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<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt <img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt

09-24-2010 , 08:20 PM
That's the plan, I'm gonna do it in one year, hopefully faster. I grinded $30 to $1000 on Pstars last year, so I have some experience. Starting at $0 because my debit card was declined and I haven't tried the quickdeposit echecks, hopefully I can get a roll started in freerolls. Been playing a few freerolls already and have made it deep in a lot of them, I bubbled one at 94 when 90 got paid, also cashed 3 of those stupid weekly freeroll ticket tourneys. If the freeroll thing doesn't work out in the first month I'll maybe try the quickdeposit echeck thing and make this $10 to $1000.

No plan to what I'm gonna play really, I'll probably mix it up, but it will all be micro stakes and I will start with the freerolls (obv) then move to cash. I'll probably complete some of these FT challenges along the way. The $1000 will be total roll, including my rakeback. Wish me luck.
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09-25-2010 , 12:15 AM
So I min cashed a freeroll for 90 cents. What should I do with this money?

A. play one cash table for 90 cents
B. play two short stack cash tables for 45 cents a piece
C. just hang on to the money and try to get more out of freerolls first?

Decisions Decisions
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-25-2010 , 09:35 AM

Did this on several occasions (not on fulltilt, tough) and what I wanted is to get some money from any freeroll that allowed me to play on the smallest stakes available. From there you can get "lucky" and double it or you can try to get your roll to, let's say, 3 or 4$.

I've manage to build from 1.70$ on noiq

Now I'm on NL50 - took almost two years (not real time) - but I'm there.

(not real time cause there were like 3 or 4 moths I didn't play at all and the months I've played I just committed 10k or 15k hands)

You go for it, buddy!!
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-25-2010 , 09:45 AM
good luck to you sir. personally if i had to suggest anything. Stick to one game don't mix it up. and out of those abc you got there i would take c and grind the freerolls until you got $2 and then move to shallow 2nl tables.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-25-2010 , 09:52 AM
Good luck with this
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-25-2010 , 08:27 PM
Thanks everybody.

For now I am just going to try to get more from the freerolls before moving to cash.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-25-2010 , 08:46 PM

Not sure if you're interested in playing tourney poker, but the .10c 360mans are a good place to start with a small roll, I personally started with 5.00 on the .25c 90mans though.

edit: nevermind ft
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-26-2010 , 07:48 AM
Where are those tournaments? Ps or ftp?
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-26-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Consolas
Where are those tournaments? Ps or ftp?
Those small stakes tourneys are on Pokerstars. They have a 10 cent 360 person SNG, 25 cent 45 SNG, 25 cent 90 person SNG, plus some actual tourneys that are micro stakes.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-26-2010 , 04:35 PM
Cool stuf the 2.20 180players.

100$ for the first. Nice
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 12:16 AM
These freerolls are getting so frustrating. It always ends with some complete moron donking out some ridiculous hand on you.

$250 freeroll, 500 people left, Im about 250th. I get AK. There is a raise. I call. Another caller. Flop is K105 two dia. Checks. Turn is Ah. I shove 18K into 15K pot, guy to my left calls for half his stack (36K), with 109o. So second bottom pair to my top two. River is a 10. F

$150 freeroll, 1000 people left, Im about 800th. I get 99. There is a raise and about 6 callers. Flop is JJ9. I check, it checks around. Pot is about 3K and I have 3K. Turn is 5 and a guy bets 600. I shove my remaining 3K. He calls (which puts him all in, not me) and tables 55. I'm like yes, I have him crushed. River is 5 for quads. F. I was so shortstacked here and so was he, I probably wouldn't have been able to make the money even if I won this pot and I don't mind that he called with a full house when he had barely any chips, but the one outer hurt and it's ridic that card landed.

$250 freeroll, 300 people left, I'm about 200th. I get JJ. Blinds are 500/1000 and I have 12K. UTG (42K) min raises and I shove. He calls (for about 1/3 his stack) with KQo. River is Q. Once the cards were turned over here it wasn't terrible, he was 45%, but he should never have been in that spot and should never have called. He probably had enough to make the money and didn't need to get involved, especially not out of position with KQo, but I guess these are the types of players that make the money.

$150 Razz freeroll. 1000 people left, I'm 750th with 6K. Dealt 23A. Guy with 10K who has no idea what he is doing completes with a K showing. Chick with Q showing also calls. I get a 4. Guy with K up bets max. I have the nuts so far and reraise, chick calls, K showing (which is worst possible hand) reraises. I call, she calls. I get a 9. Now have A2349. This guy still has a K showing for the worst possible hand so far. Chick has Q for second possible worst. I have the best hand still. He raises again, I reraise, she calls, he reraises me all in. She folds. He turns over his cards and doesn't even have a low, he has to hit three running cards and have me miss to win... and thats what happens. Unbelievable. It would be funny if I hadn't wasted like 3 hours to get that far. I have the absolute best possible hand against the worst possible two hands, get it all in and lose to three running cards. I think these people just had no idea how to play and somehow got really lucky to even get this far or something.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by Reptar7
$250 freeroll, 300 people left, I'm about 200th. I get JJ. Blinds are 500/1000 and I have 12K. UTG (42K) min raises and I shove. He calls (for about 1/3 his stack) with KQo. River is Q. Once the cards were turned over here it wasn't terrible, he was 45%, but he should never have been in that spot and should never have called. He probably had enough to make the money and didn't need to get involved, especially not out of position with KQo, but I guess these are the types of players that make the money.
Put yourself in his shoes. You have a lot of chips - you could be crushed against overpair - AA, unlikely -, you can be flipping against small underpair - so many - and you can be slightly favorite against random junk (steal attempt) or something like KJ KT, QJ, stuff like that.

If you lose, you are still in the game and with a very nice stack, if you win you largely improve your stack and chances of getting far away in the tournament.

I agree it is very frustating but hey, that is not one of the worst spots to call a shove.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 06:36 AM
Furthermore, are you aiming to get as far as possible or are you playing to win the tournament?
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Consolas
Put yourself in his shoes. You have a lot of chips - you could be crushed against overpair - AA, unlikely -, you can be flipping against small underpair - so many - and you can be slightly favorite against random junk (steal attempt) or something like KJ KT, QJ, stuff like that.

If you lose, you are still in the game and with a very nice stack, if you win you largely improve your stack and chances of getting far away in the tournament.

I agree it is very frustating but hey, that is not one of the worst spots to call a shove.
If you raise from UTG and get reraised all in can't you put someone on better than KQo? This guy also sat with me for over an hour and should have realized I was only playing premium hands. I think a good player would be able to put me on any pockets, AK, or AQ. If I have pockets is it worth it to call as a 45% underdog at best. You have to remember he had enough to make the money, he didn't need to get involved. He risked hours of work and possibly making the money by calling knowing for certain that he was behind. I just think this is bad. It's just plain stupid. Best case scenario I have an underpair and it is a coinflip where he is slightly behind, but it could easily have been that he was crushed by AK, AQ, AA, KK, or QQ. He didn't need the chips or to risk all his work here. I guess a good player wouldn't have raised UTG in the first place here.

In these freerolls I am basically just trying to get to the money, you have to realize that of 10000 people, only 45 make the money. So less than 0.5%. Making the money is huge here.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Consolas
Furthermore, are you aiming to get as far as possible or are you playing to win the tournament?
To make the money. Cashing top 0.45% is pretty good.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 03:14 PM
Indeed it is, top 45 out of 2000. Since your goal is to reach 1000$, shouldn't you play on those donkaments of 2000 where 600 are paid 1$, stuff like that?
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 03:48 PM
Gl, but I would deposit now. And past something like 1 month grinding freerolls ;D
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Consolas
Indeed it is, top 45 out of 2000. Since your goal is to reach 1000$, shouldn't you play on those donkaments of 2000 where 600 are paid 1$, stuff like that?
What tournaments are these?
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-27-2010 , 04:58 PM
That 90 cents was burning a hole in my pocket so I sat down at two shallow tables for 45 cents a piece. After about two orbits I got 99 in BB and was min raised by UTG. I called and flop is Q97 two spades. I check, he bets 4, I call. Turn is 4H. He bets 10, now 26 in pot and I have about 30. I shove. He calls with 56o. River is J. I double up and double down.

Another table where I'm down to 34 this guy bets my blind 10. I fold AQcc to him. Next hand he does the same thing, I have QQ and just call along with another limper. Flop is KK3. We check, he bets 10. I shove. He calls with 1010. I hold to double up.

Blinded away a bunch of chips and now have $1.28, so up 38 cents which I suppose in the context of my roll is pretty decent.

I got a new offer from FullTilt today where If I deposit $10 they give me $20 plus I can earn the 100% bonus still, so I'm thinking about doing this. It is alot of free money and will let me have a comfortable roll.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-28-2010 , 05:19 PM
Quick Update:

I deposited $10 and Full Tilt sent me $30, plus I get the 100% bonus. I don't know if they just did this to get me to play, or if this is just for rakeback accounts, or what the deal was. Seems like they would lose money if they gave this deal to everyone, but they will definitely make money off it on me.

Played about 500 hands thus far today and am down $0.05. In total I'm only up $0.33 through 600 hands.

I lost 82 cents calling down with JJ overs on 631055. This was stupid and I shouldn't have called down. The guy raised to 6 pre so I had him on a decent hand, I was really thinking he had a 10 or a heart draw (which missed), but I also was kind of thinking an over pair was possible. Anyways I devoted my 82 cents calling him down and he had 66. Dumb.

Lost 30 cents with 910 hearts. I limped, there was a raise to 6 and like 6 callers. I call. Flop is all hearts. I bet all the way, on the river the board pairs and I get min reraised. I call. He has AJ hearts for the higher flush. Cooler.

Won 92 cents with KK. I raised to 8 from second. Third reraises. Button calls. I shove. Third folds. Button calls. Button has JJ. I hold to win.

Won 65 cents with AK. I limp. There is a raise. I call. Flop is 73K I bet, he shoves. I call. He has AK Turn is 4. I win 65 cents.

Those were the big hands, I was really patient and played very tight. Unlucky with the flopped flush and really dumb with the JJ. I should have gotten away from that hand.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-28-2010 , 06:46 PM
Hey buddy

First: don't limp. Read some posts here, search the net, read something but just those limp unless you have a reason too.

Second: if you insist in writing the hand history by yourself, without using for instance, don't call T a 10, you have 2 to 9 and then only letters T J Q K A

If you want to refer something has being suited, like in a flop flushdraw do it by writing

"I have AsKs and the flop was QsJs6x"

Furthermore, keep on playing. The tight approach is really nice on micro limits.

I have a 9$ roll on ps and from time to time I give it a go. Have 43$ more or less with very little bluffs on my back. Keep on value betting those big hands and don't think you are being probably aren't.

Keep it up
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-28-2010 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Consolas
Hey buddy

First: don't limp. Read some posts here, search the net, read something but just those limp unless you have a reason too.

Second: if you insist in writing the hand history by yourself, without using for instance, don't call T a 10, you have 2 to 9 and then only letters T J Q K A

If you want to refer something has being suited, like in a flop flushdraw do it by writing

"I have AsKs and the flop was QsJs6x"

Furthermore, keep on playing. The tight approach is really nice on micro limits.

I have a 9$ roll on ps and from time to time I give it a go. Have 43$ more or less with very little bluffs on my back. Keep on value betting those big hands and don't think you are being probably aren't.

Keep it up

I think I'm going to try to use the symbols when I write out hands. It just seems easier to write them out rather than link to other hands, plus I don't really think anyone cares too much about the hands most of the time to look in depth at them.

As for the limping thing, I definitely think there are situations to limp. Like when you have suited connectors and there are more than 4 people in the hand. Don't you agree there are situations to limp in? I probably do limp too much. Should probably not be playing those hands and only play hands where I am ahead and can be the aggressor.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-28-2010 , 10:25 PM

Played 280 more hands and made $3.03. Some hands:

JJ top set vs Ace high flush draw, held to win +$1.00.
AA vs Q7o +$0.50
KK vs AK +$1.00
QQ vs Q10o pre -$0.75

And then there was this hand:

Hero: KQ, limp UTG.

BB checks.

Flop: A105

BB: Check
Hero: Check

Turn: 6

BB: Bets $0.41
Hero: Calls

River: J

BB: Checks
Hero: Bets $0.10
BB: Calls

Hero: Shows KQ for a Royal Flush
BB: Shows 55 for Three of a Kind

This was ridic. A Royal Flush in my first thousand hands on FullTilt. In my 270,000 total cash hands on stars I had 3 Royals and it took me about 100K hands before I saw my first one.

Going back to that hand I played it terrible. I lost tons of value by not shoving on the turn bet. I guess I figured the river wouldn't be a dia and I wanted to see if the board paired. The board pairs and I fold to a decent bet here. I figured it would be a blank and he would bet, then I would raise. So the royal landing wasn't really great for me to make money. I was also thinking at the time that the river bet was so stupid and there was no way he could call, but when he called and tabled 55 I felt good about it. When you've devoted 44 cents I guess you are willing to pay 10 more to see what happened. Anyways, sick.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-29-2010 , 09:14 AM
Hey buddy

Look, I don't know where to start. There are so many wrong things on your post that I do feel you need to starting reading some books/sites, searching for specific articles (etc) because there are a lot of errors on your hand, way of play, bet sizing, position awareness, etc.

Bear in mind that indeed you are on microlimits and there are a lot of things that you should know but you can overlook them and don't give that much importance now. But nevertheless you should know about them.

First thing that rang a lot of bells here: you said you played over 270.000 hands on ps and then you post your hand where you said you limped KQss UTG.

You have some serious leaks on your game, you should look into them. If limping is bad, limping UTG is worse. If not stated by the table otherwise (when you have a maniac 3betting everything you do, for instance) limping UTG is forbidden.

But that is my oppinion.

Furthermore, if you want to post your hands, you need to write a few indispensable things: stack sizes, position of players and some info on the players. If you can, post the pot size at the various streets.

Regarding that hand, and besides de pre-flop action, indeed you should raise on the turn if you want to get all his stack (assuming he has 100bb on the table) but calling against certain players isn't bad either.

Now to the river.

What the f**k is that .10$ bet into a .85$ (more or less) pot? What do you want to accomplish here?

You want value, therefore you want to bet the maximum value you think he would call. Do you really think .10 is the most he can call? Any diamond there would likely call half the pot on the river, for instance.

And whats with the "I wanted to see if the board paired?" ? If you are afraid of sticking it in when you are ahead with fear of the next streets stop playing this game

Cheers. Keep pushing and a royal is always awesome
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
09-29-2010 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Consolas
Hey buddy

Look, I don't know where to start. There are so many wrong things on your post that I do feel you need to starting reading some books/sites, searching for specific articles (etc) because there are a lot of errors on your hand, way of play, bet sizing, position awareness, etc.

Bear in mind that indeed you are on microlimits and there are a lot of things that you should know but you can overlook them and don't give that much importance now. But nevertheless you should know about them.

First thing that rang a lot of bells here: you said you played over 270.000 hands on ps and then you post your hand where you said you limped KQss UTG.

You have some serious leaks on your game, you should look into them. If limping is bad, limping UTG is worse. If not stated by the table otherwise (when you have a maniac 3betting everything you do, for instance) limping UTG is forbidden.

But that is my oppinion.

Furthermore, if you want to post your hands, you need to write a few indispensable things: stack sizes, position of players and some info on the players. If you can, post the pot size at the various streets.

Regarding that hand, and besides de pre-flop action, indeed you should raise on the turn if you want to get all his stack (assuming he has 100bb on the table) but calling against certain players isn't bad either.

Now to the river.

What the f**k is that .10$ bet into a .85$ (more or less) pot? What do you want to accomplish here?

You want value, therefore you want to bet the maximum value you think he would call. Do you really think .10 is the most he can call? Any diamond there would likely call half the pot on the river, for instance.

And whats with the "I wanted to see if the board paired?" ? If you are afraid of sticking it in when you are ahead with fear of the next streets stop playing this game

Cheers. Keep pushing and a royal is always awesome
If I'm posting hands from now on I guess I will just link to them or copy and paste from the history so you can see everything.

Part of the reason I switched to Tilt is to get my free membership to cardrunners and a free copy of hold'em manager. I should be able to earn these in a month or two, and I think they will help my game out immensely.

The 10 cent river bet was some crazy random thing. I always see big pots at 1/2 cent where four of a suit come off and someone bets like a quarter of the pot to try to take it away. I was 100% confident he didn't have a diamond and pretty much had him on a set. I realized I had lost all value when that diamond hit the river and just wanted to get something. I maybe could have tried to get a pot sized bet called but I knew he didn't have a diamond, even if he had a 8 or 9 of diamonds how could he call a big bet? It was just a weird hand. I guess I partly wanted to get the hand shown too, which is kind of dumb.
<img  to 00 in one year on FullTilt Quote
