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View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

06-09-2014 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by nutinsider
Safety deposit box.
What would a safety deposit box accomplish that my safe doesn't?
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06-09-2014 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh
What would a safety deposit box accomplish that my safe doesn't?
But thieves bro.
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06-10-2014 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
But thieves bro.
But my safe is bolted into the floor, not to mention you need a key AND combination to get inside.

But first you have to beat the dogs.
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06-10-2014 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by SammyZ
Currently playing "professionally" & recently got my BR up to 15k and decided to start taking shots @ 5/10 $500-$1000, instead of my normal 2/3 1-300 game.

Played 8 short (28hrs total) winning sessions and was +4.5k (18k roll) and had my first (and biggest ever) loosing session a few days ago which was -2.3k.

I feel like I could beat the game but I think I should wait until I get my roll up to around 18-20k before I go back to taking any shots @ 5/10.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
If there is no limit between 2/3 and 5/10 I think you should be more conservative with taking shots.. at $18k I would be taking 200bb shots at 5/10 at the most and move down if drop below $15k. Its going to take a huge grind/run good to get back a standard loss (3-4k) in a 5/10 by playing 2/3.
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06-10-2014 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh
But my safe is bolted into the floor, not to mention you need a key AND combination to get inside.

But first you have to beat the dogs.
let me know the address.. but not until its over $15k
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06-10-2014 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by nutinsider
Safety deposit box.
Safety deposit boxes can be seized by the Feds or frozen if you run into trouble. Plus it's not completely unheard of for people's safety deposit boxes to be robbed by unscrupulous bank employees.
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06-10-2014 , 11:04 AM
Ok, serious question even though it is a very fishy question:

I know the sample sizes are small, but like, why is there such an enormous difference here? Can I draw any conclusions? Is anything here relevant?

Total Stats at 1/2, 1/3, and 2/3: 168.75 hours, +$1.64/hr, -0.13 BB/hr

More specifically...

1/2: 36.95 hours, -$18.53/hr
1/3: 128.05 hours, +$5.46/hr

Total Stats at 2/5, 3/5, and 5/5: 212.81 hours, +$49.00/hr

LA 500 NL: 111.14 hours, +$112.23/hr
Other 500 NL: 101.67 hours, -$20.11/hr

edit: Even adding my 2013 stats... I am +1.51 BB/hr at 1/2 and 1/3 for 2013... which makes my total +0.86 bb/hr at 1/2 and 1/3 lifetime

At 2/5 lifetime (including an 18 hour sample of 2/5 in 2013), I am at $55.32/hr total

Idk... I feel like there is something to it? Maybe I just WANT to believe there is something to it? Or is the only thing to it that I ran really really well at 2/5 and ran poorly at 1/2 and 1/3 and in reality, it'll converge somewhere right in the middle long-term?

Last edited by Duke0424; 06-10-2014 at 11:22 AM.
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06-10-2014 , 11:23 AM
IR2M, I spoke to you in Vegas about how I felt 1/2 was like really irritating to me and at times I felt it was not even beatable. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the above although I'm pretty sure you'll say its just weird variance.
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06-10-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
IR2M, I spoke to you in Vegas about how I felt 1/2 was like really irritating to me and at times I felt it was not even beatable. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the above although I'm pretty sure you'll say its just weird variance.
you ran hot in LA
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06-10-2014 , 11:43 AM
slim, are you saying that a 22.5 bb/hr winrate is in fact NOT sustainable?
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06-10-2014 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
slim, are you saying that a 22.5 bb/hr winrate is in fact NOT sustainable?
I believe that is exactly what I am yes
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06-10-2014 , 12:02 PM
duke. out of curiosity, what prompted you to move up to 2/5 when you weren't beating 1/2? did you feel you were a winning player who was just running poorly? did you feel the rake was prohibitive at 1/2?
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06-10-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by TeamKB
duke. out of curiosity, what prompted you to move up to 2/5 when you weren't beating 1/2? did you feel you were a winning player who was just running poorly? did you feel the rake was prohibitive at 1/2?
I first moved up to 1/3 from 1/2 because the 1/2 games at my home casino were sometimes pretty bad and the 1/3 game was always very good. I was beating 1/3, but not for as much as I wanted to... however, I built my roll to like $10k playing 1/3 as I continued to get better and then took a shot at the LA 5/5 games because I got coaching from a notable LA-crusher and could feel myself improving very quickly.

So basically time line goes like this:

October I started playing live poker and taking poker seriously... played 1/2, lost a lot

November I started playing 1/3 because the games were a lot better and won at like $21/hr or something for the next three months. I got aggressive with 2/5 shots during this time too and made like $2.3k+ in 18 hours. after that, I had a bit of a downswing, moved to Vegas, and continued to play a mixture of 1/3 and 2/5 and did ok in both (like 6bb/hr).

So it was a combination of getting better at poker, doing like ok-ish at 1/3, and aggressively shot taking 2/5 and running really well/playing really well at 2/5. I never moved up to 2/5 without a good reason imo.
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06-10-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by TeamKB
duke. out of curiosity, what prompted you to move up to 2/5 when you weren't beating 1/2? did you feel you were a winning player who was just running poorly? did you feel the rake was prohibitive at 1/2?
This is a very valid question.

Also, regarding 1/2 and beating it:

1/2 is beatable. It's a fact. Or I run like god for the last 600 hours. I know a number of people who beat 1/2. At all of our local casinos.

People are just so terrible. Period. They call with such crap hands all the time OOP, IP, and check/fold so much on the flop/turn it's just laughable.
Raise, cBet, win.

Yes, the rake sucks. But the players are so bad that it's still very beatable.
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06-10-2014 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
This is a very valid question.

Also, regarding 1/2 and beating it:

1/2 is beatable. It's a fact. Or I run like god for the last 600 hours. I know a number of people who beat 1/2. At all of our local casinos.

People are just so terrible. Period. They call with such crap hands all the time OOP, IP, and check/fold so much on the flop/turn it's just laughable.
Raise, cBet, win.

Yes, the rake sucks. But the players are so bad that it's still very beatable.
yeah, fwiw im not saying its not beatable although i bet its coming off that way. i just dont know what exactly im doing so wrong at 1/2. it seems really easy, every time i play in a 1/2 game there are 6-8 fish who are either loose/passive or weak/tight. but i just never win
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06-10-2014 , 12:20 PM
Also, I'm not saying that you can't beat the game.
And I'm not saying that you win rate is accurate or not accurate.

But sample size bro..

If you have 200 hours at a game (say 1/2 for example) and if at any time during that 200 hour stretch you gii with AA vs KK for 150bb each and you lose your 80% hand, you lose a 300bb pot. That's a 600bb swing in your winrate. So, you now move your entire win rate for your sample by 3bb hour. That's insane.

So, you talk about your 2/5 win rates, and your 1/2 or 1/3 win rates. But try to think about any big hand you played at either of these levels, the good ones and the bad ones and think about how they could be affecting your win rates. That's another reason why it's important to get a bigger sample before trying to put too much stock into your specific numbers (as opposed to your general trending).
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06-10-2014 , 12:21 PM
You'll likely ignore me since we aren't "friends" but maybe you are not nearly as good as you think you are (or at least thought you were). I'm not saying this definitively I am saying this is a possibility.

Not saying you didn't have reasons to shot take and that seems fine but perhaps you aren't/weren't ready. Tighten up some leaks, put in monster hours at 1/2 and 1/3, stop spewing, ABC it up, listen to others who have significantly more experience and results to back it up, proft, rinse and repeat.

Just because you have the roll for a certain level doesn't mean you are ready to beat that level.
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06-10-2014 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
yeah, fwiw im not saying its not beatable although i bet its coming off that way. i just dont know what exactly im doing so wrong at 1/2. it seems really easy, every time i play in a 1/2 game there are 6-8 fish who are either loose/passive or weak/tight. but i just never win
FPS likely bro.

You are better than a lot of them. You know that you are better than them. So, you might do fancy stuff (like 3betting with ATC which happens to be T2o I seem to recall) to get them to fold or call.

Just because we can think on level 3 and 4 doesn't mean that they even understand what level 0 is. Just remember that.
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06-10-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by TeamKB
duke. out of curiosity, what prompted you to move up to 2/5 when you weren't beating 1/2? did you feel you were a winning player who was just running poorly? did you feel the rake was prohibitive at 1/2?
Seeking respect for his raises is obv
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06-10-2014 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
FPS likely bro.

You are better than a lot of them. You know that you are better than them. So, you might do fancy stuff (like 3betting with ATC which happens to be T2o I seem to recall) to get them to fold or call.

Just because we can think on level 3 and 4 doesn't mean that they even understand what level 0 is. Just remember that.
Probably the number 1 trait that defines "better" IMO is understanding how your player pool thinks and only playing 1 step ahead of them (or more appropriately stated adjusting to their level of play). Not 2 or 3 levels higher than they think. That's spewy FPS and is a trait of a player that really isn't "better". Yeah that player may have more theoretical poker knowledge but applies it incorrectly, in the wrong spots, etc. Not sure if that is the case with Duke though I suspect it is at least partially true.

but yeah sample sizes
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06-10-2014 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
You'll likely ignore me since we aren't "friends" but maybe you are not nearly as good as you think you are (or at least thought you were). I'm not saying this definitively I am saying this is a possibility.

Not saying you didn't have reasons to shot take and that seems fine but perhaps you aren't/weren't ready. Tighten up some leaks, put in monster hours at 1/2 and 1/3, stop spewing, ABC it up, listen to others who have significantly more experience and results to back it up, proft, rinse and repeat.

Just because you have the roll for a certain level doesn't mean you are ready to beat that level.
Yeah, I think you're right. I try to play very ABC at 1/2 but at times, I just can't help myself. And I'll look at HHs and try to convert the numbers to BBs and ask myself if I would ever make this play at a 2/5 game. I usually wouldn't, but it just feels so easy to throw $10 in or $20 in at 1/2.

FWIW, I know I seem like a huge clown to you who is destined for busto, but I have received coaching from ATsai to tighten up my leaks, I have subscriptions to a bunch of training sites, and I talk about poker with friends on and off pretty much for hours and hours every day (like not straight through, but usually there is always someone texting me a hand or whatever). Like, idk, I looked at my stats today and realized that I really have worked hard on my game... so how the **** am I break-even at 1/2 and 1/3 but winning 11bb/hr at 2/5 since I started playing live poker?

Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
FPS likely bro.

You are better than a lot of them. You know that you are better than them. So, you might do fancy stuff (like 3betting with ATC which happens to be T2o I seem to recall) to get them to fold or call.

Just because we can think on level 3 and 4 doesn't mean that they even understand what level 0 is. Just remember that.
I am sure this is the biggest culprit. But even doing dumb **** once in a while shouldn't take me from being a decent winner to being break-even? I am sure variance is playing a roll... but I really don't get into many big pots at 1/2. If I stack someone, they're usually short-stacked... otherwise I'm just getting 1 street of value a lot and they fold the turn or they fold to a flop c-bet. People at 1/2 aren't stacking off for 100bb as lightly as they seem to do at 2/5.
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06-10-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by wj94
Just seems impossible to never have had a 500bb downswing. I lost 420bb playing $1/2 yesterday in two hours just with a few coolers (QQ<AA, K9<A9 on 992 flop, flush over flush, trips against a boat in heads up pot, few three outer rivers, etc). Ended up with a 200bb win at end of day but that's a 620bb swing just in one 6 hour session. Doesn't matter how well you play, can't run like a champ forever. All of the best players I know seem to have a max of about 1000-1500bb downswing at some point depending on stakes/structure.
Only a 1,724 hour sample size, so still just starting out; no doubt I have a 5 BI downswing waiting for me around the corner. About a month ago I was stuck ~450bb in a single session before turning that particular session around for just an average biggish loss, so yeah, it'll happen.

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06-10-2014 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Only a 1,724 hour sample size, so still just starting out; no doubt I have a 5 BI downswing waiting for me around the corner. About a month ago I was stuck ~450bb in a single session before turning that particular session around for just an average biggish loss, so yeah, it'll happen.

That's still insane over 1700 hours...but nice work. I've seen solid players lose 600+bb in a single session before, especially if the game is good and they are running bad.
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06-10-2014 , 01:21 PM
I somehow managed to book a winning May despite going on a $3600 downswing during the month. I have no clue how, but the numbers don't lie.
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06-10-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by 1968
If there is no limit between 2/3 and 5/10 I think you should be more conservative with taking shots.. at $18k I would be taking 200bb shots at 5/10 at the most and move down if drop below $15k. Its going to take a huge grind/run good to get back a standard loss (3-4k) in a 5/10 by playing 2/3.
2/3 game is the closest (25 miles) and anything bigger is 70-80 miles away. 2/3 already plays like 2/5 & the only difference is the $300 cap. I figured if I was gonna commute I might as well play 5/10. Skill levels seem the same as every other game I played.

Instead of taking another "shot" when i get to 18/20k I might try the $300-$1,000 5/5? Game @ the bike. Seems a lot "safer" for my BR.

Thanks for the input.
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