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TPTK heads up, OOP TPTK heads up, OOP

06-28-2015 , 09:13 PM
How could I have played this hand better?

Playing $1/2 NL Live and this is probably the 2nd hand I played. I'm in the SB.
UTG +1 straddles to $5
UTG +2 (Villain) $250, mid 50's, calls
Cutoff calls
Hero ($195) is in SB with AK, raises to $15,
BB folds
UTG +1 calls
UTG +2 raises to $60
Cutoff folds
Hero calls
BB folds

Flop is


Hero shoves all-in. Villain tanks for a very long time and then folds. What should I have done here? I contemplated a check-raise but didn't want to risk giving away free card, and shoved instead of betting 3/4 or pot since that would only leave me like $40 behind
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
06-28-2015 , 10:07 PM
Raising slightly more first time around. Jam over the 4bet. As played, check shipping flop or leading turn.
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
06-28-2015 , 10:37 PM
Raise to $20/$25 to begin with. Given stack size, shove over the $60.

As played, I prefer all in on flop. But stack size means your never folding so shove or check/shove probably is about the same. The check/shove is riskier since villain is likely to take a free card on the flop but there is also a slightly better chance of them calling it off with worse.
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
06-28-2015 , 11:18 PM
All in preflop.

If you're not comfortable shipping it, you should probably just fold. Playing AK OOP with SPR = 1 without the betting lead is probably not profitable for you.
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
06-29-2015 , 11:51 AM
Bet more first time ($25)I'm shipping pre-flop to his $60. As played, just bet flop and gii.
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
06-29-2015 , 03:20 PM
The hand history is confusing. UTG1 calls and then doesn't fold or call. Is it heads-up on the flop.

I think shoving pre-flop is by far the best play. If you play it passively then I think you must check the flop. You gave three free cards when you decided not to shove pre. I wouldn't worry about one more free card.
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
06-29-2015 , 06:24 PM
I may fold to an early position limp reraise from an unknown. I range him at JJ+/AK. If you're going to continue you should shove pre so you can see all five cards.

As played I check/jam. Hope is that he'll c-bet his whole range and commit himself w an underpaid.
TPTK heads up, OOP Quote
