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Tricky Spot in Live <img / NL Tricky Spot in Live <img / NL

09-03-2013 , 12:59 PM
I'd like to hear thoughts on the play of the following hand in a live $1/$2NL game. Full table of 9 players hero has LAG image, but has shown down big hands including quads twice in session (I know running good doesn't hurt). Villain has only been at table for 30 minutes, but seems to play solid.

Hero's stack is around $325, villain has us slightly covered.

Preflop: Hero: UTG+1 (55) raises to $10. Villain and 2 others call. (pot=$42)

Flop: 572 Hero bets $25. Villain calls and 2 others fold. (pot=$92)

Turn: 9 Hero bets $75. Villain shoves for $230 more. What should hero would you do in this spot? Ultimately, hero calls and villain reveals 99. Blank hits the river and villain wins.

Could the hero have gotten away from this or is this simply variance?
09-03-2013 , 01:42 PM
Bet flop way bigger and obviously you can't get away from it it's 1/2 live this isn't a tricky spot at all you're just tilted that you got coolered.
09-03-2013 , 05:17 PM
coulda gotten away from it by folding pre
09-03-2013 , 05:21 PM
I'm unsure about the utg+1 raise. Deff bet more on the flop. As it is I don't see a way to get away from 99 there so don't get caught up on that
09-03-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Bet flop way bigger and obviously you can't get away from it it's 1/2 live this isn't a tricky spot at all you're just tilted that you got coolered.
I agree with this view completely. You have a LAG image. The fact that he called your flop bet with 99 means: 1) He puts you on air/overs or 2) he felt compelled to peel one because of the price. You should capitalize on the lag image which you intentionally or inadvertently bet pot on flop.
Not to mention the flop hits alot of their continuing range, especially if they think you are FOS
09-03-2013 , 06:07 PM
Nitpick: if V has only been at table 30 min, how much of an image can Hero have?
09-03-2013 , 06:46 PM
money is going in no matter what.

next hand.
09-03-2013 , 06:52 PM
BBV is that way <------>
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