I guess i should start with introductions:
My story is not all that interesting and quite classic story of kid with a dream.
I am 22 (this July) finished high school couple of years ago tried going to faculty didn't work out... At the moment I am working on one of local televisions as tv director ( i think thats right title).
Found poker 2 years ago played live for some time then tried online failed multiple times then i decided to try seriously couple of months ago managed to crawl my way to 10nl and then 2 weeks ago i lost a will to play.. hence this thread. I will be playing 10nl zoom on stars with occasional tourney here and there...
I am writing this hoping it will keep me motivated to continue. Setting goals here and there trying to keep on grinding.
-Find a coach (this is done, but it was one of my goals).
-Making it to 100nl by the end of the year.
-Watching at least 1 poker video / day.
Finally -Earn and get good enough so I can move out of my parents place and move out of Serbia.
Couple of ending words: I never really considered myself to be great writer but I will try to update this thread and keep it as interesting as I can. I will be shooting 25nl when graph reaches 250$. So GLHF
Yesterdays graph: