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07-11-2014 , 06:09 AM
I Started with $100 playing nl2 Zoom... I played all kind of limits, nl25, nl50 up to nl1k with tilting sessions never even beated any limit always played with 10-20bi etc so I restarted everything and started with 50bi in nl2 to learn all ABC basic plays again and get nice discipline with bankroll managment.

I update after every 10k hands. gooo
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07-11-2014 , 06:17 AM
good luck. i hope you get out of the micros fast.
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07-11-2014 , 08:12 AM
Good luck bro hope you succeed
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07-12-2014 , 07:04 AM
Thanks guys, I dont play alot lately but I'm trying to improve my volume from now on. It's really not very hard to play 10k hands in 2 days but it's taking me like 8 days xD
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07-21-2014 , 05:13 AM
Sick party days... met so many cool guys and hot girls in a week than I've met with like 1.5 years lol.. 5k hands then 20k and update.
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07-21-2014 , 08:11 AM

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07-23-2014 , 02:16 PM
I had so many buy ins for nl2 and it's really soft so I decided to start playing nl5, I feel good and play good so it's all good D br@ ~133$ I drop back to nl2 when I fall behind 70$ or so maybe even 50$ and I move up to nl10 when around 300$ I guess with 5bi shot.

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07-24-2014 , 04:53 PM
I'm not a quitter but I'm giving up bad habits

I've done everything almost the same for many years and nothing have changed and now today I was just sitting and thinking about what I want and about everything else and I just understood that nothing won't change if I stay the same...

As long as I remember I always wanted to be rich and I love attention I'm not gonna lie my ultimate goal would be to live life like Dan Bilzerian but no this goal didnt start when he pop up in social media I had this dream when i was 7 years old.. I dont even know why but I like fancy and expensive things I love to be in the middle of attention at the same time being with "I dont give a ****" mentality and years have gone by too many years and I haven't accomplished nothing to get closer to my goals... because I always think it's impossible, yes i really want it but I can't have it.. but today I chose to believe in myself... Now I really do, I've researched about mindset, mind powers, subcounscious mind etc read books like "millionaire mindset" ,"think and grow rich" and many others and I think that if you really believe in it then universe will give you anything but if you even have that little doubt then you won't get there...

When I was in high school I had alot of female friends, everybody wanted to hang with me and chill with me they was calling me and ****, every party had so many girls after me I felt like damn son im the ****... then I got into a relationship and after that everything have changed I'm not in the middle of attention, girls do not like me like they did when I was in HS and I don't know why.. I enjoyed it and I thought it would last forever but nop it isn't... last 3 years I've been with closed circle friends no new guys allowed cuz I don't trust nobody... I never did and I'm pretty sure I never will... except few guys who have proven their loyalty to me. anyway this is one of my goals to be there again, I'm not DiCaprio looking but I always thought Im good looking (because the attention I got) but now it looks I'm average Joe (no attention anymore).. maybe because years change people looking or so or dno anyway long story short get back all my girls lol...

I'm not good write and I dont speak good english and now I hit brick wall I forgot where I wanted to get with my story and I end it here with short summary.

1) Never give up on my dreams and start believing 100% in myself
2) play poker as good as I can tilt free (thats why i'm playing nl5(used to play nl25+ never won doe)
3) train hard in the gym really hard, strict diet and workout plan (I gained like 10kgs maybe it's the point Im not in the middle of the girls)
4) train my mind powers my subcounscious mind go hard at it
5) quit bad habits and always complete my TO DO list for day before chilling and wasting time

What I'm going to do now:

1) Play every day atleast 4 hours of poker minimum
2) 100% follow workout and diet plan until I drop 8kg
3) Read alot of pshycology books and body languaeg books and all I can research about it on the internet to be better people reader, to be excellent in social relationships. to be great with talking with girls, to be great controlling other people in the way I like with my social skills
4) find a real job... yes find a ****ing job I'm 22 and I never had a job cuz it was one of my goals to never go to work but I have to change ways because not working is giving me so much stress and If i just go to work I drop so much weight off my shoulders
5) Learn everything I know about success, mind power, subcounscious mind etc that means I'm going to read, analyze, research about all books and articles I can and use these techniques and really believe in it 100%
6) cut off all negativity around me be 100% positive in every spot and it's easy when I can trick my mind to believe it, also quit smoking weed for some amount of time cuz all I did last 3 years was smoking hard daily (I still love my Mary Jane we just have to get **** right between us)


1) Be a millioner and by that I mean more than 100-200millions net worth
2) Be in a very good physical shape something like calvin klein underwear models
3) Train my mindset so hard that I would be like a ****ing shaolin monk
4) Train my social skills so hard that I can manipulate everybody to do what I want something like the guy in the wolf of wall street who can sell everything to everybody
5) Keep my circle small with people I trust and use others just to get what I need but only share my true love with my day 1 guys
6) learn about everything new and everything I think is useful and important for myself (like body languaeg etc...)
7) never give up, never..

poker: ~8.2k hands -2bi atm but It's just a variance I'm sure I can beat it... it's just matter of time, I will update nl5 graph when I hit 10k today.
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07-24-2014 , 06:36 PM

not what I wanted but 10k is no sample in zoom games, let's see what's up after 100k hands if my winrate too low might make some changes but not until 100k hands.
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07-28-2014 , 08:14 AM
lil update 2 graphs nl5 and nl5&nl2 next update when I hit 20k hands@nl5


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