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Turned a set, but CR'd Turned a set, but CR'd

11-20-2011 , 08:47 PM
Here's the hand I played in live 5/10 NL game. Effective stacks are 3000. There are 10 people at the table.

Hero is CO and dealt JJ.

UTG is very loose and aggressive preflop and aggressive postflop if he is the preflop aggressor or has a semibluff.

UTG limps, two people in middle position limp and hero raise to 45. The blinds fold, the limpers call and the pot is ~200.

Flop is 3 7 9.

Villain checks, MP checks, MP+1 checks, I bet 100 (my usual half pot size continuation bet).

Villain calls, MP calls, MP+1 folds.

There are three players, the pot is 500.

Turn is J.

Villain checks, MP checks, hero bets 350.

Villain check raises to 1350. MP folds.

What do I do? It is 1000 to call, the pot is 2200, and I 2500 in my stack.

If I call, how should I play the river. What do I do if a non-pairing diamond or non-pairing club or a blank comes on the river and he bets 1500 into the 3200 pot?
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-20-2011 , 08:58 PM
I am stuffing here, villian seems pretty likely to c/r flop with 810 by your description and board is too wet to try and fade river as half the deck is a scare card. Seems like a good spot for villian to have 89/910 clubs, there is 1 hand that beats you and you are 23%. I am never folding in this spot to a LAG amateur and rarely to LAG pros as well.

Bet more on flop tho, half potting isn't always bad but here it is.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-20-2011 , 09:32 PM
I think it's debatable between calling and shipping turn.

If I call turn, I call any river that's not a club (obv ship full house), I think he's very likely to semibluff-raise a picked up club draw with pair/gutshot. I think he would've raised diamonds on the flop.

Shipping would be better if we were oop, but having position, we can always value bet river if checked to, and hopefully get hero called. I think there is a lot of value in inducing a river bluff from such villain by just calling the turn. You need to let his aggression bite him.

On the other hand, in case of set over set, we are missing value if a scare card falls on the river an kills action. Also if he has a big combo draw, he might just call off the rest of his stack on the turn.

I do think t8 is a decent chunk of his range, but it's just a cooler if that's what he has, obv we can't fold second nuts to a LAG.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-20-2011 , 10:22 PM
If you just call OTT then what's your plan OTR? Can you really fold to a shove getting better than 3:1? It'll be 1500 to win 4700.

If you call turn, then you can never fold river IMO.

Given villain's description, and how the hand played out, it looks like villain is trying to steal a ton in this spot. Your hand is way ahead most of the time and I think a call OTT can induce a river shove by villain.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-20-2011 , 10:50 PM
I'd usually ship in this spot. You didn't give a description of yourself though. You only raised it $45 pf with multiple limpers...if you're a super nit or viewed as one, calling may be your best option.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-20-2011 , 10:55 PM
easy CiB 2675/call, this way not only do u take control of the aggresions and can continue to barrel on the river if he hoodflats you, but it also gives villain the allusion of FE and he prob ships all and any draws he has
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-20-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
easy CiB 2675/call, this way not only do u take control of the aggresions and can continue to barrel on the river if he hoodflats you, but it also gives villain the allusion of FE and he prob ships all and any draws he has
Any 3-bet on turn is essentially all-in by Hero, villain will never assume any FE if Hero 3-bets the turn. I guess maybe I'm an idiot but I've also never heard of the term hoodflat before. I need to start using that term and "taking control of the aggresions" when I talk about poker, I think it would help my image .

I like jamming > calling, hes going to call with his big draws/sets which make up most of his range, while he might shut it down on river with his missed draws/bluffs. I don't think you induce a bluff on the river enough to offset the times he shuts it down on the river when his big draws miss and c/f.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 03:33 AM
lol no one commenting on the betsizing? bet way more on every street (like 70+/160+/400+)
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by cbi
lol no one commenting on the betsizing? bet way more on every street (like 70+/160+/400+)
More than that...pot pot pot
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by SilentDream
Any 3-bet on turn is essentially all-in by Hero, villain will never assume any FE if Hero 3-bets the turn. I guess maybe I'm an idiot but I've also never heard of the term hoodflat before. I need to start using that term and "taking control of the aggresions" when I talk about poker, I think it would help my image .

I like jamming > calling, hes going to call with his big draws/sets which make up most of his range, while he might shut it down on river with his missed draws/bluffs. I don't think you induce a bluff on the river enough to offset the times he shuts it down on the river when his big draws miss and c/f.
the reason a CiB is better than a jam is because it gives villain the ILLUSION of FE, even if there is none, ofcourse you wouldnt do this against a good thinking player but since OP said villain limped in i just assumed it was a default random ****** reg. 'hoodflat' is a term used to describe a spot where it is not typical to flat/you have bad odds to do it, its a live player thing which makes it perfect to do in a spot like this. also keeping control of the aggresion is extremely important in this spot, simply calling on turn allows him to shut down on bad rivers when he misses his draws and u also lose action if he did have a lower set. clicking it back allows him to continue to bluff with his draws and also allows you to continue to barrel with your made hand should he make a stupid call just to "see" what the river brings.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
the reason a CiB is better than a jam is because it gives villain the ILLUSION of FE, even if there is none, ofcourse you wouldnt do this against a good thinking player but since OP said villain limped in i just assumed it was a default random ****** reg. 'hoodflat' is a term used to describe a spot where it is not typical to flat/you have bad odds to do it, its a live player thing which makes it perfect to do in a spot like this. also keeping control of the aggresion is extremely important in this spot, simply calling on turn allows him to shut down on bad rivers when he misses his draws and u also lose action if he did have a lower set. clicking it back allows him to continue to bluff with his draws and also allows you to continue to barrel with your made hand should he make a stupid call just to "see" what the river brings.

sizing should be be bigger on most streets but AP im just gunna go ahead and ship it in der, some rivers will kill our action from getting more moniez from worse heads and we'll hate life when he jams it in on nonpairing club or diamond rivers.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 01:24 PM
bet more on the flop, more on the turn, and jam now. sorry if he had T8 and you didn't catch up. EZ game.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 03:14 PM
id call and call/vbet any river. i think raising is bad here. if we just call and he has a draw that miss the river im positive he will shove close to 100%. shoving over his cr basically just makes him get away from hands like A7hh or whatever.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-21-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by firefoxmaz11

sizing should be be bigger on most streets but AP im just gunna go ahead and ship it in der, some rivers will kill our action from getting more moniez from worse heads and we'll hate life when he jams it in on nonpairing club or diamond rivers.
lolwut? obv his sizing should be bigger on every street i wasnt commenting on that i was describing a better line to take...
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
lolwut? obv his sizing should be bigger on every street i wasnt commenting on that i was describing a better line to take...
i know, i should have been more clear in my post. I was loling at your idea of CIB. no live reg is gunna think that he has any FE to pile it in and get hero to fold on the turn there. 3b even the smallest min raise on the turn is pot commiting and theres no way this will make a villian spew like 98% of the time imo
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-22-2011 , 02:04 PM
I was leaning more towards a call ott, but after reading all the replies, I think ship is better. We really aren't looking to fold any rivers after calling the turn check-raise. We still have decent equity on the turn vs t8, and we get value/ protect our hand from all combo draws.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-22-2011 , 03:04 PM
Since folding is not an option on the turn, we should push. We are behind one specific hand with second nuts. And if we're beat, we have 10 outs. And if we're not beat, we might be by the river, so giving him a free river card to beat us is a disaster.
Dodging a river card, guessing at his holding, and hoping that he bluffs us when we have a half pot left in our stack is silly.

p.s. the size of the CR seems kinda big to be the Nuts. Our hand is supposed to look like an overpair which is drawing dead against T8. I think we're good getting it in.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
11-22-2011 , 09:11 PM
shove turn. board is too drawy to fold and to call. also it's more likely to see a smaller set here than T8.
Turned a set, but CR'd Quote
