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1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. 1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge.

10-08-2014 , 12:18 AM
Wow dude, that spreadsheet looks awesome. Yeah I'm gonna really have to look into that google drive thing cuz all this poker forum thing is new to me likewise uploading the games I play. But yeah my 10 hr/day challenge is only for Bovada online poker this month. Hmmm last time I played zone poker on here i was able to play for .10/.25 I think although that was a while ago.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-08-2014 , 12:23 AM
Yeah I'm really trying to challenge myself to try and get my bankroll to what it was like 6 months ago before I lost most of it to some bad bankroll management and playing BJ at casino. Also, want to spend as many hours playing online so I can stay away from playing BJ at casinos cuz that game really tilts me. Today I played 10 hrs 45 mins straight cuz I was concentrating in alot of tourneys but sometimes I have done like 4 sessions per day at most and sometimes I'll do like 2 sessions. I dont excercise at all but It would probably be a good idea to do that in between sessions....I need to start doing that.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-08-2014 , 12:35 AM
Well I actually have some interesting profit to post up tonight. Total profit for today is +231.58, which makes it the 2nd most profitable day this month 2nd to Day 1. I made two deep runs, two final tables, a 2nd place/270 in the 5.50 tourney and a 6th/220 in a 16.50 tourney for 2nd=299.12 and 6th=161.70

This puts my starting bankroll at a peak high of 798.30 so far and I had to go 45 minutes over the 10 hours because of the deep run of my last tourney that I played.

1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-08-2014 , 09:30 PM
Please draw some giraffes!!!

Sent from my SPH-L710 using 2+2 Forums
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-09-2014 , 07:46 AM
Well Day 8 was a fail, not a complete fail but a decent fail in the hours that I played because I only got 6 hours in. My plan was to take a break after the six hours and go out with a friend, but ended up staying out too late and having drinks and when I got back home had no energy what so ever, plus it would of been dumb to play while being semi drunk. The loss for today was -29.17 however I did manage to start up a spreadsheet for my progress, click on the link below to check it out!
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-09-2014 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by puregenius
Please draw some giraffes!!!

Sent from my SPH-L710 using 2+2 Forums
this! ^^
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-10-2014 , 07:41 AM
Day 9 profit +105.67 thanks to the final two hours of cash games.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-13-2014 , 10:17 AM
Update for Day's 10,11,12, Bankroll went from 874.80 to 987.03. Hit a high of around 1020.00 in my bankroll but then went on to lose the next 8 tourneys in a row that I played.

Weekly profit= 420.31

Monthly profit= 487.03

Take a look at the full details below. (Also check out Sheet 2 for the graph of the monthly progress)
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-15-2014 , 01:14 PM
After Mondays play, my bankroll balance officially surpassed the 1000 mark and sits at 1049.14, and after Tuesdays play sits at 1160.55. So, real happy with the start to the week, although in the past few days I have found myself making a few mistakes while being deep in mtt's which led me to be knocked out when instead I could have clearly made it deeper in the tourneys.

I need to brush up on these mistakes and just try to stay focused even while im deep in the tourney.

So far this month I have only played 4 heads up matches because somehow they bore me, but I played 2 matches last night just to finish my 10 hr session because I had about an hour left to go to complete my 10 hrs. I played a $22 and a $5.50 match and was happy to win both of them, so now my heads up record for this month sits at 4-0, (real happy about this start to the heads up sit n go matches) with a $22, $10.50, (2) $5.50.

Full details in the spreadsheet below.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-18-2014 , 11:05 AM
Really excited to post this update on my challenge this month because Day 16 was a great day. I ran great. It was the most profitable day of the month so far with total winnings of 540.43 for the day. For the first time in my life I was in 3 final tables at once, I was nervous, not going to lie, because I wanted to win all three of the final tables. I ended up winning one of the tourneys, 2nd on the other one, and a 4th place on the last one. I was pretty content with those finishes as in the 4th place finish I went all in short stacked with AJ and got called with 108 by the chip leader to bust in 4th. After this day my current bankroll balance sits at 1,847.98. So far its been a great week and I want to finish strong with 2 days remaining in this week. After I finished these 3 FT's I decided I needed a well needed rest and decided to just be done for the day after playing 5 hours 50 minutes. Felt like my head had been stressed out enough and my brain just felt fried after playing 3 FT's at once and focusing those at the same time.

Day 17, today I made an exception and not play online because I decided to Play in the WSOP Circuit event #1 for $365 since its a once a year event here in my area and didnt want to miss it. Ended up busting in like 600th/1150 players on Day 1B , then to top it off lost $150 in cash game to to a bad call at the end of the session.

And wow as I write this I just realized that on day 16 I made 5 FT's out of the 7 total tourneys I played for that day. Just wow lol.

Full details on the updated spreadsheet below, with graph on "sheet 2"
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-22-2014 , 12:19 AM
Since my bankroll has built up considerably since day 1 I'am now playing tournaments anywhere from 2.20-$22.00 , however most of the 22.00 tourneys are knockout which give you either $5 or $10 for each knockout with the exception of one $22 tourney that I have been doing good on lately and have made the FT twice so far this month, once got 2nd place and the other was a 7th place finish.

I have also started to play in $22 and $27 sit n goes, here and there when I feel that the variance of the tourneys is catching up to me. I'm thinking of moving up to do a lot more $22 tourneys and maybe even some $33 tourneys but haven't decided yet, since my bankroll sitting at $1938.19 definitely can afford it.

Today I made 3 FT's, bubbled one FT (9th place), and got 11th in another in MTT's but somehow I only came ahead $65.50 for the day ha. This is because my finishes in the final tables were not all that can take a look for yourself in the spreadsheet link below with the updated graph on the second page as well.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-29-2014 , 01:53 AM
Kinda bummed that basically I failed in this challenge because I have already not played 10 hrs in various days. However, I'm happy that I attempted this because its keeping me focused on a particular goal. Another one of my hopes by doing this challenge was that If I stuck to it, I would make decent money in the month (hopefully more than I had ever made in one month here on bovada but that has not yet happened, I'm getting close and there is still 3 days left to play).

On better note, today was the 2nd most profitable day this month with a profit of +$442 thanks to a 2nd place finish in a 16.50 mtt of about 230ish players. I was so happy about the change in luck for today because prior to this I was in a -$360ish down swing.

And for the first time I actually started to play in $22 and $33 mtt's, made it deep and cashed out in a few but no major cashes just yet.

As of tonight my bankroll sits at $2098.64

meaning that the current month profit is $1598.64

Lets hope I run good these last 3 days so I can add more monthly profit.

I also have racked up about $23 worth of poker points which I plan to use in tournaments on the last day of the month, I'll have an update at the end of the month on how many I accumulate for the month in total. And, one last thing that I'm excited about is that I plan on figuring out my ROI % individually for mtt's, cash games, and sit n goes so that should be interesting to see as I have never calculated that in the almost 2 years that I have been playing on Bovada.

Updated spreadsheet and graph on sheet 2
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-29-2014 , 02:16 AM
I love the old school feel of the paper but you can download a free 30 day trail for hm2 or poker tracker
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
10-29-2014 , 04:58 PM
That doesnt support Bovada , which is were i play but now I moved to tracking it on spreadsheets.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
11-03-2014 , 05:22 PM
So I added up the numbers and managed to grind my starting 500 into 2303.98 which is a profit of 1804.00 including all of the weekly bonuses, plus about $24 worth of poker points.

My combined ROI of everything that I played was 19.77%

Triples ups ROI= 12.95%

One table sit n goes (with the exception of like 1 or 2, 2-3 table sit n goes) ROI=45.23%

Heads up ROI=89.344%

Cash games ROI=22.48%

Mtt ROI=14%

surprisingly I thought my strong points would be in mtt's but it looks like I should spend more time in sit n goes and cash games...

I will be starting another thread, I don't think I challenge myself to anything I will just be posting what I play and my winning both online and live so stay tuned....not sure what I will be calling this new thread.

Updated complete monthly games plus completed graph on sheet 2.
1 month/10 hrs per day poker challenge. Quote
