Originally Posted by opph20
I had queens so no redraw.
I wasn't talking about draws. If you didn't have the Qs or Qh in your hand, and V was chasing a flush, his odds aren't as good as he thinks because when you boat he hits his flush.
Originally Posted by opph20
As played I went all in on the turn. I put him on a draw,
You shoved $610 eff into $212?
Originally Posted by opph20
Do you guys think this was just a cooler or should I have bet pot sized on the turn and folded to a 3 bet?
Betting 3x the pot with 1 pair isn't a cooler. It's lighting money on fire.
I'd bet/eval. If he shoves I'd lean towards him having a draw, guys don't know what to do with draws so they leave no action by shoving. If he raised smaller than a shove that's usually indicative of a made hand.