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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll 1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

01-19-2023 , 03:47 AM
Played a little of everything tonight including $25/$50/$100+$100 straddle ante for the heck of it, sorta a shot take since I’ve been doing well this month, but after sitting down back there realized game was not good / almost all pros so I called it after 1 hour down $700. Kinda crazy to think I 3! to $1,000 tonight. Short mix session was largely uneventful. Now back at plo….

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 01-19-2023 at 04:10 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-19-2023 , 06:32 PM
Finished strong at plo, gii hu A6 against 22 on A26A on the turn for the full double, then freerolled same V broadway versus broadway but I had good front door flush draw and a backdoor boat draw and he had nothing but the straight, did not get there on my freeroll and called it a night up almost $2k at plo. When I left young dude said he was sad I was leaving because he wanted me to teach him and "you're cool." Lol.

Super month so far. Nothing compared to what some of the nosebleed regs make, I saw a $40k pot last night set over set versus overpair.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-20-2023 , 05:17 PM
Lost a buy in at 2/5 with JJ 3! pot, action bb cold called 98o and I got stacked on 994hh flop, bet flop, shipped brick turn. Oh well. Made it back and then some at plo though, no difficult spots really there. Worst was being called a dck for getting the pot correct - a short stack tried to jam over my 3! but pot was less than that so I enforced the true pot (a difference of $50). I got annoyed at the dude who called me out and we exchanged some words and I was in a foul mood and the game was no good and the floor was not honoring table transfers so I left.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-21-2023 , 03:01 AM
Ran really well, picking up some monsters preflop and for the most part holding. Ended up over $2,600 in a few hours. Called it a little earlier than anticipated because I was very card dead towards the end and there was not a lot of money left on my table anyway. Crusher coming to Florida with us end of month said he was looking forward to the trip. Gonna be a bast.

Got some nice compliments on my game, "trying to play like you," the usual. Very flattering. I always try to brush it off. Was rocking my green half-zip sweater and green/flannel collar shirt and dark blue pants tonight, someone said I looked nice. Getting compliments on my appearance, play, and winning, all in the same session? I could get used to this!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-21-2023 , 04:50 AM
Some chips from some of the latest sessions...

Closing in on a $20k month already with plenty of time to spare! Nice to be running good lately. If I can get to $25k that would be amazing. I don't think I have finished a month up in the 20s, just teens and 30s. A nice dealer said she heard me say a few weeks ago I was not doing very well lately and told me it would turn around...she was right!

This will put me in the right mindset for Florida too, gonna probably play some bigger games down there and need to be sharp.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-22-2023 , 06:25 AM
Played ok even if somewhat card dead for much of the day except at 5/T where I picked up a lot of premiums, later at plo someone started potting every hand at our table towards the end of the night and I iso'd him with a ds rundown and ran into a flatted dsAA behind and called it off for his last $300. I actually had 47% against his exact hand and made two pair, he announced "aces" and I tabled, then he says, "oh, Q8 two pair, sorry." Lol.

Ended up winning maybe $100 on the day after that hand. I think I started to get a little frustrated being card dead, didn't eat particularly well and was going on 9 hours of play.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-22-2023 , 03:17 PM
Great run!

May I ask what was the reason you enforced the rule instead of letting him jam his last scraps? Were there players left to act behind you or something?
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-22-2023 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by ReGen
Great run!

May I ask what was the reason you enforced the rule instead of letting him jam his last scraps? Were there players left to act behind you or something?
In case he had AA and I was behind basically; I wanted to limit my losses if I got a bad flop. Turns out he did not have AA so it would have been better to put it all in. Probably not a big deal at the end of the day but I didn't appreciate being cursed at over it.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-23-2023 , 03:35 AM
Made some marginal plays today at plo, got slow rolled in a big pot again, and then ran well at 2/5 until I lost top set in big 3! pot to oesd that got there (V shipped flop). Currently trying to play my best and all things considered I am only down $500 so I’m quite happy. I can turn it around.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-23-2023 , 04:53 PM
Remained extraordinarily card dead most of the second plosession (so tilting) until got ssAAKJ8 AI pre for $900 against AQJ86ds and lost, brutal to finally pick up a premium and lise like that, but fought for some smaller pots here and there to make somewhat of a comeback towards the end, making $600 off my last buy in, but still stuck close to $2k on the day. Def. ran below EV in a couple big all ins including at 2/5.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-25-2023 , 05:23 AM
Got a great night's sleep and woke up early and was quite productive and crushed work, a constructive meeting with some folks out of state and a grant report. Then hit the tables where I largely crushed again, first a little at 2/2, then 5/5 getting JJ on J9988 and getting the maximum against 9x. 5/5 broke as a 10/10 started and I got on the list, but not before playing some 2/5 where I ran 88 into QQ 4-handed for $300 (I was short), turned it around though, getting 55 and calling a raise (to $, flopping 995 and preflop raiser jammed all of his $550 ('t make this stuff up...) into the middle *five* ways. Runout was 4-A and he tables KTo for an airball bluff and I scoop a nice pot. I am then called for 10/10 where there's a $50 btn straddle on and soon get a mediocre AA and l/rr and hold against ?? making it $1,150 pre and getting my last $200 in on a Q-high flop. Ended the night up $3.6k, undoing all the losses from the other night and then some. Woohoo!

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 01-25-2023 at 05:44 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-25-2023 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Played a little of everything tonight including $25/$50/$100+$100 straddle ante for the heck of it, sorta a shot take since I’ve been doing well this month, but after sitting down back there realized game was not good / almost all pros so I called it after 1 hour down $700. Kinda crazy to think I 3! to $1,000 tonight. Short mix session was largely uneventful. Now back at plo….
This is a large reason why you win. Kudos for keeping your focus on whether or not the game is good.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-25-2023 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
This is a large reason why you win. Kudos for keeping your focus on whether or not the game is good.
Thanks! Game selection is a huge factor for sure. I leave my ego at the door. I'm here to maximize my expectation.

Forgot a nice little hand I played at 2/5: call MP raise in straddle to $35 with JThh, flop K97ss. Checks through. Turn: T. Check, MP bet $40, call. River: 2. Check, MP bets $50, I don't think I am winning here often enough and c/r to $270, MP tanks for over a minute and folds AK face up.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-26-2023 , 02:42 PM
Interesting dreams last night, I accidentally walked onto someone's property and their alarm went off, dogs started barking and I tried to flee, the owner came up to me and was very understanding though. Then a couple futuristic ones, one I was with someone like Elon Musk and he was demonstrating his new vehicle that went super fast, and next thing I know he's showcasing this technology that lets you share your thoughts with someone else and speak nonverbally. I told him I had that idea too but didn't have the resources to do it. Finally, I was again in some futuristic space land and we ordered new silk green, blue and white pillows for the space pod and the pod owners were pissed at us. Also some folks were not welcome to the planet and the powers that be tried to drown them in the water using some invisible force/power, but they kept fighting back and resurfacing. Oh, and I randomly saw a map of a highway and a kmart. Strange ones indeed.

Last night's session started off rocky, losing a little at 2/5 (-150) and mixed games (card dead/-300) but winning at plo (+1,200) after a rough start, losing top set multiway twice (QQ/JJ to draws) but then winning with it thrice, twice with AA against draws and once KK set over set. Officially surpassed the 20k mark now.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 01-26-2023 at 02:57 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-27-2023 , 03:09 AM
Wrapping up another session, going well at plo in 3! pot with KQJT5ds flopping two pair turning top two oesd and flush draw and rivering top boat, but ended up losing at 5/10/25 running JJ into flatted QQ behind when I opened utg, two ep flats, short stack on tilt jammed and I iso jammed, utg2 snapped with the ladies and I lost $2k. Also ran bad in my flips or 80/20s pre and one light 3! ended up not getting through. At least it’s looking like I’m going to book a decent $500 win.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 01-27-2023 at 03:17 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-28-2023 , 06:34 PM
Played a kinda swingy session, started winning quickly but slowly lost it all over the next few hours...then played uneventfully for a while until the last hour when I won an all in multiway with AKT97ds and then with top two gutter and flush draw on JT4cc with QJT86cc against a wrap and called it a session up close to $1,700. Folded the winner once in a big pot once which was super annoying but it worked out in the end anyway. Weather is looking sunny in Florida!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-29-2023 , 09:02 PM
Another winning session, mostly from plo again, won a l/rr 88766ds all in pre multiway on KK6 against two Kx (!), lost AT875 against KJ952 on 552, won a dsAA flopping top set turning top boat, and won wrap plus pair plus flush draw against naked nut flush draw. Started to get a little steamed at plo as I was beginning to lose my profits so left for 2/5 and good 5/T must move. At 2/5 flopped a set of fives in a limed pot and won a small one, then at 5/T I lost AJ to AQ as the preflop raiser in a single raised pot, but then got QQ, raised to $100 over a limper, and jammed spr around 1 on J-high two diamond flop and held on both runouts. Ended up around $1,300 on the day overall, $400 from hold 'em and the rest plo.

Getting ready for this Florida trip! Excited yet apprehensive, have not taken a longer trip in a while, probably not since Vegas. Did the beach a few months ago but it was a short drive and only one night with someone I knew pretty well. Hoping to keep crushing down there. Will probably want to book the good win this month and just play lower until Feb. 1, then start playing the 5/5 and above at the start of the new month, this way I am not playing worried I will dip below a certain monthly profit. (Also, I am not carrying a ton on cash and would rather limit ATM visits.)

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 01-29-2023 at 09:10 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-30-2023 , 03:02 PM
On the road to Florida! Driving through Georgia now with poker buds talking poker and whatnot…very fun.

Friend slept in by mistake and so me and other friend went to mgm for a quick session. +$150 2/5.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-31-2023 , 02:01 AM
The poker trip so far…

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-31-2023 , 10:41 AM
Have a good trip!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-31-2023 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by slyless
Have a good trip!
Thanks! First day was settling in, short session at Seminole Hard Rock lost AKK7 A-high K-king ai pre to 3! squeeze (AA) then a little uneventful 5/5. Gonna head to the Big Easy today, apparently rough around the edges.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
01-31-2023 , 06:32 PM
Looks like a fun trip! Baller pics
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-01-2023 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by KnoxKnoxJoke
Looks like a fun trip! Baller pics
Thanks! That's our airbnb and the Seminole Hardrock. The weather is beautiful during the day.

Tonight played at Big Easy, a little run down casino that spreads big 5/5 plo games. The players were mostly cordial and not as nasty as I am used to, one was disrespectful to a dealer and threw his cards onto his hand though. There was a retired cop who was the definition of Hollweird (nickname for Hollywood FL) with big arms..roids...lots of tattoos. He made crass jokes about squirting on him (I apologized for holding up the game while I was squirting my lemon onto my salmon dinner) and sniffing dealer's feet and kept calling himself ugly.

I played ok overall, first 5/5 session went well, winning top set nfd against?? after crai. Played a little 1/2 5 and then back to 5/5 for a second session(after midnight so I booked my $25k monthly profit for January). I ran meh and misplayed AA once, crai the nut flush blocker on monotone flop and got snapped by my buddy who didn't buy it with a 5-high flush, probably should have just bet. That's pretty much it. The tableside salmon was delicious. Made $300+, $1400 Jan. 31, lost $1k Feb. 1. I feel really embarrassed and sad that I punted to my friend though. Made me feel like a lawyer who plays poker and less like apoker player. Sometimes I do things that cause me to question how good I really am. We talked about the hand and my buddy said he would have folded if I bet but when I checked thought he had the best hand. I guess I still make mistakes, hopefully less frequently now than a year or two ago. But f it, I made over $100/hr. last month so I can't be that bad, amiright?!

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 02-01-2023 at 05:56 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-01-2023 , 07:57 PM
If you never get a bluff called you likely are not bluffing enough. If you are always correct when you call a bluff you likely are not calling enough. We all want to be correct 100% of the time but that shouldn't happen. If you run a bluff that beats V 95% of the time it doesn't become a mistake the 5% of the time you get called. Now it is interesting that your friend believes when you check raise you are more likely to be bluffing than if you lead out.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-01-2023 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
If you never get a bluff called you likely are not bluffing enough. If you are always correct when you call a bluff you likely are not calling enough. We all want to be correct 100% of the time but that shouldn't happen. If you run a bluff that beats V 95% of the time it doesn't become a mistake the 5% of the time you get called. Now it is interesting that your friend believes when you check raise you are more likely to be bluffing than if you lead out.
Thanks, always good to remember. I’ll be sure to bet as a bluff against him and check raise my value from now on.

Forgot to mention a fun interaction last night at big easy. Old man calls me out for not playing a hand “for two hours!” Literally next hand I get AA and open, the table erupts in applause and I take a bow and someone comes over and pretends to take a selfie with me. Lol.

“Grand entrance” to the big easy casino below, back here tonight after a morning 5/5 session at hard rock (lost pair plus fd plus wrap all in on turn against two pair and got free rolled and scooped in 3! pot with nut straight spr under 1).

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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
