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Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday?
View Poll Results: Which day?
Saturday Fish Day
5 100.00%
Mon Splash Pot
0 0%
Tues Aces Cracked
0 0%

03-12-2012 , 02:45 AM
I am fixing to try live out at least once a week. Which days would you pick?
Rank them.

Saturday when it is fishy

or Monday: One live cash table will be randomly selected every 30 minutes during the promotional period. The selected table will have an additional $100 added to the pot on the following hand.

or Tues: Any player who is dealt pocket aces and loses the pot at showdown during the promotional period will be awarded $100.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:49 AM
My casino has both of these (well they had the Tuesday they're working on a different one)

It's Saturday, NOT CLOSE.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 03:04 AM
why do you think they're doing the promotions on Mon & Tues?

Answer: because those are the slowest days at the casino, and they're trying to entice people to come.

Saturday AINEC.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 03:34 AM
Depends on casinoand stakes . Major casinos will have tons of fish at 1/2 basically every day. Id probably pick saturday either way, but in a major casino it's more dependent upon the promotion.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 04:12 AM
Fish = Profit

Not Even Close, Saturday.

This is akin to Table Selection.

I really cannot stress the importance of finding your way to tables teeming with fish.

Promotions like the ones they offer are completely meaningless.

Lets say there are 20 tables going on and every 30 minutes they draw for the "lucky" table. The lucky table gets $100 added to a pot and typically for just that one hand the game will change from no limit to fixed limit.

So, if the promotion runs for 5 hours and your table seats 9 people then you have roughly a

1:18 shot at winning $100 over 5 hrs which comes out to about $1/hr of profit for you.

So, the promotion is worth $1/hr to your winrate.

However, playing at a table full of donks is EASILY worth an additional 5bb/hr to 10bb/hr.

I simply cannot stress the importance of being at donk filled tables

The best tables are Thursday - Saturday night, 7pm - 2am time slot. They are stuffed to the gills with after work recreational players and people having a night out on the town.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 04:35 AM
Saturday when games full of loose players. Most recreational players don't care about promotions like these and aces cracked sounds like worst promotion ever. It discourages pot building and aggression and encourages people who just wait for aces and limp hoping they lose.

Example I imagine happens. Old man limps aa. Kk raises. Effective stacks 400 (ok stretching it a bit cause of the old man but this is an extreme example!), on low flop aa check calls 15. On brick turn aa check calls 30. On brick river aa check calls 35-55. If there is no promotion all the chips go in.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 04:43 AM
^ In your example the Aces cracked his horrible for the old man, but I don't see how it is horrible for us. If I have aces I will play them hard, and if I have kings I will not get it all in bad preflop (albeit, vs old man I am never putting all the chips in with KK preflop). If I hit my king it will be easier to commit the old man to call because he has $100 of added equity.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 04:46 AM
Suppose so. My point more than anything is that it encourages people to fold or play passively as they can win by getting aces and losing. Usually the only way they can win is betting
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
03-12-2012 , 05:05 AM
Also say u crack his aces. You won't be able to get all his stack in because he will be check calling in the hope he will get outdrawn. Nits play so few hands that they usually have zero hand reading skills other than assuming everyone always has a flush when it gets there because they like to sometimes limp with cards because they are suited.
They waited three hours for aces. They aren't folding them now!

With aces cracked promotion they won't bet. Without it they are going broke.
Would you rather go on a promotional day or a Saturday? Quote
