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Typical TPTK on connected board. Typical TPTK on connected board.

03-08-2015 , 04:10 AM
Is this an auto-fold?

Hero 210 HJ AQo - TAG ( but my image doesn't matter, see below )
Villain Covers Hero SB - Gambly - stationy bad LAG, whose whole goal tonight is to catch cards and prison rape people. Has bought in like 7 times, is drunk and attitude is souring. Playing level 1. His stack is roller coasting between 0 and 300bb at times.

His flattening range isn't terrible, but very wide. Lots of connectors and gappers ( T8, 64, etc.. ), broadways, Ax and KXs and 22-77. He'll eagerly 3bet very good hands.

A few limpers to me, I raise to 15, V calls and the rest fold.

Flop HU.

Qc Jh 5c.
V bet's 12, I raise to 36 and he calls.
Villain bet's 50, hero ??

He could be betting for value with KT, QJ, Q9, J9 and bluffing with combos draws and FD.

So it's a mistake if he's on a type of draw to not call, but a mistake if he has a straight or 2 pair to call.

My issue is pretty much the entire deck scares me. He'll shove with missed draws and the nuts. Any club, 8, A, and god knows what else, so calling seems pretty lame here.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 04:23 AM
I think your giving a literal drunk fish too much credit by just calling turn here. Not factoring in he could be misreading his hand and clicking buttons to the maximum. Raise more OTF ($45) and jam turn as played.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Pork Fri Rize
I think your giving a literal drunk fish too much credit by just calling turn here. Not factoring in he could be misreading his hand and clicking buttons to the maximum. Raise more OTF ($45) and jam turn as played.

It's either jam or fold and while it's hard to think of hands that you beat where he can call, against a drunk playing every hand, I get aggressive with TPTK.

Two thoughts: if he's calling very wide preflop and you have position, raise bigger preflop. He'll call 22 if he'll call 15, so go ahead and build big pots with him.
when he bets flop, I'd raise big. Pot sized raise. There's 30-35 from the preflop action, he bets 12. With your call, that creates a pot of 55-60, so instead of raising to 36, you might consider raising to 60 or 70 and really putting pressure on him. You don't expect him to ever fold. against bad, level one players who are going to the river with ATC, big raises can max value.
If you raise big, he'll call a wide range. If he raises, you can fold one pair hands.

As played, Vs range is so wide that folding here does feel too passive and flat calling sets you up to make a river mistake.

Last thought: against this V, you probably want to have topped off stack so you can ISO him when possible and play for big stacks.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 01:36 PM
We have $150ish left and he leads $50.

Calling stinks, because there are many bad river cards. Do we really want to call the $50 (investing half our stack in the pot), and then fold river?

No, we need to see the showdown.

His leading $50 doesnt really worry me at all. Id be more worried if he check/raised the turn.

Shove and feel okay about it. I think he plays a lot of combo draws this way.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by oldschool_vegas
He could be betting for value with KT, QJ, Q9, J9 and bluffing with combos draws and FD.
He could be value-betting KQ or AQ.

It seems to me you have three options:
1. Fold to his flop bet.
2. Call flop, and almost always call turn, and river
3. Decide to play for stacks. Make a reasonable sized raise on the flop and shove the turn.

I think it's a huge mistake to raise the flop and then fold the turn. I don't understand why anyone would do that. Why build a large pot just to fold?

I prefer option 2, but option 1 is much better than raising the flop and folding the turn. I can understand option 3 but I think it's overplaying a 1-pair hand even if your Villain has had a drink.

I don't understand why everyone seems to think the alcoholic is going to play the river better than us.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 03:10 PM
If I've seen him play any draws aggressively, shoving and feeling fine about it, win or lose. Stacking off w an SPR of 6 vs. a drunk aggro seems fine to me. If he doesn't play draws aggressively, I'd might find a fold (and top off my stack). Going to have to stack off here pretty often vs. a drunk aggro though.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 03:33 PM
Live game? Drunk fish? Raise bigger on the flop and jam the turn. Top top in these games is the nuts
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
03-08-2015 , 03:46 PM
Thank you all for the replies.
I end up stacking off and he snap calls and shows J9o which holds up. I may have been too hard on myself as I continue to seen him give it all back with too much calling throughout the night with a single pair, I just happened to run into the top of his range.
Typical TPTK on connected board. Quote
