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Turn decision 3/5 Turn decision 3/5

02-04-2017 , 05:06 AM
Hero: Early 20s white kid. Reg at casino. Covers villain

Villain: complete unknown. Black guy mid 30s who is in a wheelchair. Just sat down at table. $350


Villain opens to 15 MP and says "raise 10" (lol).

I call to his immediate left w/ AQss

BTN and SB call.

Pot 60

Flop: Q94r

Villain bets 50.

I call.

Heads up to turn.

5s (bringing in spade draw)

He bets 150 with about 100 behind.

Turn decision 3/5 Quote
02-04-2017 , 06:00 AM
It's really close to fold and shove.

It's a crap shoot really.

I'm just shoving it in, because it's live poker, and if you make a mistake here like folding the better Q, it's much more a mistake than getting it in with 34% equity than folding when we are 42%+ Plus the 39% range where we chop a lot wiht AQs/AQo, if it's there.

Really, it's cool to fold though, and so is shoving. Pretty easy to argue both.

You need him to be 3-betting AQo+ to shove, or KQs+

Or going bannas with AK or some underpair

If you said V was an old black man in his chair, I'd probably fold, but a guy in his 30s, I'd be really tempted to not fold.

Last edited by Dochrohan; 02-04-2017 at 06:07 AM.
Turn decision 3/5 Quote
02-04-2017 , 07:41 AM

Not a great spot but based on villain description he is not that experienced in live games and likely to play too many hands wrong for you to fold the top of your range here
Turn decision 3/5 Quote
02-04-2017 , 07:54 PM
Don't think I could fold this despite villain's large betsizing. I'd jam it in and be sure to see villain's hand if he calls.
Turn decision 3/5 Quote
02-04-2017 , 11:09 PM
with the guy donking into you it kinda screams something fishy. maybe the guy flopped two pair like the Q9 or hit a set like the 999 or the 444...even if you find a call to the turn as played the guy wasn't slowing down any and keeps leading into you and that's a strong tell for sure.

problem is sure the guy could also be a newbie and beating into you with top pair and a weak kicker compared to your Ace kicker.. dude could have QK, QJ, QT and played it just like this. we crush these combo's

I do agree with others the argument can roll both ways for a fold or call or a raise to get it all in on turn or river.

Usually with top pair I just let the guy hang himself. I will just check and call down. I would think most of the times we will win at showdown with a small percent being losses

I wouldn't try to get all in until the river though.

If you was going to find a fold I would have done it on the turn when donk bet number 2 fired off

seeing he was a newbie or at least you've made him sound like he was I would just called down and got it in on the river then took note of what he had for future hands with this guy

if he was a reg I do believe I might find a fold especially if donking wasn't a usual line he took. in a situation like that I would just assume two pair or a set and fold

its amazing how having some history or a read on a player can affect the choices that will be made but that's my 2 cents

Last edited by MagicJack69; 02-04-2017 at 11:18 PM.
Turn decision 3/5 Quote
02-04-2017 , 11:32 PM
Yeah. I left out the fact that he took 2 double shots of tequila within 10 minutes of being at the table and was singing rap songs to himself. I went with the hand on the turn. Shoved it in. He tank called. River brings no spade, we don't improve. Villian has AA. Niiiiii hannnnn
Turn decision 3/5 Quote
02-04-2017 , 11:40 PM
""Yeah. I left out the fact that he took 2 double shots of tequila within 10 minutes of being at the table and was singing rap songs to himself.""

ok lol....yeah im getting it all in at the turn or river now

to bad he had the Rockets but that's why we have bankrolls...chalk it up to variance
Turn decision 3/5 Quote
