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Is this unethical? Is this unethical?

11-28-2015 , 09:17 AM
So I recently turned 21 ,but I look 16, and have played poker since I was 10. I use this to my advantage by acting like a kid who's new to the game when I play live at my local casino. So on my third time playing a person that was at the table that I had played with before told everyone that I'm not new and I know quite how to play. This kind of pissed me off because it's a huge advantage for me to look very young in my opinion because I often get treated like a rookie by the players and even sometimes the dealer. So my question is that is it unethical to give info on a player to the whole table?
11-28-2015 , 09:25 AM
not really. probably his loss for revealing to you and everyone he knows your "secret" instead of keeping it to himself and taking advantage of the fake tells you might be giving (or whatever youre doing idk).

i would just give up on your strategy, and play solid poker. eventually, youre going to have to make some non-noobie plays which will totally show you up.
11-28-2015 , 09:47 AM
kinda. but anyone who is paying attention to the game and to your play will quickly understand that you are full of BS, which will probably not work in your favor.

so it is probably not worth the deception.
11-28-2015 , 10:18 AM
How did this go down? If you go up to the table and act brand new and V basically says "WTF, we played yesterday" then that seems fine and just part of a conversation. Also, if you're slowing down the game with pretending to be a noob then I don't have much sympathy if V blew up your spot. If V went out of his way to do this and you weren't slowing down the game, I don't know if it's unethical but it's a little unnecessary. Only way it's unethical if it's while you're in the middle of a hand w someone else.
11-28-2015 , 11:14 AM
Not unethical, unless said during a hand you are in. Players make comments about other players all the time, like "you are tighter than Fort Knox" or "he loves to bluff at scary boards."

Just play poker, half the players won't figure it out anyway.
11-28-2015 , 11:25 AM
Welcome to the forum, OP. Unfortunately, this is the wrong one. We discuss strategy of live games here. For rules, etiquette, etc. try the Live Casino Poker forum.

I wouldn't start a new thread there, though, as the answers you got here pretty much already covered it. Still, you can if you want to.
11-28-2015 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Welcome to the forum, OP. Unfortunately, this is the wrong one. We discuss strategy of live games here. For rules, etiquette, etc. try the Live Casino Poker forum.

I wouldn't start a new thread there, though, as the answers you got here pretty much already covered it. Still, you can if you want to.
I'll second that. Don't bother to make another thread on this subject.
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