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TP/TK Part 1: I raise with AX, flop top pair, and take two different lines, multi way pots TP/TK Part 1: I raise with AX, flop top pair, and take two different lines, multi way pots

02-21-2014 , 01:14 AM
I played two hands tonight where I took pretty different lines, and I'm curious about how you all feel about these different hands.
They are both at the same table, both with the same 5 villains. I'll try to set them up as relevant.

Table: 1/2, Thursday evening. 30 hands in. Table is playing pretty large. There's 2 $400+ stacks at the table, both of which cover me. Both to my left, but they are pretty face up, and I don't feel like it's difficult to be OOP to them. Seat change did not seem imperative. Most raises have been $15 or so, often getting 2-3 callers. Sometimes 0, sometimes 5 though. It's hard to judge. Table is 6 handed at the moment.

Former dealer at the table. Seems pretty passive pre flop. Maybe only raises TT+, AKs. Not afraid to call pre flop at all though. Generally paying attention, and normally stays topped up. I haven't played with him enough to know if he's actually good or not though. Pretty passive post flop with anything 2p-. Will call with overs for at least one bet, will chase gut shots, flush draws, OESD, and most other draws with decent IO. $145

Very new to the table. Maybe 5-7 hands in. Bought in for $100, lost the whole thing chasing a flush draw with decent pot odds. Re bought for $60 and lost a few $'s limp folding. Nothing else notable about him. $54

V2 limps UTG
Hero raises to $16 with AQ
BTN calls
V1 calls in the SB
BB folds
V2 calls UTG

Flop ($62): QJT
V1 checks
V2 donks $30 (with $6 behind?.. wtf?)
Hero raises to $65
BTN folds
V1 calls in the SB
V2 shoves for less

Turn ($170 main pot, $58 side pot) 5
V1 shoves for $65
Hero calls
TP/TK Part 1: I raise with AX, flop top pair, and take two different lines, multi way pots Quote
02-21-2014 , 01:32 AM
I don't see much room to do anything else.
TP/TK Part 1: I raise with AX, flop top pair, and take two different lines, multi way pots Quote
02-21-2014 , 01:41 AM
I would flat the flop. As played call it off.
TP/TK Part 1: I raise with AX, flop top pair, and take two different lines, multi way pots Quote
