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Two Spews? Two Spews?

02-06-2019 , 02:48 AM
I played a two hour roller coaster session today and curious about whether I made spews.

Hero 30s Black presenting, Male presenting 1/2 game in afternoon, biggest game in running in casino at moment.

Hand 1

Hero dealt AK on the button. ~400 in stack

UTG Straddle is black and male presenting, very active player who had just lost big pot. ~300 stack. Played about 60% of pots and overbet with hands he thought were good, bluffs were smaller bets.

MP Player. First orbit at the table, bought in for $300. Dressed like a business professional. Impression that he played a lot.


Folds to MP who raised to $10.

Folds to Hero who raised to $35

Straddle Calls, MP Calls Pot ($105)

Flop J 10 6


Straddle Checks

MP Bets $50

Hero Raised All-in

Straddle Folds, MP makes disgusted call.

Hero's thoughts - All-in was obviously super high variance play but also maximizes fold equity. With such little information about MP, his $10 raise and lead don't convey much information but he could have pair, draws, two pair, or set. We aren't in bad shape against any if called. Straddler would have bet if he had any portion of the flop or draw IMO.

Hand 2

Hero ~ 300 Button

SB ~ 180 Older black and male presenting individual with accent of some sort, possibly African or Haitian. Had been at the table for about 30 minutes and bought in for 100. Seemed to be playing tightly. Made a flush with KJ on the river 4-5 hands before. However, during his first orbit, he closed action folding in a potential way all-in pre-flop situation face up with A-9 sooted. Seemed to be very seriously considered making call because he said he knew it was about to hit and was visibly upset when it would have.

Hero raised to $16 with K Q over 2 limpers. Only SB calls

Flop K J 10

SB bets $20
Hero Raises $75
SB Calls

Turn 7

SB All-in ~100

Hero ?????

Thoughts: AQ is certainly possible as are two pairs. I think the only set that makes sense is 10s but it is possibly he doesn't 3b pre with jacks.

It also seems like we have a lot of equity here. It seems like this is a much easier call if we're both playing $1000 stacks but with $180 effective to start the hand, I think I screwed myself by not just calling the flop and put myself in a weird situation. Thoughts appreciated.
Two Spews? Quote
02-06-2019 , 04:12 AM
Hand 1 seems fine, have boatloads of equity if called, generally like to have a bit more of a read on whether they'll fold TP vs a raise but no real problem with either options

Hand 2 I don't like the flop raise vs tight player with TP + OESD, AP you need 100/380 so about 26% to call and have enough outs + combos of bluffs to sigh call off
Two Spews? Quote
02-06-2019 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by KID777777
Hand 1 seems fine, have boatloads of equity if called, generally like to have a bit more of a read on whether they'll fold TP vs a raise but no real problem with either options

Hand 2 I don't like the flop raise vs tight player with TP + OESD, AP you need 100/380 so about 26% to call and have enough outs + combos of bluffs to sigh call off
Pretty much this.

Hand 1 is totally fine.

Hand 2 I wouldn’t raise flop and be in current situation. I think I would actually even fold turn AP to this player. But I would never raise the flop.

Hand 1 is a perfect hand to play fast and aggressive early. Hand 2 I prefer seeing a turn cheaper and thus likely a river, and letting V’s shortstack inhibit his ability to max value when he beats you and allows him to make mistakes when you beat him. My guess is that AP the best you’re drawing to is a chop.
Two Spews? Quote
