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k month playing  hu sng k month playing  hu sng

07-01-2010 , 09:10 AM
As says in the title, aiming for a 10k month playing $55 hu sng on stars...

my biggest issue I think is that I hop around different games a lot...

I mean, last month I started out playing HU sngs before moving and playing $12-$27 45 & 180 mans.

Had good results in both.

Only made 3k profit last month playing just over 1k games, but that isn't too much.

Had quite a busy month where I took at least 8 days off poker aswell.

This month could turn out to be the same, girlfriend graduates on the 14th so I'm going to be away and not playing on the 13th 14th and 15th which isn't gonna help my quest.

I did a quite calculation and figured I gotta earn about $350 a day which isn't too bad, however taking the days away is gonna be a kick in the balls.

Suppose a couple of 500+ days will help though.

Will keep updates more for me than anyone else but support appreciated

I should add this includes bonuses etc but only have 65k vpps atm for year or there abouts.
07-01-2010 , 09:17 AM
Goodluck ...
07-01-2010 , 12:16 PM
Well, I'm done playing for the day and my account has me up $382 which is a great start... sharkscope says

45 $9 $55 15% $383

for some reason it isn't letting me print screen... weird :S any idea's why that might be?

Like I said before target was $322.5 a day to hit 10k so I'm up already.

Today bumps my average down to $310 a day.

Decent start even though I dont think I ran paticularly great
07-02-2010 , 06:05 AM
Keep us updated! I'm going to follow it.
07-02-2010 , 08:07 AM
didn't know it was even possibles, keep us updated and GL !
07-02-2010 , 08:17 AM
like that! gl man
07-02-2010 , 08:26 AM
glgl. Sounds hard but possible.
07-02-2010 , 12:31 PM
Well I'm done playing for today, think things are going really well.

Was a really slow start though, I probably dropped about 4 buy ins. I always start out with 2 tables til I get into the swing of things and then add extra usually playing 3 or 4. So it took a while before I started playing 3 tables becuz I wanted to get back even for the day first.

The last 1 & 1/2 hours of play went really good though, winning 10 of my last 12 games.

Sharkscope has me up $350 today which seems about right.

I still cant seem to manage to crt - prtscn and copy into paint...

Anyone have ideas as to how I can get a screenshot of my SS stats in here?

Anyway heres todays stats

36 $10 $55 17% $350

and for the month

81 $9 $55 16% $733

A pretty decent start.

I've now bumped my average down even more to $319 a day... (I think thats right :S)

Must have made a mistake yesterday to end up with $310.

But anyways, $300 a day when playing less than 50 games a day I'm happy with.

Still not running brilliantly, but a few good $500+ days will really bump me up.
07-02-2010 , 01:40 PM

seriously press the [print screen] or [prt sc] touch and paste ([ctrl]+[v]) in ms paint or something, save upload and put it here
07-02-2010 , 02:22 PM
ya I tried that but still not working :S


Edit - I got it... I had "F lock" on.

Will start posting screenshots from now on
07-03-2010 , 11:38 AM
July 3rd - Day 3 of my quest

Decent day. I say decent, I mean really decent.

Saturday and Sunday are usually my days off and if I play I usually play low volume, around 20 games or so. And the thing is, I usually have great results. Especially just mucking around for a couple hours on saturday instead of my usual 5-6 hour days.

And today's been no different. It's given me a significant boost and I'm well on my way after my first day around $500 this month.

Anyway, here's the SS for today and overall for the month at the top.

Pretty decent day, and a very decent ROI, think i lost like 7 games.

And total up to $1,223 now which mean I need $8,777 over 28 days which is just $313 a day now.

Shouldn't be too hard. I don't expect to have many, if any losing days. Honestly, over my heads up career I think I could count my losing days on both hands (this is taking away the $115s). $55s and below are just way too easy.
07-03-2010 , 02:04 PM
i love ur goal, keep us updated

nice work so far!
07-03-2010 , 02:13 PM
really nice job so far keep it up!!!
07-03-2010 , 11:13 PM
very inspiring as im trying to grind up the stakes... Good job!
07-04-2010 , 10:57 AM
Day 4 - July 4th

Well today turned into more of a grind than it should've been. It was horrible. I still profited but ended up getting really frustrated towards end of the session and ending about 4 buy ins down from my peak. Still, it keeps the challenge ticking up.

I ran into a load of donks that just seemed to catch their 2 pairs vs my overpair and gutshots etc which made me pretty sick, so seemed like a good spot to end my day. Played way more than I anticipated, and my ROI is quite a dismal 5% but meh... like I say, keeps me going on my way to 10k and still over my starting average.

So now I'm at $8,607 required over 27 days for $318 a day average.

I'm really gonna try tomorrow to get to over 2k for the month as that would really help. Obviously not gonna be easy but if i concentrate, play my A game and put in some volume its not impossible.
07-04-2010 , 11:03 AM
good luck OP I hope you can handle playing 3k+ games in a month
07-04-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by JSpazz
good luck OP I hope you can handle playing 3k+ games in a month
so pesimistic
07-05-2010 , 03:07 PM
Day 5 - July 5th

Todays been totally ****. I've ran like crap from start to finish and god knows how i've ended up + for the day.

Judging from that obv you can tell I didn't hit my 2k goal. In fact, I didnt even get close and my ROI was a dismal 2%.

I played over 120 games today aswell and now I have a headache. Sigh... I suppose the only light that I can take is that I should start running decent some time soon.

Totally whack day, but meh... things can get better surely.

Edit - On the plus side, nearly at my 70kvpp $100 bonus and as I pointed out I'm counting bonuses etc towards it too... also got 18k vpps so might play some of the 280 hyper turbo sattys or the 4 mans to refresh myself before starting out tomorrow.

So I need $8,477 over 26 days for $326 a day average... thats rocketed up so I could do with a $10bi + day tomorrow. Really really wanna hit 2k... if I dont things could be looking pretty bad already.
07-05-2010 , 07:23 PM
What is your ~hourly? nice blog, subscribing.
07-06-2010 , 07:25 AM
I've been playing pro for 3 years and never once have I considered my hourly...

I started out playing MTTs and an hourly isn't really easy to put your finger on in them I suppose, but as I moved over to SNGs, starting with 6 max, moving on to 45 and 180 mans I suppose I should've given it more consideration...

hmmmm... suppose I can kinda figure it out for the $55 hu though.

So far during this, lets say I play 8 games an hour with 9% roi... so thats

$39.60 an hour by my reckoning... I could have done the math wrong though.
07-06-2010 , 01:15 PM
Day 6 - July 6th

Another total grind today...

It seems that I start out really well and then mid session tend to **** up... something i'm not particularly sure how to combat.

I've definitely been up over $500 profit for the day today and then dropped a few again which has been really frustrating... that was the point when I dropped some, mid session.

Ended reasonably well though and have a decent profit and a relatively standard ROI today.

And I still havent hit my 2k goal either but i'm pretty close so I'm happy I suppose. I could really do with some good $500+ days though as the 3 days I'm away next week are majorly gonna take there toll on my challenge.

Very close to my $100 bonus for 70kvpps now so I suppose that will help... and I'm really confused as to wether or not to use my FPPs as the title of this is 10k playing $55 hu sng but like I said in the original post, I did intend to count bonuses towards it.

I think that if I'm close around the 29th I'll probably use them to bounce it up a bit more.

$1893 total means $8,107 left to go over 25 days for $324 a day, around the original average.

Really wanted to be close to $2500 by now but meh...

Anyway, thanks for following guys. Support is great.
07-07-2010 , 11:16 AM
Day 7 - July 7th

Woot woot... had my first good day!! And its been pretty dam **** good if u ask me.

From start to finish its been brilliant really, I think I had a 4 game spell in the middle that was a bit ****ty but managed to rematch the guys and take about 6 buy ins from them. At the point I mentioned yesterday where things tend to get ****ty, I dropped to just 2 tables and it did the trick. I added more tables as time went by and I did fine so I might stick to that from now on.

My volume hasn't been insane today but I'm really happy with my results.

Add to this my $100 bonus that I got for 70kvpps today aswell.

So overally I'm $818 up today and $2,710 overall... I'm ecstatic.

I think I've played really good poker and today has really helped boost my confidence on this grind.

So now I'm down to $7,290 required over 24 days for $303 a day!! Way to bump that average down some lol.

Anyway, hopefully I can keep this up.
07-07-2010 , 12:29 PM
Awesome blog. You say you have been playing pro via MTT's, STT's etc the last 3 years. Have you ever considered coaching? :-)

P.S. Subscribed
07-07-2010 , 03:05 PM
I do coach, PM for details.
07-07-2010 , 09:26 PM
Sick challenge. I may pm you later for coaching as well. GL
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