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View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

08-02-2015 , 05:05 PM
yeah it is your average friday night there are 4-7 1k stacks so I just buy in to cover the table and wait out huge mistakes. my biggest win in the game was like a year and a half ago i won 2300. it wasn't in that sample though, it was back when I was playing mostly higher stakes and I showed up just to play with my friend
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08-02-2015 , 05:08 PM
is this the sort of thread you can post brag stack pics or will that just get me mocked by one uppers and bitter broke people? I've read a few pages of this thread it seems really positive but I also haven't seen anyone post anything like that.
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08-02-2015 , 05:10 PM
Who is the girl in the avatar pic? Post some more of those pics w/ the chip pr0n and all will approve
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08-02-2015 , 05:11 PM
Brag works best on those you think are below you, hence I see why you want to post here.
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08-02-2015 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by JamesGreen
is this the sort of thread you can post brag stack pics or will that just get me mocked by one uppers and bitter broke people? I've read a few pages of this thread it seems really positive but I also haven't seen anyone post anything like that.
You can post pretty much whatever you want. The troll convention does ride through town pretty frequently though. You'll know them when you see them. They'll look and act like trolls.

Personally I would love a picture of chips that someone won atm.the past 7 sessions the only chips I've seen in front of me have been ones I've purchased and they keep running away from me like a 7 year old w his mother from a shady ice cream truck run by someone who looks like the clown from Devils Rejects
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08-02-2015 , 05:19 PM
I dunno but if youre going to post chip porn it needs to be like minimum 300bb. I think someone posted like a $800 stack at 2/5 and got trolled for it.

That was my first shot at 5/10. I remember texting my friend afterwards "I'm pretty confident that any two cards can be played profitably in position, assuming you have a postflop edge on your opponents." Jesus Christ I was an idiot.

I started off $70/hr for first 150 hrs at 2/5/10. Now at 380 hrs, my winrate is lower than my 1/2 winrate (600 hrs).

Stay humble Johnny B

Last edited by HH2010; 08-02-2015 at 05:38 PM.
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08-02-2015 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by HH2010
I dunno but if youre going to post chip porn it needs to be like minimum 300bb. I think someone posted like a $800 stack at 2/5 and got trolled for it.

That was my first shot at 5/10. I remember texting my friend afterwards "I'm pretty confident that any two cards can be played profitably in position, assuming you have a postflop edge on your opponents."

Jesus Christ I was an idiot. Stay humble Johnny B
given the right table/era in poker/stack depth that might have been true but given that you felt the need to say it it most likely wasn't true.

sick picture though solid submission.

this is slightly more than 300 bb, thinking it's around 2000bb

Originally Posted by bip!
Who is the girl in the avatar pic? Post some more of those pics w/ the chip pr0n and all will approve
you know whats a true story about this girl? I met her on omegle in 2009 and its just an actual picture of her, then we disconnected. I've never known anyone who can identify her because she isn't a model she is just a randomly super beautiful redhead. will post full sized pic

I always use this picture because I was kinda famous for it on the now defunct MLG forums posted like 12,000 posts in 2.5 years like a huge nerd.

Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Brag works best on those you think are below you, hence I see why you want to post here.
I've seen you post tons on these forums and it seems like all you do is say negative things and try to upset people and I'm cool with that because I LOVE hassling people but just so you know hence and why are basically the same word so you can just say "hence you posting here", or "which is why you are posting here". but you just said why i see why you want to post here.

also the idea that people don't brag to people above them to try to level the playing field is laughable

also I don't think I'm better than anyone here. I'm a medium 2/5 winner lifetime a pretty sizable winner at 1/2 life time a decent 5/10 and higher winner over a pretty medium sample and a pretty marginal 6 max online winner. I'm probably in the top 60th percentile of live 2/5 full time regs so the people in this thread are probably very close to my skill level.

Last edited by JamesGreen; 08-02-2015 at 05:48 PM. Reason: I do the f I want
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08-02-2015 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
If you're the very cream of the crop top 1-3 players of a small ish player pool, there is a reverse trend that happens once you adapt to the regs adapting to your game. Sure for a short period of time before this happens there will be a adjustment period where you don't make as much as you did when you first started, i acknowledge that. But once you really pinpoint the way players really perceive you, it doesn't matter much anymore; you can figure out ways to exploit that and thus your winrate goes back ⬆️⬆️

Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
However, If you're even good enough to make Money in poker (10% of players) of that 10%, 70% don't even qualify as the player I am describing above. I would guess most of the 2p2 community over estimates their skill & winrate capabilities and thus, assumes i am speaking about them in my prior post earlier ^^^
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08-02-2015 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by JamesGreen
you know whats a true story about this girl? I met her on omegle in 2009 and its just an actual picture of her, then we disconnected. I've never known anyone who can identify her because she isn't a model she is just a randomly super beautiful redhead.

This absolutely made my day. Instant classic.
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08-02-2015 , 06:31 PM
There are few way of doing things to gain knowledge.

1. Chat with good players.

2. Use other people to bounce ideas.

Nice people don't get good results using the second approach.

And I don't know any good players.
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08-02-2015 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
venice had always said this, once regs get to know you, expect WR to drop.
Yah this is probably a hugely underrated factor in your WR. My room is always running 5-10 2/5 tables, so it's not too small - but eventually I'll become a "known commodity" to most of the regs and will have to adjust to their adjustments.
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08-02-2015 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by spikeraw22
Beware the downswing Johnny. I started off at 2/5 like gangbusters too.
How long did it last? How big of a reality check was it?

Originally Posted by suited fours
While I'll pull for you to continue to crush, I put the o/u at when you'll laugh at yourself for this statement at 50 more hours.
I'll check back in in another 50
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08-02-2015 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
People call down new players light, nature of suspicious poker players.

New players are also slightly more aggressive, nature of unsuspecting poker players.

venice had always said this, once regs get to know you, expect WR to drop.
Calling BS on this.

When I first started playing in a small player pool in 2008, my win rate definitely increased over time when regs got to know me because they would give me insane amounts of action. Then when I switched to another somewhat small player pool in 2012, the same thing happened. The regs would get to know me, and my win rate would increase because they would give me a ton of action.

More importantly, home field advantage is a very big deal. New grinders to a player pool will always be at a disadvantage to the existing grinders because the existing grinders have such an intimate knowledge of the player pool already.

It is completely backwards to say that your win rate will be highest when you first enter a new player pool.
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08-02-2015 , 08:55 PM
That's assuming one's not god's greatest gift to poker, but you are.
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08-02-2015 , 08:56 PM
My win rate also goes up over the years, but I know that I am exception to the rule, because I am also god's gift to poker.
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08-02-2015 , 09:00 PM
Not here to brag. Plenty of other people do that. Just saying that you are wrong about winrates going down when existing regs "get to know you."
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08-02-2015 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
Not here to brag. Plenty of other people do that. Just saying that you are wrong about winrates going down when existing regs "get to know you."
If you are a losing player or break even player, it does happen.

Do you disagree with that?
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08-02-2015 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
If you are a losing player or break even player, it does happen.

Do you disagree with that?
You were posting your nonsense in response to people who were posting their POSITIVE winrates in this thread. I have no idea why you would bring up irrelevant losing players or breakeven players. We are discussing winning LLSNL posters and what might happen to them as the regs in their player pool "got to know them.":
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08-02-2015 , 09:07 PM
Let me put it in a way that it's harder to argue.

If you are better than the regs, then time would make it favorable for you.

If you are not, then time would favor the other guys.

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08-02-2015 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
You were posting your nonsense in response to people who were posting their POSITIVE winrates in this thread. I have no idea why you would bring up irrelevant losing players or breakeven players. We are discussing winning LLSNL posters and what might happen to them as the regs in their player pool "got to know them.":
There you go again.

Calm down buddy, breath through your mouth.
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08-02-2015 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
venice had always said this, once regs get to know you, expect WR to drop.
The above statement is complete trash and opposite of the truth as a response to the winning LLSNL posters who were discussing their short-term win-rate results and wondering about their future results at a new stake (1/2 player who recently moved up to 2/5, for example)

Enough said.
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08-02-2015 , 09:12 PM
Didn't know you were the hall bad.
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08-02-2015 , 09:36 PM
i think you are both wrong. I think you guys are trying to approach this problem in a box. a framing issue.

two things you aren't considering: your skill isn't a static thing, you try new things, make adjustments, keep some of them and lose others. your current skill set is a hybrid of new and old information either learned or remember. so to say your winrate is going up or going down is just drawing two imaginary lines in the long term and then saying you see a trend. most people agree that 1200 or so hours is reasonable as a sample, so if you say "in the last 200 hours the players have gotten to know me better, and my winrate has gone down/up during that time" you are looking at a sample that is not big enough to back that statement up. All you are left with is confirmation bias and some anecdotal evidence that you don't even have all the information on because you can't really know what % of someones decisions are history based.

the second thing you aren't considering is this: winrates going up and down based on the amount of time in the player pool is player dependent. lets say player A is a guy who looks up from his ipad, sees a hand is in his opening range and opens it. over time he will get "better" aka do the things he is doing in such a way that creates higher expectation. but this type of player is likely to see his winrate go down in the same pool because the players are using the information gained about his specific play style MORE than he is, because he is modifying his strategy against itself as opposed to against his opponents. he is doing things that will increase his winrate in a vacuum but he is doing them at or below the rate at which people adjust. he is also creating an element of guessing because if players are making adjustments to his old methods and he isn't using them anymore he will not understand why the player pool is playing the way it is.(or which of the players are capable of doing so because he isn't paying attention)

Player B is the type of player who maybe has a more exploitable strategy that would get him in trouble in tougher games, but is always making adjustments against the pool and specific players. instead of looking up from his ipad, he sometimes makes decisions about his cards before he looks at them, because of a combination of history and physical tells. The reason this player is going to increase his winrate over time in a small pool is because he is going to gain more information than his opponents, he is going to use this information more efficiently and he is going to make better adjustments.

each of these type of players has an good and bad elements. they will just have largely different experiences verses a low stakes player pool.

its also for these reasons a lot of people fail moving up to 5/10 and why some 5/10 regs don't bother to play 2/5.

oh also there is a lot to be said about how you come to be perceived. If a player pool looks at you as tilty/unkind/broke/easily upset/unprofessional/mean, even if you are getting better the population might make less folds, play you tougher, share information, call you are a group to try to bust you. there are lots of things that can effect your rate in a large pool that aren't related to how you play your hands. for example a few of my friends have given cold shoulders to whales in the past and now find it really hard to make him gamble verses them or even sit in their games. social thinking is a bigger part of live winrates than even most good regs realize.
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08-02-2015 , 09:46 PM
Nice post, JamesGreen. You made a lot of great points. Bravo for taking the time to write that up.
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08-02-2015 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
Nice post, JamesGreen. You made a lot of great points. Bravo for taking the time to write that up.
Really? I thought it totally missed the point. I think you're just praising him because you dislike RP and want to disagree with him even if it means agreeing with whatever that post was supposed to be.
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