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1 month 3 K 1 month 3 K

04-12-2013 , 12:22 PM
Hi everyone, (English is not my first language so my syntax will probably suck!)

I started playing poker 2 months ago but I was playing without a plan at first. Playing sit and go, cash games and tourneys but not focusing on 1 primarly.

Then 2 weeks ago approximately I decided to only play tourneys and try to win 1 K in 1 week. I have been able to finish 3rd place and win 1150 $ in a 3.30 $ buy in turbo on pokerstars so my goal was accomplish.

But lately, my focus isn't there. I play too much rebuy tourney and my sessions are too long (between 8 to 10 hours AFTER my 8 hours day job) !

I purchased HM2 and i'm watching TPE videos alot while playing to help me better my game.

I need to re-focus so I'm simply making another mental goal

1 month 3 k
1 month 3 K Quote
04-12-2013 , 01:16 PM
Result oriented goals, seems legit.

You have been playing for 3 months and managed to scoop a 3rd place in a 3.30r, start considering some realistic goals.

What is your volume like, ABI, bankroll size, let's here some information?
1 month 3 K Quote
04-12-2013 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan
Result oriented goals, seems legit.

You have been playing for 3 months and managed to scoop a 3rd place in a 3.30r, start considering some realistic goals.

What is your volume like, ABI, bankroll size, let's here some information?
18 K hands played
My ABI is around 3-5$ (occasionally 10 $ buy in but rarelly)
My bankroll is 3 000 $

My Hud icon says that i'm an eagle, but I have it on default, I haven't look it up closely so it probably doesn't mean that much.

Since i'm green to poker I go small stake tourney at the moment and try to learn as much as possible. I try to control my tilt and the mental aspect of poker before jumping into higher stake where there's better player overall.

Last edited by MagicGater; 04-12-2013 at 01:48 PM.
1 month 3 K Quote
