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The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) The Well: Jman28 (revisisted)

09-16-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
churchill HS > wootton
Blair > all
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
09-16-2009 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Torello
Blair > all
Blair in NJ? I'm from the UK and went on a British Schools golf tour and stayed there once upon a time.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
I can't really name a buyin level that it stops working.

Basically, as soon as your opponents are smart enough to realize what you're doing, it's no longer effective.

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you have to play 30% of hands preflop and c/r every river. You can be a winner in the biggest games playing 16/14 if you want to. You just have to mix up your play and balance your ranges postflop.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
Awesome questions MN,

They got me thinking about some things, so some of what's written below is probably more personal info/opinions than most ppl care to know, but I figured after writing it, I might as well post it.

This one is kind've a vague question. It depends how you measure success. I suppose though, in all ways you might measure it, I won't be as successful as I otherwise could be if I had more motivation.

I don't think there is a whole lot I can do about it though. I know a lot of people think lazy people are kind've pathetic, but I don't think it's as easy for me to be motivated to do things as it is for most people. What I mean is, I don't think it's as much my fault as most people probably do.

I think a lot of laziness is just part of the personality that you are born with. I've always been the way I am. Was always bored and unable to focus in school.

Besides having the tendency to be lazy in my personality, it was reinforced throughout school. I never did any work in school, but always was an A or B student just because the work was easy. I remember getting a mini lecture from teachers almost every year, "You know, Philip, you did fine this year, but things won't be so easy in 3rd grade. You're gonna have to start working harder."

"This won't cut it in Middle School"

"You're not gonna pass High School classes without doing the work"

It probably is a bad thing that I've been so lucky, because perhaps I would've been forced to learn to work hard.

Every year I didn't try and every year I was fine. Everything has always worked out for me, so I just kind've expect it to. I mean, I was a Philophy major with no plan for my future (which didn't worry me at all) and then poker came along.

I guess that brings me back to your question. I became a little bit obsessed with poker. I have an obsessive personality, and a competitive one. So I wanted to be the best. I still was too lazy to do work I found boring, like analyzing equity in spots, etc, but I found reading poker books and forums, and thinking about the game fascinating. And playing and seeing myself improving and making money was amazing.

So, I think I'm able to do 'work' if the work interests me. So I believe that if anything that comes along that I really badly want to do, I'll be interested in learning about and working at it.

I guess I'm fairly selfish. I don't think more than the average person though.

Hmmm. Tough question. I definitely care about other people. I have a a few very good friends, and of course family members, who I probably care about their wellbeing almost as much as my own.

Other than that though, most of my actions are motivated by self interest, though I think that's normal.

I do a lot of seemingly selfless things. I'm non confrontational, and a bit of a pushover, so I let other people get their way a lot. I don't do that out of caring for their happiness, but for my own comfort.

I think I'm a nice and friendly person. I help friends out all the time with their problems. People end up coming to me for advice a lot, and I always try to help. Part of it is because I want them to be happy, but a lot of it is because it makes me feel good about myself. Is that selfish?

I definitely have a problem with selfishness when it comes to poker. When a good friend of mine makes a big score, it's tough for me to be happy for them. Well, it used to be much tougher than it is now. Basically, I can be happy for a friend if they do well as long as they aren't doing better than me. Then I get jealous. Especially if I think I'm more deserving.

Luckily I do pretty well now, so when one of my friends final tables a big event, he can triple his roll and I can still have more money than him. Then I can be truly happy for him.

I know that's pretty lame of me. I'm not sure how to fix it though.

My main life goals are to not have to worry about money, have good friends, and start a family/be a good father. It would be cool to be completely filthy rich, but I'll be fine with being in the upper middle class. Looking back it looks like you didn't really ask about money I think. But there, I answered anyways.

I like writing. Maybe I'd like to write a book. One not related to poker would be cool, but I don't know yet what about. I'm still young and idealistic, so I have dreams now and then. I'd like to write movies and TV shows. Probably TV shows since I'm more into TV than movies.

I used to think that I wanted to be famous. But being an R level online celebrity has made me realize it's probably not as cool as I thought it might be.

As far as doing something significant, I dunno. I think there are a lot of problems with the world, of course. I always kind've assumed that anyone in a position of power knows what they're doing. I've started to realize that a lot of people who make decisions aren't all that smart, just because most people aren't. The general public has no understanding of a lot of important concepts, mostly logic and probability related. It completely blows my mind that anyone making huge decisions doesn't understand logic and bayesian probability in and out.

I just wrote out a few paragraphs about government before realizing that I dont know **** about government and I'd sound stupid. The basic idea is that I believe the public needs to be better educated in order for a lot of things to work better. I was always interested in education. I think I might've ended up teaching if I hadn't found poker.

If I were to do something significant, (I think this is what you mean) it would have to do with rehauling the public education system. I took a pretty cool class on philosophy of education once actually. I really enjoyed it. Anyways, I'm not sure how I could possibly acheive it, but I am pretty sure that if I were put in a position to change public education, I would definitely change it for the better.

As for working to acheive something like that, I'm sure laziness would get in the way. As well as the fact that I'm a college dropout gambler who none of the public would respect as an authority on anything.

I think I mentioned in earlier posts, but the opportunity I have right now with poker is too good to worry about anything else right now. I think what I should do know is work to make as much money as I can, so that when I have the drive and opportunity to do something else, I'll have the freedom to also.
Originally Posted by Jman28
Man, this is gonna get me in trouble.

Assuming I'm in the mood to play 200/400nl HU (most of the time, but occasionally I don't want to swing), I wouldn't deny action to anyone over 30 online.

Live, I think wouldn't play Ivey (Maybe I would to see how good he is and for a challenge, but I don't know if I'd expect to be +EV).

I definitely wouldn't play PA live, and I don't like to play him online either unless I'm reallly focused, but I don't think he's 30.

I don't think I'd deny action to anyone else 30+ live, but I reserve my right to change my mind after playing with them for an hour. I've never played in a big live HU game, so I don't want to say I'm sure I would be a favorite over people until I have more exp.

You're one of the players who I haven't been able to find a strong leak on. I think everyone has leaks and I'm able to identify them for almost all of my opponents. I think I haven't played with you enough, or maybe you just don't have any glaring leaks. Also, a lot of the time I've seen you play, you've been living with people in Vegas and I don't know how much of certain plays were you and how much were KRANTZ et al.
Originally Posted by Jman28
I definitely would still have taken up the game.

I think I approached it pretty well. If I knew then what I know now about learning, I probably would've skipped ahead maybe 6 months. I wouldn't have spent my time learning and playing SitnGo's. I would've gone straight to cash games. I would've gotten a coach and made poker friends sooner.

Hmmm, raw technical knowledge base is a kind've specific way of putting it. It reminds me of SitnGos actually, where everything was about the numbers and playing a formula. Curtains always struck me as the most technically knowledgeable from the STT forums.

If I can change the question a bit, Tom (durrrr) definitely has the smartest, most creative poker mind of anyone I've talked poker with.

thank you
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
11-27-2009 , 11:04 PM
is he still responding?
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
11-27-2009 , 11:11 PM
just read this for the first time a few days ago, and needed to add to the great reviews. five stars, great read, and many many thanks for this.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-18-2009 , 12:30 PM
I have a small crotch. What about you Mr.Galfond. I'm presuming yours is bigger then most. To my understanding that is what truly gives you an edge in the big games.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-18-2009 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessorJC
So with a pot-size bet behind the optimal strategy is to jam your nuts and half of your air.
How often should we be 'jamming our nuts' if we only have a 1/2 pot bet left?
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-20-2009 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by ihearthawrilenko
How often should we be 'jamming our nuts' if we only have a 1/2 pot bet left?
100% of the time of course, the only thing that changes is how often we have to jam our air. We only need to jam 25% of our air now.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-20-2009 , 07:44 PM
Hi Jman,

I am a SSNL player who struggles with one thing very often. I play a hand and afterwards there is bad feeling inside in my stomach that something went wrong.(most likely when I lost the hand^^) Afterwards I try to find a solution but usually I fail. I post on 2+2 but even then results are often unsatisfying. Problem is you often have to make many assumptions in certain situations and you cant be sure if they are reasonable. How do you analyze tricky hands you played where you feel you made a mistake/didnt make the best play? (probably you dont make mistakes...what do I know!). Would be nice to hear opinion.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-21-2009 , 03:14 AM
hoping for part 3 in T-minus 4 days...
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-21-2009 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseDaAce
Hi Jman,

I am a SSNL player who struggles with one thing very often. I play a hand and afterwards there is bad feeling inside in my stomach that something went wrong.(most likely when I lost the hand^^) Afterwards I try to find a solution but usually I fail. I post on 2+2 but even then results are often unsatisfying. Problem is you often have to make many assumptions in certain situations and you cant be sure if they are reasonable. How do you analyze tricky hands you played where you feel you made a mistake/didnt make the best play? (probably you dont make mistakes...what do I know!). Would be nice to hear opinion.
This was something I struggled with in the beginning of my career, always felt that the way 99% of players thought about hands was illogical and eventually I went another direction.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-21-2009 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by hellsis
100% of the time of course, the only thing that changes is how often we have to jam our air. We only need to jam 25% of our air now.
No, 33% if we jam 25% air villain has 20% equity while he needs 25%.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-24-2009 , 11:25 PM
What were your turning points in the year 2009 in terms of your growth as a person, and also as a poker player. And for 2010, what are your objectives for your overall mission in life? When you have won more $ than you could ever spend, will poker still make you tick(still be energized about the game?) If not, what next?
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-25-2009 , 10:40 PM
great read for christmas lol.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
12-27-2009 , 02:09 AM
Your an inspiration to all poker players!
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
01-05-2010 , 10:44 PM
great thread!
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
01-28-2010 , 04:06 AM
best thread I've read. Thanks Mr. Galfond.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
01-29-2010 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
Ivey is slightly more annoying to play against, but Brian is usually tougher.

I'm much more of a TV guy than movie guy. I watch a ton of TV. I dunno. I liked Eternal Sunshine, V for Vendetta, ummm, I don't think either are my fave though. Just first thing that popped into my head. I forget about a lot of movies. I probably will think of my fave later.

Nothing super awesome, or that can be appreciated if you weren't there. Most of my favorite poker memories come from playing drunk 2/5nl live with friends.

One time a few of us were playing at the Wynn. I staked my friend, Mikey for the game. He's one of the funniest people I know. Everyone thinks their friends are really funny, but I'm serious about this. Most posters who know me can vouch for this.

Anyways it was a really fun night, but the highlights started when these two dbags came and sat at the table. They were more drunk than us, and they used the word 'brah' non stop. "Hey you want another drink brah?" "Nice bet brah" etc.

When the cocktail waitress was taking orders, one of them ordered "a vodka cranbarry... and your phone number"

We all laughed at him, but Mikey went on for probably 5 minutes straight making fun of him. I'm not gonna try to recreate it.

Anyways, later in the session, the vodka cranbarry brah is down to about $90. He's been suuuuper nitty and very chatty. Folded to Mikey, who's right next to me in the HJ. He opens to $20. Folds to the SB brah who shoves for $90. Folded to Mikey who has a pained look on his face.

Mikey is a very smart guy and he totally understands the game. However, he's a self proclaimed 'feel player'. He looks at me and says "I know you're not gonna like this, but I have a good feeling." And calls the last $70. I figure he has something like 44 and knows that this guy has been a huge nit, but just wanted to call.

Flop comes T57. Brah flips up KK and starts to dance and sing "make it rain"

Mikey says to me "Well, I guess I need a five or a duece." wtf?

Turn 2 river J. Mikey tables 52dd and rakes in the pot. Brah is completely stunned. So is other Brah. "That's so ****ed up brah"

They both leave while Mikey does an impression of them.


Another cool poker story was when Tom Dwan and I couldn't sleep one night. We invented poker games and played them HU until like 9am. We bet in 'units'. Every game we invented, we played 1-3 freezouts and the winner won a certain amount of units. We'd bet on each match. One unit was redeemable for the other person doing something stupid/embarrassing. I completely owned him and ended up like 18 units. At 10am we went to breakfast with this girl Kaitlin who was staying with us. (I had to mention she was a girl bc me going to breakfast with Tom after staying up all night with him wouldn't help all the rumors about him being gay (I love you Tom))

We made him do 20 pushups on the floor of a crowded Denny's. He had to high five our waitress 3x, and use some words we said in a sentence to her. I remember one was 'girdle' but I don't remember the others.

Afterwards we went to Best Buy, where he performed a quadrouple pump fake. That means he asked a guy for a high five, pulled his hand back when he went for it and said "pump fake", got him to go for it again 3 more times, saying "pump fake" each time, and then actually high fiving him on the 5th. It was awesome to see.

The best part was owning him in hu poker though.
First story is like the loudest I've ever laughed at an internet story other than a Dan Blitz story.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
01-30-2010 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
First story is like the loudest I've ever laughed at an internet story other than a Dan Blitz story.
Guess ol' Phil could have been a standup if poker failed, then
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
02-17-2010 , 03:46 PM
great thread
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
03-19-2010 , 08:53 PM
great thread! should be a great read over the next few days.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
03-23-2010 , 02:42 PM
This is tooo good!
And now that you waxed Isildur, youve got some time to answer some more, come on!
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
08-24-2010 , 09:55 PM
Do you believe that you find most success in PLO rather than NLHM since there are less ppl who play PLO than NLHM? or do you just enjoy PLO more?
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
08-24-2010 , 10:32 PM
Hey Phil,

BFP member and love what you guys are doing over at Poker Static. Not clear if you meant by your tweet that you wanted guys to post questions here or not but I'll try. Since there haven't been that many I'll post a couple.

1. Is BFP going to put out any MTT videos? You are by far the best on cash videos and if that is your main focus I understand. I've just started dabbling in MTT's looking for a big score and could use some coaching from you guys. Would be cool to hear your exp from the main event this year.

2. Do you see poker going toward mixed games? Obviously NHL is getting tougher and I know guys like yourself are looking to diversify yourself in order to keep finding games.

3. Not really a question but a video idea. I think it would be cool for you to make some 8 game mix videos for BFP. I know you might not be that comfortable with all the games but it would really be cool for us members to see your progress while working on your game. It would be cool to see your logic behind say a 7 card stud hand now, then a similar situation a few months later. Like possibly you could make a video then review it a few months later when you are more comfortable with the game and talk about what you might have done different. I for one would like to start getting into mixed games and look to your site for info about them.

Thanks for taking the time Phil.
The Well: Jman28 (revisisted) Quote
