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TT's against limper TT's against limper

07-07-2023 , 12:36 PM
1/3 NL

It's folded to the HJ who open limps. I am in the CO with TsTc and I raise to 15, only the HJ calls.

The HJ seems pretty straight forward so far but small sample size. He does open raise from time to time. He has about 80 left. I have 400. Pot is 30.

4s4cJd. How much should I bet on the flop assuming I am supposed to bet the flop?
TT's against limper Quote
07-07-2023 , 12:45 PM
$15-$17. You want him to keep calling with his 55-99 type hands, and his Ace high floats.
He isn't folding Jx kr 4x no matter what you bet, and there aren't any draws to protect against.

Depending on the rake structure, there's a cade for $14, since $15 from both of you costs an extra dollar in rake so you're risking more to win the same.
TT's against limper Quote
07-07-2023 , 12:47 PM
I mean if he starts the hand with 95 I would just check down and realize here unless we hit a T. Maybe call a small bet.
TT's against limper Quote
07-07-2023 , 06:49 PM
Half pot is too damn big. Bet a third. Villain is going to have 4X (54s, 43s, 64s) in their range that we don't, thus giving them some nut advantage. We are of course betting range here, and we even get called by a bunch of worse hands than TT (smaller pocket pairs, unimproved AX), so it can be considered a value bet.

Check behind on the turn. Maybe we bluff-catch the river, but we don't bet if checked to.
TT's against limper Quote
07-07-2023 , 07:35 PM
I would just ship the flop and let him talk himself into a call with 22/33/55/66/77/88.

If he's gonna call a $20 bet with 55 he's gonna call $80 and you don't want an A/K/Q on the turn killing your action.
TT's against limper Quote
07-08-2023 , 12:29 AM
I think $10-$15 is fine on the flop for protection and thin value. Looking to check most turns and evaluate the river.
TT's against limper Quote
07-10-2023 , 02:32 PM
Against such a tiny stack I'm fine with our raise preflop and we've setup a trivial commitment spot postflop if we flop an overpair.

I'd probably bet $20 into $30 on the flop and evaluate from there (probably getting stacks in on most turns). Super short stacks < $100 can go in very very easily in 1/3 NL games. So we can often get called by worse. And we're protecting our pot otherwise. We'll have a decision to make if he shoves, but at this depth (in terms of ~fairly meaningless money for a 1/3 NL that can get in pretty lightly) I might have a hard time folding.

ETA: Regarding everyone else's sizing, you have to keep in mind that 1/3 PSB vs 1/2 PSB may mean something at larger $$$ amount, but they literally mean nothing at this $ amount. The difference between calling $15 versus $25 in this spot is literally 0%. If anything, if we're not going to be able to fold (which we might not be able to at this $ depth), then I would side with Johnny's thinking/sizing regarding a shove.

TT's against limper Quote
