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04-04-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Sc00by
Being extremely conservative is not bad advice at all when you have these issues.
I don't think his sexuality issues are a topic of concern and homosexuals should be treated as equals in society.

See what I did there? Anybody can half quote someone and type any reply they please. Read my entire post and if you are going to reply at least quote it all, it was only another 5-10 words, then again if you did that it would make your reply ******ed so I understand why you edited it.

If you think it's in OP's nature to be extremely conservative he wouldn't have the money he has now. You are advising him to practically quit playing poker forever you fool, putting all his bankroll into a saver for use when he's 40 is the stupidest thing I've ever read, god forbid he could have a severe accident and not make 40, or 30 or even 25. In the meantime whats he going to do now? Grind 25nl with £100k in a saver that he can't use if/until he's 40 years old?

Enough derail, gl keep going OP.
04-04-2011 , 01:35 PM
Invest some in Portugal's public debt. The rates are at 7% ish for 5 years.
But don't invest too much though, chances are we won't be able to pay you back
04-04-2011 , 02:20 PM
After today max you can contribute in year is 50k to a pension policy anyway, and would gain 20% tax relief. Would be better investing in equities as Atleast you can access that before your 60!
04-04-2011 , 03:46 PM
wow OP,i readed whole thread while grinding freerolls=D ur truly inspiring bro,i wish good luck for u on reaching your goals in the future
04-04-2011 , 04:45 PM
rofl stop talking about pensions all of you not like any of the pension funds that exist now will exist in 30 years times anyhow

you should all preface your posts with "this is not financial advice" and guess what that's because you're not financial advisors.

and guess what, most people who really have a clue are busy exercising that knowledge instead of advising others
04-04-2011 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Longee
rofl stop talking about pensions all of you not like any of the pension funds that exist now will exist in 30 years times anyhow

you should all preface your posts with "this is not financial advice" and guess what that's because you're not financial advisors.

and guess what, most people who really have a clue are busy exercising that knowledge instead of advising others
Don't want to go too off topic. But how do you know there aren't financial advisors and those who are knowledgeable about investments reading this thread? It's quite an assumption to make. Just thought i'd put that wacky idea out there.
04-04-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Vexed?
I don't think his sexuality issues are a topic of concern and homosexuals should be treated as equals in society.

See what I did there?

04-04-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Longee
rofl stop talking about pensions all of you not like any of the pension funds that exist now will exist in 30 years times anyhow

you should all preface your posts with "this is not financial advice" and guess what that's because you're not financial advisors.

and guess what, most people who really have a clue are busy exercising that knowledge instead of advising others
Its not financial advice, its not exactly indepth knowledge but basic and can be found on the internet easily.

Forums are made for discussions so why don't you just move on and atleast try and contribute something of worth.

Also that last statement is just lol.
04-05-2011 , 09:41 AM
Also that last statement is just lol.
Financial advisor here... QFT. I'd be happy to answer investment questions via PM. Let's not derail this thread.
04-05-2011 , 11:40 AM
****ing nits everywhere.jpg
04-05-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Vexed?
I don't think his sexuality issues are a topic of concern and homosexuals should be treated as equals in society.

See what I did there? Anybody can half quote someone and type any reply they please. Read my entire post and if you are going to reply at least quote it all, it was only another 5-10 words, then again if you did that it would make your reply ******ed so I understand why you edited it.

If you think it's in OP's nature to be extremely conservative he wouldn't have the money he has now. You are advising him to practically quit playing poker forever you fool, putting all his bankroll into a saver for use when he's 40 is the stupidest thing I've ever read, god forbid he could have a severe accident and not make 40, or 30 or even 25. In the meantime whats he going to do now? Grind 25nl with £100k in a saver that he can't use if/until he's 40 years old?

Enough derail, gl keep going OP.
I actually just read this having just rolled my eyes at your initial comment last time and skipped the rest.

When did I say OP is extremely conservative? That is laughable, how could anyone claim this OP is conservative? LOL. Hes the exact opposite infact.

Neither do I recall ever saying to keep the 100k until hes 40. I said hit your goal, put that money aside and start again. Obviously I didnt mean he should leave himself flat broke and grind micros. He should get say 120k, put his 100k away until such time as he wants to buy his house and then use the 20k as his bankroll and rebuild. Hes already shown he can turn 4k into 50k+ in a matter of hours so its not like 20k isnt going to be enough to keep him going.

For someone with such self destructive tendencies it seems like a very worth while thing to do, regardless of whether or not a few internet followers wont be as excited by his busto to robusto and back style.

Or were you just putting words in my mouth so we could see what you did there? LOL. That would make more sense.
04-05-2011 , 11:53 AM
Epic Thread Tom, really admire your courage, think its what separates the real sucessful players from the rest and obv poker skillz.

Your a poker player, this is what you do. You were never really just going to put 100k in the bank and go back to grinding the lesser stakes again. Stay going man the world is yours for the taking. Who is to say that in 6/12 months you could be sitting on a mill and set for life? 100k is nice but its not going to set you up for life.

You have got serious talent, dont stop now. Would i have the balls to take my own advice? prob not cos im a fkn nit.

In 5 years who knows what the poker world will be like or whether you will still have the hunger for the game.

Dont look back and have regrets, at least say *** it i took a shot at greatness.


P.S if i was to invest some of the 100k id buy gold!
04-05-2011 , 12:29 PM
I appreciate the what to do with the money discussions. Because honestly I have no clue what to do with it and am open to any suggestions. My mum found my bank statement last week and so now she knows about poker sighhh. She saw it had £64k in it so basically i can't ever go below that or she will be horrified. None of her business tho really. Quote from yesterdays phone call with her "you should keep the pot of money you have now and put it in savings in case you lose the rest". INSTANT FACE PALM. One of my house mates even still has his mum do his banking for him lols.

I am supposed to be playing 3/6 and 5/10 with my coaching but failed on sunday because i played 25 50 and 50 100. My play has been deteriorating quite a bit recently. Need to fix up and sort it out.

Total roll is just below £90,000 I think.


Tune of the day:

Rachel Stevens:

04-05-2011 , 12:45 PM
Great thread OP. I don't know why but it sounds really wierd when friends and family refer to a bankroll as a "pot". Mine do too. Their advice was that I should've kept my job until my "pot" was bigger. Must be an English thing.
04-05-2011 , 12:52 PM
Nice post. LOL at your mum finding out. Thought she might be quite pleased to see you have £64k in the bank, but maybe not. Sure she'd be more horrified if she found out the true degeneracy of your ways :P

Nice few days, almost back over £100k! Also great Rachel Stevens pic - used to be one of my all time favorite hotties, but had kinda forgotten about her! Sure thing 10/10!!!

04-05-2011 , 01:49 PM
wow this is sick lol
04-05-2011 , 02:00 PM
Ibok right? When it comes to money there are a **** ton of things you can do with it, but if I were in your shoes and didn't want to busto again, I'd just put away say 20-30% of your winnings each month into savings. That way, your roll still grows and you can play whatever you want, but you also have money that is NOT for poker. Keeping that in a separate account with a separate bank would hopefully deter you from ever touching it.

So one bank for poker money, money that you will use to play. A completely separate bank for savings money, which is not to be considered part of your roll. The mental hurdle right now, imo, is that you see your bank account as your roll, and I think doing this will eliminate that.
04-05-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by ShellysAshes
Great thread OP. I don't know why but it sounds really wierd when friends and family refer to a bankroll as a "pot". Mine do too. Their advice was that I should've kept my job until my "pot" was bigger. Must be an English thing.
yeah it was very strange. never heard her say it before either.

Originally Posted by EasyMoney92
Nice post. LOL at your mum finding out. Thought she might be quite pleased to see you have £64k in the bank, but maybe not. Sure she'd be more horrified if she found out the true degeneracy of your ways :P

Nice few days, almost back over £100k! Also great Rachel Stevens pic - used to be one of my all time favorite hotties, but had kinda forgotten about her! Sure thing 10/10!!!

haha yeah i hope she never sees this thread

rachel stevens so muchhhhh shes the best

does anyone have any good things to link me that i can give to my mum cus i said im gunna send her an email with poker information. she sounds interested in it so may as well show her whats what sort of thing

edit: this sort of thing...


Last edited by sleepingtom; 04-05-2011 at 02:08 PM.
04-05-2011 , 02:12 PM
What was coaching with jose like? He coaching u for hu or 6max?
04-05-2011 , 02:54 PM
not properly got into it yet. just been talking about tilt and stuff so far not actually playing poker yet. making a video tonight for review.
04-05-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by sleepingtom
I appreciate the what to do with the money discussions. Because honestly I have no clue what to do with it and am open to any suggestions.
If you really mean that, i'd consider putting a bit of money into equities and just sitting on it. You can do some low risk and high risk stuff if you want to make your portfolio a bit more interesting (although obviously put less money in the high risk than low risk stuff) and you can even do it in such a way that it's tax free.

I'd recommend reading this book for the basics:

If it takes your interest and you consider doing it then there's a few trading sites around (but as with poker forums there's plenty of losers posting **** on the forums so beware.)
04-05-2011 , 11:09 PM
easiest way fo ryou would be to simply withdraw 1k us per day no matter what.

Even if you end up busting or something, you'll probably have enough $ for a year of food/parties/harry potter books
04-06-2011 , 09:35 AM
This is the one of the first threads I've read on here.. and wow. I'm no expert (why I've signed up to learn ) but if you are now at £90k, the thing I would do is remove 60k and leave 30k in your roll. 10k on a nice car (most likely 2k on insurance), pay off uni debts in case you blow it all, go down to STA Travel and look up that holiday and take a gap year! (not sure how many years you have left there), place a 30kish deposit down on a house and rent it out to pay the mortgage (never know when you may need to fall back on it) then just enjoy it dude, it seems like you need it! Dont want to see you lose it all, but I couldnt help thinking when clicking next page you would blow it all lol. Best of luck...

04-07-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
Ibok right? When it comes to money there are a **** ton of things you can do with it, but if I were in your shoes and didn't want to busto again, I'd just put away say 20-30% of your winnings each month into savings. That way, your roll still grows and you can play whatever you want, but you also have money that is NOT for poker. Keeping that in a separate account with a separate bank would hopefully deter you from ever touching it.

So one bank for poker money, money that you will use to play. A completely separate bank for savings money, which is not to be considered part of your roll. The mental hurdle right now, imo, is that you see your bank account as your roll, and I think doing this will eliminate that.
Yea probably a good idea. I currently have a main bank account and a savings one where i juggle the money around. If i get a lot more than i have now then i'm sure i will be putting some of it somewhere better. Thanks for the input bru

Originally Posted by Masq
If you really mean that, i'd consider putting a bit of money into equities and just sitting on it. You can do some low risk and high risk stuff if you want to make your portfolio a bit more interesting (although obviously put less money in the high risk than low risk stuff) and you can even do it in such a way that it's tax free.

I'd recommend reading this book for the basics:

If it takes your interest and you consider doing it then there's a few trading sites around (but as with poker forums there's plenty of losers posting **** on the forums so beware.)
That sounds confusing, for a start when u say put some money in equities i dont understand that. Probably will be looking to buy books about investing sometime in the near future. (unless i go busto, either way i find it interesting.)

Originally Posted by ruggy
This is the one of the first threads I've read on here.. and wow. I'm no expert (why I've signed up to learn ) but if you are now at £90k, the thing I would do is remove 60k and leave 30k in your roll. 10k on a nice car (most likely 2k on insurance), pay off uni debts in case you blow it all, go down to STA Travel and look up that holiday and take a gap year! (not sure how many years you have left there), place a 30kish deposit down on a house and rent it out to pay the mortgage (never know when you may need to fall back on it) then just enjoy it dude, it seems like you need it! Dont want to see you lose it all, but I couldnt help thinking when clicking next page you would blow it all lol. Best of luck...

Thanks, as soon as uni is over im going to travel the world for a year, pay off uni and buy a little pad. (again, as long as i dont go busto). The chances of me losing all of my money from now are very slim. i'd say near impossible unless i went on life tilt for a week and lost the plot lol.


Things going pretty smoothly at the moment. I will probably not be playing higher than 5/10 untill next month. Going for 40k hands.

Pretty sure total roll is about £95k. thought id been hacked last night or someone had stole £10k off me cus it was missing from ipoker but for some reason it was in the sports betting bit. o well

tune of the day:
04-07-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by sleepingtom
That sounds confusing, for a start when u say put some money in equities i dont understand that. Probably will be looking to buy books about investing sometime in the near future. (unless i go busto, either way i find it interesting.)
put some money in equities = buy some shares.

Rather than investing in something like currency (FX), commodities or any of the many other available instruments around. If you're looking to buy books then that one's worth including in your list. You could just go to waterstones/smiths and start reading in the shop to see what you think of it. It's not exactly easy and poker is more simple but if you're looking to diversify it's a good alternative.
