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Top Two in straddled pot Top Two in straddled pot

06-01-2022 , 06:38 PM
Button straddle to 12, 1/3 550 eff

Utg(half hr at table, feels snug, covers) opens to 40, I’m in hj KQhh call. Been fairly active but not crazy. CO(loose passive) calls, straddle (active player sitting on 100 bucks calls.

160: KQTdds

Utg bets 220. I have 500 behind.
His sizing pre felt pretty strong. Standard open would be closer to 30
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-01-2022 , 06:54 PM
Your hand makes KK/QQ unlikely, AJ is unlikely for an UTG open. He could have AA/AK and just want to shut this hand down now. With top 2 and SPR around 3 I don't see how you can get away from this. Call his bet and shove turn if he doesn't.

To get away from this you would have to have some good read that his over bet on a dangerous board is always two pair+ and he never has two pair worse then KQs.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-01-2022 , 06:57 PM
When I see this in the games I play , a larger than normal pre-flop raise and then an overbet OTF this plays like an OMC who’s trying to “protect his hand” which would he the top end of his range AA, KK, QQ.

We have $40 invested, so if we fold it’s nbd. That said. Top 2 I block 2 of the sets he could have being KK and QQ, I’m bombing this or folding and because I block what “I’m afraid of” I’m bombing it and not thinking twice about it.

Do we have a description of the villain? Age? How many hands has he opened previously?
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-01-2022 , 07:07 PM
I had a similar situation about a month ago. Luckily I was the button with KJ on KJ10 all spades. It went bet, raise, call, i folded, reraise AI,call, call

Baby Flush, AQ, As10x

This is a big bet. From a guy yousaid is playing snug. Is he a complete idiot doing this with AA or AK taking one stab at it? Or is he a decent player? Is a decent player betting either of those two hands into three people? You are possibly drawing deador to 2 or 4 outs., possibly a flush draw behind you as well. 4 ways this is a tough tough spot. I think you are behind here in most games more often than you are ahead. No other reads on villain?

Also Im not a fan of the KQs flat for $40 in a 1/3 game vs a snug utg open. Especially with a button straddle. You are likely dominated, looking to hit two pair, and even when you do choices are not easy… this flopand action shows

Only one comboof KK and one of QQ does leave the possibility this is the bad OMC type player though and not a snug decent player
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-01-2022 , 07:23 PM
He’s a MAWG, nerdy and tight, won few small pots. No other info
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-01-2022 , 07:38 PM
If he will make this same bet with AA, AK, Ajs, KK, QQ, &1010. You have 46% equity. If other two fold.

If he will make the beT only with AJs, KK, QQ, 1010. You have 14%. If other players fold.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-01-2022 , 07:39 PM
I realize now it’s a straddle pot so my commentary is irrelevant for his raise. (The one time I actually get to comment on a hand with you I butcher it)

I still go back to I’ve only got $40 invested and a nit has overbet the flop.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-02-2022 , 07:26 AM
Feels sick to fold this. But if you think the pre-flop raise is a sizing tell, he's fairly snug (although only been at the table for half an hour) and he bombs the 4 way flop, then it doesn't feel so sick.

Larry the legend's ranges look good.

There's a case for folding pre if we think the pre-flop raise is a sizing tell.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-02-2022 , 09:06 AM
I think I’m 3b’ing pre. Lots of dead money to go after and KQs is good enough to play a big pot.

As played I guess it’s time to put your chips in the middle.

And I’d never, ever, ever, never fold to the $40 pre here. Never.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-02-2022 , 11:09 AM
Given the ranges others have suggested (I agree with them) why don’t we just shove here and be done with it? Button is short anyways so what he does is basically irrelevant.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-02-2022 , 12:05 PM
very marginal spot, comes down to if we think hes going nuts on the flop with AA/AK
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-02-2022 , 12:21 PM
Id fold. We have no idea who is strong behind us. If we get in the 500 best case we have a little positive ev with UTG range. Worst case we are crushed. Im not a fan of coin flipping EV vs players we think we have an edge on.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
06-02-2022 , 07:29 PM

I thought there’s a chance this guy has AA here and if he flopped a straight/TT I have equity. I jam and he snaps with AJo and wins.
Top Two in straddled pot Quote
