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100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18

08-18-2021 , 01:06 AM
Hi all,

Will post more tomorrow but wanted to get something officially started before the challenge. As the title indicates, I will pursue 100 buyins in 31 days playing $1/2. The sites/apps I will play on will be :


I did this challenge before (March 2020,obv different games) and made it after about 25 days. Am given some decent odds as people seem to think this is damn near impossible in today's environment, so go some side action going.

Will also not drink for 1 month and report on gym/diet stuff. Lifting schedule is basically legs/push/pull/rest/repeat, but really hoping to put the emphasis on dieting more. Everybody loves going to the gym, but diet contributes to 75% of real gains.

Am a family man with a wife and 2 kids. Have been playing professionally for roughly 12 years, and it has always amazed me how lazy most pro's are. I can't remember the last month I played less than 150 hours.

Excited to start, smiling at the thought that all the GTO nerds expect me to fail (I have never run a single sim and got no clue about GTO).

Will start of 4tabling 6m but will most likely quickly change to 6tables and/or ring games 6-12 tables.

100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-18-2021 , 01:22 AM
100 BI 4 tabling 6max zoom I take it? Either way GL dude!
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-18-2021 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by troloyolo
100 BI 4 tabling 6max zoom I take it? Either way GL dude!
Nah will be regular tables only.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-19-2021 , 03:13 AM
+327 After day 1. Too early to say anything meaningful about it.

Had push day(chest), did:

flat BP 4x5 reps heavy weight
incline dumbbell chest 3x3 heavy weight
Chest fly machine 15,12,9,6 focus on slow controlled movements
Cable flys incline/decline 4x 12 slow

Either legs or back tomorrow. I've struggled with a groin discomfort for quite a while( feels fine currently) so deadlifts and squats are always a bit uncertain. See how I feel tomorrow. Also will start loading all my supplements again (took some time off from them). These are:

*Whey protein (I don't really consider this a supplement as much as a must for anyone lifting)
*Creatine(Probably #1 supplement, all the others can arguably be skipped)
*Pre workout
*Omega 3 pills
*Vitamin Pills
* Testosteron booster

I am not in great shape by any means, but I do know a lot (or I'd like to think so anyway) about the theoretical aspect of lifting. In case any beginning lifters were to read this, just do protein+creatine and some fish oils.

Some 'bodybuilding' guys I have watched a lot of stuff from are

*'Mike O'Hearn' (Mike O'tren). If you look past the seemingly obvious BS about him being natty, he has been around forever and knows a ton of stuff about training/dieting. Just don't buy any products he promotes.

*Athlean-X (Jeff Cavaliere). He's an authority on anything training. Has tons of really well explained videos.

I don't really know where I'm taking this blog to, but we'll figure it out along the way. After grinding 10 hours/day I don't really want to discuss more poker/strategy.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-19-2021 , 05:01 PM
Wow cool challenge impressive you have done it once before and not very long ago, will be interesting to see if you can do it again, good luck
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-19-2021 , 05:29 PM
Great work man, I'm on a similar goal with the gym but just playing much lower stakes, best of luck mate!
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Gillingham
Wow cool challenge impressive you have done it once before and not very long ago, will be interesting to see if you can do it again, good luck
Originally Posted by DonkArmyFish
Great work man, I'm on a similar goal with the gym but just playing much lower stakes, best of luck mate!
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 02:56 AM
+1054 after day 2. Again meaningless at this point. I've grinded about 20 hours so far averaging 10hrs/day (and will probably keep this up all month with maybe 2 or 3 off days)

Just like with my challenge before, after only 2 days Bro's is sucking the soul out of me. I have logged so many hours (probably around 3500 on this app playing anything from 1/2 to 10/20 with avg stake around $600) and am practically down on all of them. Gazillion buyins under ev, countless sessions where board runouts are just insane, etc etc. I have basically hated playing here for 2 straight years, yet continue to do so. With Rb and bonuses I am still up a lot here, but it's insane to play the 'softest games' you can find anywhere day in day out without being able to win. I would prefer it's just my own shortcomings but at this point I don't know. Will continue on bros for a couple of days but if nothing changes I will call it quits before it derails my challenge.

This hand basically sums up how bros is... always

Preflop: Hero is BB with Ad Kh
UTG folds, MP calls $2, 3 folds, Hero raises to $30, MP calls $28

Flop: ($61) 8c 6c 6h (2 players)
Hero bets $40.66, MP calls $34.70 and is all-in

Turn: ($130.40) 3d (2 players, 1 is all-in)
River: ($130.40) 3h (2 players, 1 is all-in)

Results: $130.40 pot ($6.50 rake)
Final Board: 8c 6c 6h 3d 3h
Hero showed Ad Kh and won $0.00 (-$64.70 net)
MP showed 7h 6d and won $123.90 ($59.20 net)

Skipped gym today (started grinding right away with the intend of going later that night, but that never works out + I hate going to gym at peak hours, so have to make sure I always go first thing in the morning or after a short session/before 1PM.). No big deal but need to go tomorrow for sure. Ate pretty lean all day (I'm not yet counting macros, and August-September will be months of just eating lean, not really looking at hitting a surplus or deficit). My meals today basically consisted of:

* 2eggs+ equivalent in egg whites + 2 small taco wraps + glass of OJ
* (300gr chicken strips + white rice) *2
* 2 yoghurts
* 1 gallon water with bcaa solution throughout day

On a normal day I'd add 2x protein shake for about 50x2gram protein, and go heavier on the protein size postworkout. Need to start adding some veggies as well, will eventually go to having a carb-'heavy' meal pre and post workout, and the other meals veggies+protein.

Mental note after 2 days of the grind : People always have it at 200nl. Just be a nit/ don'
t hero call ****. The months prior to this when I was playing a lot of 400-1knl, I could tell that people would often overbet bluff and barrel in the right spots etc. The dynamic at 200nl is basically that an overbet is pretty much always nuts, and the 3bet/barrel ranges are just way value heavier than at higher stakes where they will just empty the clip depending on board runouts.

Simple example of this is opening KJs CO and standard vilain with 3b of 8-12% 3bets from SB. Flat. Flop jxx fd. bet call. turn 2nd fd bet call river blank At higher stakes I'm fine with calling here and often be good.At 200nl it's just basically always value and they checkfold/checkcalls river. Debatable if defending preflop is even worth it, might just be better to fold or 4b depending on vilain's tendencies (and I would 4b a fair amount depending on that as a standard line anyway).

The weekend is starting tomorrow, should make for sure decent games the next 48 hours.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 08:10 AM
GL man, cool challenge.

Maybe post some graphs.

How many bb/100 and hands/hour are we talking about here?
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 10:04 AM
I would take action against you at favorable odds to you if this were 100% verifiable.

This is not me being a dik or any judgement on your abilities it’s just opinion based on where I’ve seen 6max is at right now and the amount of volume youl be getting at regular 6max x4 tables. Would be borderline impossible for a massive crusher, whereas you are self proclaimed no gto/sims etc.

What software are you using?

All that said good luck. In for the diet tips. 100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jaznin
GL man, cool challenge.

Maybe post some graphs.

How many bb/100 and hands/hour are we talking about here?
my graph so far would be just a graph of me essentially losing, as GLOBAL isn’t tracked or doesn’t support a HUD and I’m up 2.8k there and down pretty much everywhere else.

my WR goal for this challenge is 10bb. If I can pull that off I should be done after day 25. I play about 4k hands a day, or about 10 hours daily.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by wheydacheese
I would take action against you at favorable odds to you if this were 100% verifiable.

This is not me being a dik or any judgement on your abilities it’s just opinion based on where I’ve seen 6max is at right now and the amount of volume youl be getting at regular 6max x4 tables. Would be borderline impossible for a massive crusher, whereas you are self proclaimed no gto/sims etc.

What software are you using?

All that said good luck. In for the diet tips. 100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18
No need to apologize, I have been suggested that I’m easily a 10:1 or worse dog in this fight. I have at least 2 long term members that can verify my results so in case of any dispute I’ll have them weigh in. I am not looking for additional side action for this bet though.

Last time I attempted this was in March 2020 and I played FR as there were plenty of games. Needless to say those days are sadly behind us, and the state of 6max is, as you know, somewhat depressing.

please note that 4 tables is NOT a requirement, but more of a personal goal coming into this challenge. If I feel the need, I will bump up the #tables.

I am confident (based on my long term previous results) that I am a 10bb winner at 200nl. This was never by playing 4 tables, so perhaps it could
be higher even with this.

We’ll see.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-20-2021 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
my graph so far would be just a graph of me essentially losing, as GLOBAL isn’t tracked or doesn’t support a HUD and I’m up 2.8k there and down pretty much everywhere else.

my WR goal for this challenge is 10bb. If I can pull that off I should be done after day 25. I play about 4k hands a day, or about 10 hours daily.

10 hours a day is intense 100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-21-2021 , 04:35 AM
+822 after day 3. Too tired to say much else, tilting day (was up 3k/on schedule for 1k/day but played pretty awful all day. Ended up adding way more than 4 tables and my focus went to ****/'punted' off 1.5k.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-22-2021 , 04:39 AM
+82 after day 4. Will just do a Sunday update tomorrow. Running poorly, playing bad. At this point I've played more time 6+ tables than 4. Probably made 3-4k in mistakes that could have been avoided. Should have done a testrun for one week before starting the challenge to know what I would do exactly going into it instead of flipflop between more tables, 6m vs ring etc.

Cut out all sites except Ignition,Bros and Global. ACR and BOL are a waste of time given how hard it is to get on tables, make sure they are worth playing AND run long enough to bother.

Will give Bros one more shot 4tabling, but probably just drop it soon as it is the only site where I'm down currently (about 1600 )
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-22-2021 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
This hand basically sums up how bros is... always

Preflop: Hero is BB with Ad Kh
UTG folds, MP calls $2, 3 folds, Hero raises to $30, MP calls $28

Flop: ($61) 8c 6c 6h (2 players)
Hero bets $40.66, MP calls $34.70 and is all-in

Turn: ($130.40) 3d (2 players, 1 is all-in)
River: ($130.40) 3h (2 players, 1 is all-in)

Results: $130.40 pot ($6.50 rake)
Final Board: 8c 6c 6h 3d 3h
Hero showed Ad Kh and won $0.00 (-$64.70 net)
MP showed 7h 6d and won $123.90 ($59.20 net)
Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
Will give Bros one more shot 4tabling, but probably just drop it soon as it is the only site where I'm down currently (about 1600 )
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
Sorry I don't know what you're asking? If it's about how random the hand is (my sizing etc), had a note on the guy saying he will call raises for half his stack with 2 random cards, so I might as go extremely big.

There are quite a few fish who are,for whatever reason, happy to call of half their stack preflop with very marginal holdings, but would fold to a shove.

Yes I can go with a standard 3b size but that's suboptimal.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-22-2021 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
Sorry I don't know what you're asking? If it's about how random the hand is (my sizing etc), had a note on the guy saying he will call raises for half his stack with 2 random cards, so I might as go extremely big.

There are quite a few fish who are,for whatever reason, happy to call of half their stack preflop with very marginal holdings, but would fold to a shove.

Yes I can go with a standard 3b size but that's suboptimal.
why would you ever quit a site that has lots of fish as high as $1/$2 limp/calling 15BB (almost half their stack) with 67o? reload and print money imo.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 03:43 AM
+1932 after day5.

First day of proper grinding so far, sticking with 4 tables ignition and it shows. Too tired to update, gotta find a better way to post daily here as I'm exhausted by the time my final evening session finishes.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
why would you ever quit a site that has lots of fish as high as $1/$2 limp/calling 15BB (almost half their stack) with 67o? reload and print money imo.
For a lack of a better explanation, I believe that something is not right with bros.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
+1932 after day5.

First day of proper grinding so far, sticking with 4 tables ignition and it shows. Too tired to update, gotta find a better way to post daily here as I'm exhausted by the time my final evening session finishes.

Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
For a lack of a better explanation, I believe that something is not right with bros.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 05:23 AM
Caught a second wind. Figured I'd post my previous 200nl results since everybody prefers pics anyway. Think that's from last 3 years roughly (or less) and have barely played 1/2 in last 9 months except for this challenge.

Yes I'm a noob and am still using HEM2. Hate H2n and too lazy to try other HUDs. Also Global results not included in here, so add about another 50k profit from strictly 1/2. I did not include Bros in this graph as I really feel like this app is not legit (but I'm an agent with access to all unions with decent deals so even playing breakeven is very profitable in RB). At the same time, knowing my winrate on other sites makes me question even more how it's possible that I'm BE/down on bros after 3k+ hours.

As a bonus I will post some food pics (all about macros not so much about presentation or 'foodie' factor. I am in fact a huge foodie but enjoying good food and eating for macros are two separate worlds)

Also bonus added most random supplement I saw the other day. Deer antler spray FTW

Last edited by George Springer; 08-23-2021 at 05:32 AM.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 05:35 AM
what sites is that? what have you been playing when not playing 1/2?

more pics and hand histories
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
what sites is that? what have you been playing when not playing 1/2?

more pics and hand histories
US accessible sites and private games I rather not mention. Been playing mostly 2/4 5/10 (avg stake 3/6).
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
08-23-2021 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by KING_ARTEMIS
US accessible sites and private games I rather not mention. Been playing mostly 2/4 5/10 (avg stake 3/6).
Nice. Care to disclose the details of your side action on this challenge? Must be pretty juicy to even consider attempting it when you've got access to such good games.
100 buyins in 31 days <img /2 starting August 18 Quote
