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Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2

01-10-2015 , 12:27 PM
Friday 9pm. Been at the table 45 minutes. 1 young guy that looks like he can play and rest of the table drinking social folks. Table is very loose gambooly with little pre-flop pressure. At this game utg can straddle any amount. Straddles between 5 and 15 common from 4 of the players.

Hero 40 something long haired dude dressed business casual as just got back from trip and stopped at casino on way home from airport. Me sitting down has changed table dynamics as I'm never limping, when I do enter pots it has been for a raise. Have also been attacking the hell out those straddles. Have only shown down one hand where I value bet river with k,j on a k,8,10,j,10 board and get called by worse.

V 50ish moderately drinking white guy in 3 seat. Obviously considers himself table captain. One of the habitual Straddlers. Bad LAG. Women on my right has been whispering in my ear how she hates his attitude, that he keeps sucking out on rivers and hopes someone gets him.

Drunk guy I've abused before Straddle to 11
Lady to my right calls (150ish behind)
Hero (275) with 2 black tens raise to 35
Folds to v in bb (600ish) raises to 100
Lady unhappily folds and accidentally exposes AQ while doing so.
Hero looks at V for a bit and calls
Flop (223) j,9,3cc
V bets 100

My read on v is that he has been noticeably getting frustrated with me attacking the straddles and being table Capitan was thinking it was his job to put me in my place. Lady folding AQ was great information for me. Pre I'm not folding to this V. Really think I'm ahead and with AQ gone that's 2 less cards that he can out flop me with. If I jam pre I don't think I get called by worse so I call hoping to get more value from flops I like.

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Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 12:49 PM
Its a pretty good board for TT. Your SPR on the flop is less than 1. You've got no choice but to GII and hope he's whiffed overs.

Personally its ship or fold pre given stack sizes. The straddle bloats the pot and gives you little room to play. Now we have a very favorable flop so lets go with it.

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Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 12:54 PM
Imo even a bad lag in a 1-2 game doesn't put in 100 pre with air. Have you seen him 3 bet pre prior to this hand? A lot of people will become noticeably frustrated when facing an aggressive player, but few of them will fight back without a real hand. Let's be patient and get some more information on this guy before we get our stack in with a bluff catcher against a guy who hasn't put pressure on anyone preflop.
After he bets otf I feel like a raise never gets him to fold a better hand. Someone has also folded blockers to the range of hands you are hoping he has.
It may sound nitty, but unless you have seen him put pressure on anyone preflop(which I believe you said no) then I am not calling and going to the flop with a PSB left in my stack.
AP if you feel extremely confident in your read that he is making a move then ship it pre, and expect to be crushed or slightly ahead imo.
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 01:06 PM
If you know three people have AK/AQ/TT the flop is going to be have an overcard to your tens over 60% of the time.

I think it's a shove/fold spot pre unless you think you can bluff JJ/QQ/KK on an ace-high flop. If the Villain ever folds two overcards pre-flop that's a very good thing because he wouldn't do it if he could see your cards.

Now the Villain is getting odds to call a shove if he has overcards, so you're always going to see a river. Villain is never going to make a mistake post-flop and we're in a "tricky spot".
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by au4all

I think it's a shove/fold spot pre unless you think you can bluff JJ/QQ/KK on an ace-high flop. If the Villain ever folds two overcards pre-flop that's a very good thing because he wouldn't do it if he could see your cards.
I thought a lot about shoving pre. What would the purpose of the shove be? To get a better hand to fold or a worse hand to call?

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Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by ZippyThePinhead
I thought a lot about shoving pre. What would the purpose of the shove be? To get a better hand to fold or a worse hand to call?

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mainly to protect your equity vs a wide 3bet range which can fold to a shove, hence forcing villain to making a mistake. wouldnt be too sure about the existence of such a range though...

w/out better reads, and you basically provide NONE, this is a fold pre imo
as played, and given your plan, obv gii now
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 02:34 PM
Please fold.

Even if he's an awful player, I can't see him 3b here with less than 99. Even if we toss out AA, QQ because we saw one of each folded, that leaves plenty of 3b hands which we are way behind.

WA/WB, OOP. Let's just fold while we can.
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by ZippyThePinhead
I thought a lot about shoving pre. What would the purpose of the shove be? To get a better hand to fold or a worse hand to call?

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It's the standard spot where TT is against AKo. Whether you 4-bet shove TT or you 4-bet shove AKo you're hoping your opponent folds because that's where the profit is. That's because if he saw your cards, in either case, he'd call. When you 4-bet (TT or AKo) you give someone a chance to make a mistake by folding.

Otherwise we get in the situation we are where we could be drawing to two outs or runner-runner outs.

He could have folded JJ pre-flop to a shove which would be great. He could have folded AKo to a shove which would be great.

I'm not saying it's an auto-shove pre-flop but calling is clearly the worst of the three options.

Last edited by au4all; 01-10-2015 at 02:59 PM.
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 03:08 PM
The argument for jamming pre is that it can force folds from AQ, AJ, sometimes AK, sometimes JJ/QQ.

The other part of the argument for jam-or-folding pre is that it may be the only time in the hand when you'll have fold equity. If you expect him to c-bet every flop (and it sounds like you do), then you're effectively making a decision preflop to commit your whole stack. That's a massive variance decision. 10s don't dominate almost any hand that he makes this play with. If you're ahead, you usually aren't ahead by much.

As played, you probably have to jam this flop. But you only have $75 left, so he's going to call with any whiff of a draw. I hope he had aq and you faded his outs.
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by ZippyThePinhead

Drunk guy I've abused before Straddle to 11
Lady to my right calls (150ish behind)
Hero (275) with 2 black tens raise to 35
Folds to v in bb (600ish) raises to 100
Lady unhappily folds and accidentally exposes AQ while doing so.
Hero looks at V for a bit and calls
Flop (223) j,9,3cc
V bets 100

My read on v is that he has been noticeably getting frustrated with me attacking the straddles and being table Capitan was thinking it was his job to put me in my place. Lady folding AQ was great information for me. Pre I'm not folding to this V. Really think I'm ahead and with AQ gone that's 2 less cards that he can out flop me with. If I jam pre I don't think I get called by worse so I call hoping to get more value from flops I like.

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I expected v to cbet 100% of his range, which I thought I was ahead of. Therefore just calling his 3bet pre was essentially committing to play for stacks.

So results:

Hero ships last 175, V asks for a count and ultimately calls. Turn brick. River brings one of the two remaining aces and hero losses to villain's As,8s.

Don't think I'll be playing a hand like this very often. Super high variance and too read dependent. At this level against these villains gotta keep reminding myself to be patient as there will also be much better spots they will spew if I just wait for them.

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Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 07:33 PM
On the flop his hand had essentially the same equity as pocket deuces.

Probably thinks he's a poker superstar now.
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-10-2015 , 08:57 PM
I would either shove or fold preflop but would probably fold. People just don't 3bet to $100 at 1/2 very often. If I chose to continue I would just shove preflop as I think he is almost never folding anything for $175 more after already putting in $100.
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by ZippyThePinhead
I expected v to cbet 100% of his range, which I thought I was ahead of. Therefore just calling his 3bet pre was essentially committing to play for stacks.

So results:

Hero ships last 175, V asks for a count and ultimately calls. Turn brick. River brings one of the two remaining aces and hero losses to villain's As,8s.

Don't think I'll be playing a hand like this very often. Super high variance and too read dependent. At this level against these villains gotta keep reminding myself to be patient as there will also be much better spots they will spew if I just wait for them.

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how is that not a dream spot bro?
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-15-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by sauhund
how is that not a dream spot bro?
Results oriented. He could have had AA-JJ right?
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-15-2015 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by ThaNEWPr0fess0r
Results oriented. He could have had AA-JJ right?
AA and QQ were less likely due to cards exposed pre-flop. Even so, A,8ss is probably just about bottom of his range. In hind sight, way to high a variance plan at this level.

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Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
01-16-2015 , 12:35 AM
its a fold or shove pre but im folding because with AQ exposed, I doubt AK will play this aggressively. if you remove the AK combos on his 3bet range, he is really crushing us.

and ofc, your stack is not deep to call.

AA - 3
KK - 6
AK - 12
QQ - 3
JJ - 3
Tricky spot after Attacking a lot of straddles 1/2 Quote
