Weird 1/2 2-100 spread limit holdem adjustments?
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 135
Hey guys,
My apologies if I am posting this in the wrong spot, mod feel free to move/lock the thread if that is the case.
I live in Minnesota where the max bet in a poker cash game is $100 on every street, so at a local casino they have implemented a 1/2 blind 2-100 bet spread game, which means you can bet from 2-100 on any street and you can raise the last bet by 2-100 an infinite amount of times. i.e. I could bet 50 on the river, someone could raise to $150, I could 3bet to $250, etc.
I am just wondering if you guys could help me figure out the implications of this betting structure especially when we are deeper than 200bb. There is no max buy in and I have seen guys with 1k+ stacks on a regular basis. If we were to play 100bb effective, this game would play almost identical to no limit.
Here are some conclusions I have come to and some areas I still haven't quite figured out that I'd love some input on:
-I assume the word "max" (bet of 100) generates significantly larger fold equity than say, a bet of 85. However, I don't see us frequently being in spots where we are firing huge bluffs for 40+bb.
-How do we adjust to the fact that when we are 200+bb deep, we can't really expect to get paid off as much, or force our opponents to make "as big" of mistakes with our nut hands as much as we could in a NL game, i.e. shoving a river with a nut hand for 150bb vs being limited to the max bet of 50bb.
In comparison to no limit, does it make more sense to...
-Size our bets larger with big pairs and broadways preflop
-Try to keep the pot small pre with suited connecters, suited Ax, small-medium pp's etc.
My logic here is that it is a bit harder to get stacks in by the river, which reduces the value in getting paid off with speculative hands that have made the nuts and we want to get value with big pairs and big cards early since on later streets the pot size will be large relative to the max bet we can make, reducing our reverse implied odds.
Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated.
Thanks guys
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 6
We have the same thing out here in Colorado. Normally a 1-2 game isn't to much different except not being able to get stacks in on river instead getting paid off 75-100 is usually the norm with a made hand. Of course there is always the raise re raise with two big hands but usually people are just calling more than shipping. Hardest spots are pushing out the draws when the odds are so good because you can't bet more than a 100 at a time. 2-5 is a totally different monster with 100 cap.
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