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TPTK vs lag TPTK vs lag

12-20-2018 , 03:05 AM
1/2, $500 effective

Villain is a pretty good lag (skill wise) but she gambles a bit too much. Bluffs more than most and is pretty sticky and hard to bluff.

villain raises to 12 in mp
hero in sb raises AK to 55 ($500)
villain calls

3 ways to the flop ($165)

hero bets 60, villain calls, fold

Turn ($285)

Hero bets 85 villain calls

Turn ($455)

Hero has 300 left and checks..villain goes all in and hero folds

Thoughts on river actions? Thought about shoving cause I still beat a lot of hands but decided on the check. Villain would for sure play 76 like this (maybe even unsuited) and possibly even her weakest Ax hands..think she is crafty enough to turn these into bluffs. Think she probably folds almost all 8x hands ott and probably gut shots as well. Villain is definitely shoving flushes, straights, sets, probably 2 pair hands otr.
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12-20-2018 , 08:53 AM
Your tiny flop and tiny turn bets left you in a guessing game. She probably had no idea what those bets meant and thought her AJ was good on the river and shoved. Your tiny bets followed by a river check looks like a scared KK to me. You needed to call the river.
TPTK vs lag Quote
12-20-2018 , 09:02 AM
Sounds like she has a wide 3-b calling range … 76/8X, etc. If that is indeed true, think the river might be closer to a call. The Ad somewhat limits the flush combos in her range. I don’t see many straights in her calling range if she folds middle pair and gut shots on turn.

I’d size the turn much larger to value weaker AX and protect vs. BD flush equity.
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