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10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise 10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise

08-25-2020 , 12:00 PM
I'm making this thread for personal accountability and to document my rise up the PLO ranks as a main focus. Sharing hands, stats, thoughts, etc will also happen of course. Gotta keep things interesting obviously.

Quick background info:
Full time poker player, and dad. Currently playing PLO50 and mixing in PLO100 the past week or so. Goal is to get to PLO500 asap. Switched over from NL to PLO earlier this year.

My monthly targets are focused on volume and study, and i do my best not to set real monetary goals or "stake" goals per se. I do however need to earn $1k/month to pay the mortgage

August has been my first month back to full time grinding after moving and buying a house. I'll be logging my hours, study time, hands played and money earned(including rakeback).

Goals for August were 140 hours of playtime and study time combined.
Current stats for August:

Hours played: 85.5
Hands played: 15,473
Hours studied: 15.5
$ Results: -$1,086.94

Results aren't what we want, but learning a new game and running poorly will do that to you

It's going to be close this month in terms of hitting my hours goal of volume and study but i think i can do it. I have struggled to get the volume in on days i get smashed but working a ton on my mental game on top of all of this has helped immensely.

I'll share what my daily routine looks like in future posts, and also discuss some mental parts of this journey with all of you(former mindset and habit change coach here) so i consider mental game just as important as poker skills.

Hope you all enjoy the journey
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
08-27-2020 , 12:50 AM
Had a coaching session yesterday, and discovered that i need to start playing more aggressively in certain spots. Gotta create that EV instead of letting it come to me.

Focuses for the rest of the week are:
*play OOP as the passive player less, IE: 3bet more OOP vs coldcall
*attack the iso raisers more

Attempted to load some HH img but didn't do it correctly. I'll figure out how to post pictures next update
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
08-27-2020 , 12:27 PM
Good luck, on a similar journey!
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
08-27-2020 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by DingusEgg
Good luck, on a similar journey!
Thank you 🙏🏻

What stakes you play? Similar journey meaning PLO?
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
08-27-2020 , 02:58 PM
5% pleasure 50% percent pain and 100% reason to remember the name!

Good luck!
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
08-27-2020 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
5% pleasure 50% percent pain and 100% reason to remember the name!

Good luck!
BOOM! yessir, this song is an all time greatest hype song
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
08-27-2020 , 11:37 PM
Alright, lets see if we can share some images now. This post is a test

Biggest Loss of the day

Biggest Win of the day

Hours played: 93 hour 30 min
Hands played: 17,532
Hours studied: 16 hour 15 min
$ Results: -$618.18

Will post rakeback results at the end of the month once i add it to my total
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-01-2020 , 02:33 PM
Alright, so August is officially over so i wanted to post my final numbers...

Hours Played: 107 hours 15 min
Hands played: 18,502
Hours studied: 24 hour 35 min
$ Results: -$1079.11 (without rakeback), -$922.36 (with rakeback added)

In total, 131 hours and 50 min were dedicated to poker this month. A few hours short of my overall goal, but I'll take it for my first month.

After another coaching session and getting some guidance from my coach, I decided to drop down and only play 2 tables for a little while so i can really focus more on my decisions and spots that arise. I'd rather play more quality hands vs volume of hands.

So for September the goals are as follows:

140 hours of total play and study, but more of a 50/50 or 60/40 split with more focus on studying right now.

I will watch 1-2 training videos per day, have 1 group coaching session with my discord group I'm a part of each Monday, and have 1-2 video review sessions with my coach per week. This should really ramp up my skills in PLO and get my more prepared to be playing PLO100 and crush it.

I also exercise 5-6 days per week, as well as meditate daily in order to also improve my overall health and mindset game. If i want to be a PLO crusher and poker pro, i have to do everything necessary to achieve that.

Its been 2 months since starting to work with my Coach, but only 1 month of full time play/study. He believes that in 4-8 months time, that I can be crushing PLO200 and possibly PLO500.

I'll start posting more HH and break down my thoughts on hands and see what Vision comes up with, as well as what Propokertools says about certain spots with our range vs range type spots.
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-01-2020 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by tonic1223
Thank you 🙏🏻

What stakes you play? Similar journey meaning PLO?
Full time dad, part time poker player

Currently playing $25PLO on ggpoker but have started shot taking at $50s.

Was playing 100 and 200 PLO on ipoker back in the day and 3 years ago had built up a roll on Bovada / Ignition for PLO100 but tilted it away. Looking to stabilize a role for the future and settle somewhere in around the 200s.
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-01-2020 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by DingusEgg
Full time dad, part time poker player

Currently playing $25PLO on ggpoker but have started shot taking at $50s.

Was playing 100 and 200 PLO on ipoker back in the day and 3 years ago had built up a roll on Bovada / Ignition for PLO100 but tilted it away. Looking to stabilize a role for the future and settle somewhere in around the 200s.
Oh nice! Do you have discord?
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-02-2020 , 03:06 PM
No discord. Just 2+2 and a dream.
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-02-2020 , 03:40 PM
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will

10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-02-2020 , 04:57 PM
55% table selection
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-02-2020 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by NOTAWIZARD
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will

5% pleasure, and 50% pain. 100% reason to remember the name.... tonic1223
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-02-2020 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingGamble
55% table selection
Haha I like this
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:54 PM
Alright, week 1 of Sept is complete. Here's our stats so far for the month.

Hours Played: 18 hours 20 min
Hours Studied: 10 hours 20 min
Hands Played: 1,781 (only 2 tabling at the moment)

I've moved up to playing PLO100 exclusively now, playing 2 tables at all times. I record my sessions and review them myself and with my coach. Moving up to PLO100 was something we both discussed after reviewing 6 sessions of PLO50 and us both feeling good about my game/strategy.

I feel good about my study and play splits so far, as im doing A LOT more studying already compared to last month, which has shown to be very fruitful in terms of me improving at the tables.

With the improving of my play, as well as going down to 2 tables; my stats have been changing quite a bit and in the right ways.

I won't share too much about my play style, but comparing August to Sept so far here's how things look:

3b- 2.48% (or basically only AA and perfect DS rundowns lol)
Cbet- 41%
Check/raise- 4.53%

3b- 4.66%
Cbet- 51%
Check/raise- 5.71%

Obviously the hand samples are smaller, but i think its a good sign to see and showing a positive trend in my improvement.

Next post ill share some fun hands that i've played at PLO100
10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
09-21-2020 , 05:40 PM
Been a while since last update. Took basically a week off from poker to build a back patio cover for the new house we just bought in August.

But last week got back into a groove and on normal schedule again starting this week as well.

I've got some volume to make up for missing a week, so ill post stats and updates at the end of the month.

Here's a couple hands to keep you entertained for now

**Biggest losing hand so far**

    BTN: $185.03 (185 bb)
    Hero (SB): $251.63 (251.6 bb)
    BB: $81.43 (81.4 bb)
    UTG: $80.18 (80.2 bb)
    MP: $163.98 (164 bb)
    CO: $0.00 (0 bb)

    Hero posts SB $0.50, BB posts $1.00, CO posts $1.00

    Pre Flop: (pot: $2.50) Hero has 3 K Q K MP raises to $4.50, fold, BTN calls $4.50, Hero calls $4.00, fold

    Flop: ($15.50, 3 players) 7 Q Q
    Hero checks, MP bets $15.50, BTN calls $15.50, Hero calls $15.50

    Turn: ($62.00, 3 players) 6
    Hero checks, MP bets $62.00, fold, Hero raises to $231.63 and is all-in, MP calls $81.98 and is all-in

    River: ($349.96, 2 players) 6

    Results: $349.96 pot ($4.00 rake)
    Final Board: 7 Q Q 6 6

    MP shows 5 Q 4 A: (Three of a Kind, Queens)
    (Pre 45%, Flop 80%, Turn 88%)

    MP wins $345.96

    **Biggest winning hand so far**

      CO: $113.56 (113.6 bb)
      BTN: $124.66 (124.7 bb)
      SB: $75.93 (75.9 bb)
      Hero (BB): $124.17 (124.2 bb)
      UTG: $27.00 (27 bb)
      MP: $116.81 (116.8 bb)

      SB posts $0.50, Hero posts BB $1.00

      Pre Flop: (pot: $1.50),Hero has 6 5 8 7
      fold, MP raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, 2 folds, Hero calls $2.50

      Flop: ($11.00, 3 players) 2 6 7
      Hero checks, MP bets $10.45, CO calls $10.45, Hero raises to $52.25, fold, CO calls $41.80

      Turn: ($125.95, 2 players) 4
      Hero bets $68.42 and is all-in, CO calls $57.81 and is all-in

      River: ($241.57, 2 players) 3

      Results: $241.57 pot ($4.00 rake)
      Final Board: 2 6 7 4 3

      CO shows J T 9 J: (One Pair, Jacks)
      (Pre 61%, Flop 30%, Turn 8%)

      Hero wins $237.57
      10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
      09-21-2020 , 06:32 PM
      Interestingly enough KKQ3 with one suit is a fold SB vs MP, but a call once the button calls (as was the case in your hand). Which makes a lot of sense, this hand has a lot of equity that will be tough to recognize out of position when you have just an overpair and have to play it defensively, but three way you get a lot more value when you flop top set.

      I definitely think we can get rid of our hand (again in the KKQ3 hand) either on the flop or turn. Most players are going to be potting a very nutted range in that situation, boats or AQ with good kickers, and we have very few outs if behind. Sometimes you do get it in good vs an inferior queen, usually against a maniac. And we have to be pretty careful about stacking off 150 bb in a single raised pot.

      I don't really like MP's line. I would bet smaller to extract value from spades. He doesn't have any spades so a flush draw is in really bad shape, but he could run into big problems on the flop or the turn because he only has a single card above the seven. AQ54 with nut suit IS an MP open. I just feel like blasting like that is going to really help your opponents fold hands you dominate and you isolate yourself against the strongest portion of their ranges. And usually people who are potting like that are very unbalanced.

      Anyway, sounds like you are definitely on the right path. Keep ramping up the aggression, both pre and postflop.

      8765 is a profitable defend. CO's preflop call is slightly too lose. Very slightly, if it was JJT9 with three of a suit it would be a call, so it is right on the cusp.

      Last edited by PokerPlayingGamble; 09-21-2020 at 06:38 PM.
      10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
      09-23-2020 , 03:04 AM
      Originally Posted by PokerPlayingGamble
      Interestingly enough KKQ3 with one suit is a fold SB vs MP, but a call once the button calls (as was the case in your hand). Which makes a lot of sense, this hand has a lot of equity that will be tough to recognize out of position when you have just an overpair and have to play it defensively, but three way you get a lot more value when you flop top set.

      I definitely think we can get rid of our hand (again in the KKQ3 hand) either on the flop or turn. Most players are going to be potting a very nutted range in that situation, boats or AQ with good kickers, and we have very few outs if behind. Sometimes you do get it in good vs an inferior queen, usually against a maniac. And we have to be pretty careful about stacking off 150 bb in a single raised pot.

      I don't really like MP's line. I would bet smaller to extract value from spades. He doesn't have any spades so a flush draw is in really bad shape, but he could run into big problems on the flop or the turn because he only has a single card above the seven. AQ54 with nut suit IS an MP open. I just feel like blasting like that is going to really help your opponents fold hands you dominate and you isolate yourself against the strongest portion of their ranges. And usually people who are potting like that are very unbalanced.

      Anyway, sounds like you are definitely on the right path. Keep ramping up the aggression, both pre and postflop.

      8765 is a profitable defend. CO's preflop call is slightly too lose. Very slightly, if it was JJT9 with three of a suit it would be a call, so it is right on the cusp.
      Thanks for the feedback! For hand 1, I should’ve included that the main villain was a aggro maniac and was donating. Just happened to have the nuts this time vs us 😆
      10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
      09-23-2020 , 03:29 PM
      Originally Posted by tonic1223
      Thanks for the feedback! For hand 1, I should’ve included that the main villain was a aggro maniac and was donating. Just happened to have the nuts this time vs us 😆
      Ah gotcha. Yah that increases the chance that he is bluffing or has a worse queen for sure.
      10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will - My PLO Rise Quote
