100-300 NL 2/3 Blinds Live poker.
9 handed
UTG +1 400 behind raises to 6
Hero 300 behind with A


reraises 20
MP 200 behind calls 20
SB 500 behind calls 20
UTG +1 calls 20
Flop J


check, check, Hero bets 50, MP calls 50, everyone else folds.
turn 4
Hero checks? I have ace of spades so wasn't scared of spades coming which might give them a bluff card. Also pot control and scared they might have flush, deuce (kind of unlikely not many deuces in their range) or JJ (also unlikely).
If I bet turn and get raised I don't know what to do just call down?
MP checks back.
River 8

Hero bets 80. Bet sizing ok?
Is this line good or should i've bet bet bet and just play for stacks (playing scared?) or bet bet check ?