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Two black ladies make rural farmer's night. Two black ladies make rural farmer's night.

04-27-2023 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I could just as easily turn the question around: If you're always expecting someone to raise, would you ever raise yourself?
You mean if I know someone is going to raise, would I LRR QQ? In some instances, yes. Kind of depends on the player I expect to raise. Being OOP, I don't want to limp/raise vs. a really good player -- I'd rather just raise because they will usually just fold to my EP raise expecting me to be strong, and if they do call, I'm not playing a bloated pot OOP. Versus a bad player who's raising a lot, I'm more than happy to LRR and play them in a bloated pot.

Of course, I might raise vs. a bad player who's doing a lot of 3betting.

At this table, I'm making it $30 pre
Two black ladies make rural farmer's night. Quote
04-27-2023 , 02:45 PM
I wouldn't fold. The decision for me was to either do a stop and go where I shove any card that's 7 or higher (besides an Ace) or just jam right now. I think jam is better because you can get him to fold hands like A5, 65, 63, 44, etc. From a live-read perspective, he's probably not tank calling two pair; he probably raises that most of the time on the flop to deny equity so that's a lot of hands we don't have to worry about. Just way too many pair+draw hands to ever consider folding and we crush V1 most of the time too.
Two black ladies make rural farmer's night. Quote
