first two are probably the biggest two things, atleast at this point. I can deal with the other things, but the volume/winning are huge.
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-07-2012 , 08:16 PM
I just like to add, My game has improved 10 fold since I joined the stable last month with all the coaching and going over hand historys within the group. I still have so much to learn and my volume needs some work but I feel On track to be a successful player thanks to joining team Teeej.
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-08-2012 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by thess123

Supposedly the 8th guy will be putting up between 5 and 10K games this months playing HU hypers.
I hope so

Been playing lots of Bioshock II lately online. That **** is addicting when you mow as hard as I do. I just got accused of cheating by someone for the first time today. 3>

Last edited by MrWiggles; 06-08-2012 at 06:13 AM. Reason: Gimmick account obv
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-10-2012 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by YouBenBeat
I just like to add, My game has improved 10 fold since I joined the stable last month with all the coaching and going over hand historys within the group. I still have so much to learn and my volume needs some work but I feel On track to be a successful player thanks to joining team Teeej.
you're games going to keep improving because you're one of the ones who works at it

Originally Posted by MrWiggles
I hope so

Been playing lots of Bioshock II lately online. That **** is addicting when you mow as hard as I do. I just got accused of cheating by someone for the first time today. 3>

you're never going to hit that volume with that stupid game!!!
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-10-2012 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by thess123
you're never going to hit that volume with that stupid game!!!
I know but I can't say no. It's like crack to me.
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
06-10-2012 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWiggles
I know but I can't say no. It's like crack to me.
So it talking about you all in EV
00 staking----&gt;K by 2013 Quote
