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what would you do here? what would you do here?

07-14-2017 , 05:36 AM
Sorry for making new thread for this hand but i m new here so i dont really know where to post this

Please give me your advice on this hand.
Live cash game 1/2 blinds

Here i made a replay of hand.please note utg made straddle to 4

6 players on the table,UTG puts a straddle to 4e,utg+1 call,me raise to 17 with JJ (heart and club) fold to straddler,he raises to 40 and utg+1 folds and its back to me.
We both have around 310e stacks and here my first tought was ALLIN or just flat call.So assuming we are very deep i decide to flat call him and flop comes 10 7 5 (2 clubs).Pot was already 85e.He checks and i bet He just goes allin after i bet 50e and i have to call 210e.

Please let me know what you guys think about this hand

Last edited by venice10; 07-14-2017 at 07:02 AM. Reason: Removed results
what would you do here? Quote
07-14-2017 , 07:01 AM
Hi, welcome to the forum.

TBH, I don't expect you'll get a lot of responses because of the format of your hand history. I suggest reading the "Driving Guide" thread that are at the top of the forum page. Inside, you'll see some tips on how to make your post easier to read. In addition, it is best to leave the results out of your original post. As much as people will try, their answers will be biased based on the results.

The real key to this hand is when you get 3 bet. Unless you are new to the table, you should have seen the villain straddle before. Has he always raised or does he normally call or fold when raised? This is going to give an indication of what is 3 bet range is. If he always raises, then I like the call. Your hand is likely ahead and you have position. That's a good place to be.

However, if he mostly checks or calls, then his range is going to be tight with a 3 bet. Probably not much worse than QQ+, AK. Now you're behind. There is nothing wrong with with calling with a hand that is behind but in this case you're likely to just pick up one more bet if you are ahead on the flop or lose a lot of money if you are behind. As an inexperienced player, I think the better play is to just fold.

I would call but play cautiously with most villains. On this flop and facing a check, I'd check behind. At worst, we are giving him 6 outs. If he just has AK, he's not likely to pay us off if we bet. If he has KK or QQ, he's not folding.

As played, he goes all in. Unless you see him make a lot of bluffs with his stack, it is an easy fold.
what would you do here? Quote
07-14-2017 , 07:15 AM
Thank you for your reply

He was more of a tight player.Honestly i had simillar situation few days ago with overpair on flop and i could find a fold but here i was playing already for 5 hours and when he checkraised the flop i did not think about it at all and just snapcalled which is very bad and i do this mistake from time to time (mainly when tired or playing for longer time)so what i mean by this is that i used 1st level thinking which was just thinking about my hand and not thinking about his hand at all

It was a expensive lesson for sure
what would you do here? Quote
07-14-2017 , 09:33 PM
With JJ facing a 3-bet from most players my decision would be between fold and call, not call and all in. Three bets are pretty rare at 1/2 and JJ is rarely doing well against most players' range there.

AP to flop, I don't mind taking a stab at it with a vulnerable overpair, but once he c/r, I turbo fold.
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07-14-2017 , 10:12 PM
When you go all in pre-flop, V will continue with hands that beat you... QQ+ when you're this deep. So, usually if you're getting called in an all in scenario pre flop and you have JJ, you're way behind. Most people aren't going to commit 155bb pre with pairs smaller than jacks.

Pre-flop calling is fine. As played I'd probably fold. I think at LLSNL the worst hand V shows up in this scenario is AKcc (I think V would just bet this flop with AKcc and not check raise all in after being the pre-flop aggressor). V should USUALLY have QQ+ here. His check raise all in screams overpair (I've seen this done countless times at LLSNL) and you have the smallest overpair. Fold.
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