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Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games?

02-06-2023 , 02:36 AM
Like seriously, it's just not fun and kills the mood.

I can kind of get it at higher stakes, no need to volunteer information needlessly. But even then if you're first to act and have to show anyway then why not just show right away?
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:44 AM
Dunno why, I roll them straight away but most of the regs seem to prefer keeping their cards hidden until showdown.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-06-2023 , 03:52 AM
Because if they can get their opponent to show a winner out of turn they can still muck the loser while protecting their range
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-06-2023 , 09:59 AM
100% agree. IMO most of these players are too short sighted. They don’t understand what a fun/casual image is and how far that goes to getting action from fun players. I used to take myself too seriously at the tables too so i know.

Nowadays in 95% of situations if I’m all in my cards are on their backs immediately. Does that one behavior really change my image all that much? Probly not but it’s the sum of all behaviors combined that really counts.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-06-2023 , 10:39 AM
Yeah just turn the cards over even if u call in all in even if u think u are behind.

Better for the game/flow and makes you more likeable.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-06-2023 , 11:10 AM
Sometime I do, sometimes I don't. One reason I don't is that I don't want them to know that I actually bluff. Seriously. Most of the guys I play against, and it's usually the same guys, have no idea that I actually bluff -- I'd like to keep it that way.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 12:49 AM
not once in my life have i not flipped my cards over when all in and there's no more possible action other than to deal it out
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 02:13 AM
"It's bad luck to show your hand before SD."

Crazy how often those words get uttered.

That and people don't like to be slow-rolled.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 07:47 AM
because they are ashamed to show they called a raise preflop out of position with J2 suited or 83 suited.
if they don't need to show how fishy they are they won't; and why would you want to have them stop
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 08:38 AM
yeah i guess that makes sense, just back when i played for realskis for more money it was a real oddity when someone didn't show but lately been donking around for fun at low stakes and shocked i'm basically the only one to flip over

best part is when they lose and still show anyway last second as the dealer is asking for the cards cause i guess they changed their mind and decided to show they had aces or whatever
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 03:41 PM
Yep people are ashamed to show a bad losing hand but proudly show a good losing hand, just so you know that they did in fact have it.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 07:36 PM
Players arent ashamed of holding napkins, they just have no concept of RIO. J2 suited can make a flush and all manner of pairs+. Cmon, what are the odds your opponent made the same pair as you? Thats just unlucky
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 09:15 PM
Jabroni? Is it 1995 and Dwayne Johnson is overselling Stone Cold's moves again?
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 09:54 PM
It depends on the situation. I hate people knowing how light I 3-bet. So, if someone 4-bet shoves a smallish stack, I sometimes don't show and people assume I had AK......same thing with raising in straddled pots. Raising big pre is printing money on a button straddle over 4 limps. No need for regs to know I don't have a big hand.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
Jabroni? Is it 1995 and Dwayne Johnson is overselling Stone Cold's moves again?
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-07-2023 , 10:58 PM
Old school etiquette would say if you think you are likely to have the best hand you fast roll it over. If you are unsure you narrow it down verbally and if you are behind you don't have to flip over and if you do lose the other player(s) should never ask about the losing hand regardless of what the dumbass casino rules are since most casinos don't even give a **** about poker. These concepts are lost on the newer generations that have no integrity and think that slow rolling is funny.

I will never ask to see a losing hand and won't complain even if someone was supposed to show but mucks and I expect the same treatment in return.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-08-2023 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by AAJTo
Old school etiquette would say if you think you are likely to have the best hand you fast roll it over. If you are unsure you narrow it down verbally and if you are behind you don't have to flip over and if you do lose the other player(s) should never ask about the losing hand regardless of what the dumbass casino rules are since most casinos don't even give a **** about poker. These concepts are lost on the newer generations that have no integrity and think that slow rolling is funny.

I will never ask to see a losing hand and won't complain even if someone was supposed to show but mucks and I expect the same treatment in return.
never once asked what the mucked cards were etc

you're reading way too much into shock that someone wants to "protect their all in range" in a $200 pot
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-08-2023 , 02:54 AM
If I'm the one who bet, then as a general rule, I table before the dealer finishes dealing the cards. If I called and made a big hand, same - generally.

However, just because I think I'm a better player than the others in the pot, there are frequently 2-3 other pros, or semi-pros in the game that know how to use information. Sometimes it's even a pro that's watching from the rail. I play against them too.

Other times the person that bet is annoying and I just don't want to give him the courtesy. Since that type of person also irritates the rest of the table, I don't get much, if any blowback from the casual players. In fact, I've had some people tell me the guy deserved it.

In short, sometimes there are reasons.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-08-2023 , 05:48 AM
Are we talking about Jabronis at 1/2 games or games with pros on the rail?
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-08-2023 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
If I'm the one who bet, then as a general rule, I table before the dealer finishes dealing the cards. If I called and made a big hand, same - generally.

However, just because I think I'm a better player than the others in the pot, there are frequently 2-3 other pros, or semi-pros in the game that know how to use information. Sometimes it's even a pro that's watching from the rail. I play against them too.

Other times the person that bet is annoying and I just don't want to give him the courtesy. Since that type of person also irritates the rest of the table, I don't get much, if any blowback from the casual players. In fact, I've had some people tell me the guy deserved it.

In short, sometimes there are reasons.
if you're worried about "pros" at a 1-2 game then your priorities are not right imo
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-08-2023 , 03:39 PM
First time I played live NLH was in 1998 in alb NM. It is now a legit casino but back then it was pretty much a circus tent on the side of the road. Since then I have played a lot of nlh. Prior to the boom people tabled their cards promptly and there was no ping pong with showing 1 card and all of the bullshit that goes with that one.

since the boom and all of the tv and antics that go with it people more are aware that it is a game of incomplete information. They have seen a bunch of others do these moves and I think they believe that it is a part of the game
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
02-09-2023 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
if you're worried about "pros" at a 1-2 game then your priorities are not right imo
My mistake. I play a very deep stacked 1/3 game where $1,000+ stacks are common.
Why do so many of you 1-2 Jabronis not show your cards when all in preflop in cash games? Quote
