Hello everyone I want to start this challenge to motivate myself to get better in this game and share my journey across the microlimits. I been playing SnG's torunaments since 4 years now and after finishing my university I'm gonna play more often and hopefully get some money
I will start with 8$, and I'm gonna play 0.5$ 45 man Turbo on PokerStars. My challenge is to get 3.5$ 45man Turbo on PokerStars as soon as posible. I will try to play at least 50 torunaments daily with a nice ROI
The beginning date was
And my bankroll
I will be sharing my graphics on PT4 and I hope someone enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writting it.
So, for the first update today is
27/06/2017 and my bankroll is
41$ after playing
210 tournaments. I must say that I played just one 1.5$ 45man SnG and I finished 3rd!!!
And here is my graphic
That's all for today I hope to be uploading at least daily!! Thanks for reading and also excuse me for my english, it's not my native language