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03-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
Just a small update, Been busy with day job and averaging 7 to 8 games a day

Bankroll at $426.34

I played a freeroll too and got a $100 (2 day flight tournament) ticket which unfortunately cannot be converted into cash. So will give that a shot too.

Will be grinding over the weekend and hopefully should come closer to the target
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03-17-2020 , 01:35 PM

A hell of a rollercoaster

Took me 203 STTs in last 5 days to make the last $100 but finally made it.

Will share the graphs soon

Thank you to those who kept motivating and following the thread

Even though the stakes may be insignificant to most, I really wanted to make it happen and complete this mini challenge without spewing money due to tilt

Bankroll - $507.60
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03-17-2020 , 07:41 PM
Hello Peeps

So here are the final stats

26 days played
617 tournaments
1st - 99
2nd - 64
3rd - 65
ITM - 37.4%
ROI% - 8.33%

Final Bankroll - $507

$10 STT Graph

Lifetime Graph (4 games missing where I won some $28.5)

I'll be honest. If not for this thread, I would have lost all the motivation during the last 200 games where I was struggling to be consistent

You can follow the continuation to this mini-challenge here

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