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Tough spot 165bb Tough spot 165bb

01-09-2018 , 04:28 AM
* Live 1/3 game at Crown. There is a fish who has been pre-flop raising every hand $30

Fish raises from UTG $30, and gets 5 callers. Hero is on the button with J9c and calls. Hero has around 160bb

Pot is $150

Flop JJ10 rainbow. Fish bets $30,
Player in EP calls (he has me covered and is a decent reg)
Player in CO calls (young asian male with 70bb left)
Hero Calls

Pot $240

Turn is the Qh and it is checked round to CO who goes all in for his final $215. Hero tank calls, UTG folds, and EP ships it over the top.

Pot $1195

Hero call for last $200

So.. should I fold turn or river here? Assuming he would slow-play J10 and 1010, can I only assign 89 and K10 to CO? Or are there AK's in there too?

Thank you in advance
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 05:03 AM
What was the stack size of the fish?
How do villains perceive hero?

I think I prefer a fold preflop. J9s does not perform well with an SPR of 3:1. I guess a call is not terrible but we'll need to proceed cautiously.

On the flop, raise it to 100. I'm happy to stack off against the fish or the young Asian male but if EP jams over the top, I puke/fold. If EP didn't hit this hard, I want him out of the hand.

As played, when CO shoves into 3 people, I think we can just let it go here. There are straights, boats and jacks with better kickers to worry about.

As played, after calling the shove, we could actually fold and save the remaining 200. Presumably he has the board absolutely crushed to be able to c/r jam this turn. I wouldn't expect his EP calling range to contain any worse jacks than ours. If he has the QJ or JT we are toast .

CO's range seems like KJ, AJ, KTs, 98, TT, J9. I can see him shoving T here because it may be vulnerable to higher boats.

Last edited by Nogyong; 01-09-2018 at 05:09 AM.
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 05:15 AM
Thanks Nogyong, I think you're absolutely right there. Fish had around $500 and no fold button, which was my reason for calling in position with a hand that has some connectivity and flush potential. I had been 3-betting and stealing quite a lot from late position, attacking fish, and had tabled a bluff that was actually good against a busted flush draw.

I also made the mistake, I think, of not allowing CO any AK combos, as he didn't 3-bet pre and allowed 6 players in. But, as we all know, 1/3 players don't always 3bet AK. I think if I had raised to 100 and CO folds and EP calls, I can fold to to turn bet or check back turn and then re-assess river. And yes, puke fold an over the top jam from EP on the flop. Many better J in his range.
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 05:51 AM
I think you're priced into calls but the real crime was not raising on the flop. 10-J on the board creates more draws than any other combo so allowing everyone to continue for free is suicide. You should have put in a 3/4 pot raise at least.
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 06:20 AM
Fold pre
Alarm bells going off after it goes bet call call on a trips board

Somebody has tt
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:45 AM
Thread has understated how bad pre-flop call is

Obvious raise on flop vs the tiny cbet, 120-150 fine

Call vs co fold to ship on turn seems fine if ep is solid
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 01:09 PM
PF is a fold or a large 3! to try and isolate fish.

Flop is ok, turn is auto fold.
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 05:04 PM
Calling pre and not raising flop both crimes against poker.

Before you call the flop bet of $30, the pot should be $240, so you can't go less than $150 here. Although based on the action, someone has TT or a better jack here approximately always.
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
...or a large 3! to try and isolate fish.
With a raise to 30 followed by 5 calls and our stack of 480, how big do you make the 3bet and whats our plan for the flop? Do you cbet A-high, K-high boards?
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-09-2018 , 07:16 PM
Here's what you do in situations where you're playing vs absurdly large preflop raises. He opened for $30, imagine this is more like a 5/10 game and you're super shortstacked. Would you ever call a standard open with J9s playing shortstacked?
Tough spot 165bb Quote
01-10-2018 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Nogyong
With a raise to 30 followed by 5 calls and our stack of 480, how big do you make the 3bet and whats our plan for the flop? Do you cbet A-high, K-high boards?
I would raise anywhere from $175-$225, whichever amount seems too big for the fish to call unless he has a really big hand as I am not worried about the others. And I likely shove pretty much every flop repping QQ+ only. It is a very high variance play, but seems like it could be a good time to make it.
Tough spot 165bb Quote
