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Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands)

11-08-2013 , 01:17 PM
Just having a line check vs these hands which are strangely similar and with in two hands of each other but I played them differently.

Hero: young, a regular at the tables. Taggy image, but losing. Effective stacks are $500 for both these hands.

First hand. AA in UTG+1. UTG limps and is a kinda fishy random who got it in with A5 vs my 66 on a 8732r board when he was shortstacked. I raise to 25. Button who is a fairly sticky but not spewy player calls. UTG limper calls.

Flop ($75): 972 UTG looks like he wants to bet and reaches for chips but ends up checking. I bet $60. Btn calls, and UTG calls.

Turn ($255) 9. UTG checks. I bet 160. Btn calls, UTG shoves all in for 200 more. I fold after tanking for a little bit. Btn calls with JJ vs UTG's 98.

I obviously made a good laydown, but did I spew by betting the turn? Do I just check fold there? I did size it slightly smaller than I normally would because I know I can't call a shove. My hand is pretty faceup with the tank fold and UTG correctly asks me if I had a big pocket pair.

Two hands later...

KK in BB. Co limps, Button limps, Sb limps, I make it 25. Co folds, button calls, sb folds. Button is a random and seems fairly competent, I've seen him cbet properly and double barrel as well as raise the preflop aggressor. Haven't seen many showdown hands from him so he's kinda an unknown.

Flop ($55) 742 I bet $40. Btn calls.

Turn ($145) 7. I bet 120 (which was bigger than it should have been). I get raised to $300. I just folded in this exact situation two hands ago, but I feel like there are many more draws in his range (any two spades) as well as something like 56 and possibly air. I ship for ~$50 more. He calls.

Two questions, is the first hand turn bet spewy? Should I have bet/folded the turn on the second hand? These are kinda gross spots. Any comments would be helpful!
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
11-08-2013 , 08:43 PM
hand one, given the "should I bet flop" move by UTG, I check turn when what was TP pairs. Don't give results next time for better analysis. I was wanting to say UTG's range is dominated by 9T and 89, but that may be the results talking top me.

Second hand, raise bigger pre. After three limpers with bad position, I make it $35. Also, BTN is not a random, as described. He is a "tentatively assigned" thinking player.

AP, bet more OTF. That board is crap, so their calling range is inelastic. I go $50, but if you want to avoid the round number, we could make it $45.

AP, I think we still have to bet turn, as c/f is just awful here, and so is a check though. I prob go $100 even. With a near min-raise and only $50 more effective, I don't think there is much semi-bluff in his range, but I prob shove too, since folding is gross and calling only means that he has a choice to put the last $50 in or not.

That said, it would be easier to b/f to a small raise if we bet less OTT, and easier to snap a shove, as it would be more of a FE move, and thus have a lot more semi-bluffs in its range.
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
11-08-2013 , 11:12 PM
Hand one.... The whole "I might bet, I want too.... But I'll check" could mean two things... From a fish, it's he has part of it but is unsure what to do since there is action behind him so he just check/calls. Or two, it's a move to get you to not bet and scare you... You have to bet flop. Once turn hits with a 9 I could see a check... Considering JJ was in the hand, he would've bet after the two checks and then UTG would've raised all in and you would've saved some extra coin. Not a terrible bet on turn, just something to consider. I'd also watch the reaction once the 9 hit on turn.

Second hand, I got F'd a week ago with KK cause I didn't raise bigger pre flop. I wasn't paying attention and didn't see two other limps prior to my raise and ended up losing to 34.... Make it bigger pre, especially in the blinds. I'd say if he called you pre with a 7 in his hand, you're shipping turn (cause you need to fire barrel on turn) and congrats to him. Or, if he happened to set on flop (set mining with a low fee pre flop) then he has you. I can see a bigger pocket pair by him calling turn thinking you were FOS or just thinking he was good. Consensus, bet bigger pre and since pot his bigger because of this, bet bigger on flop.
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
11-09-2013 , 06:49 AM
No need to raise bigger preflop when the effective stacks are less than 100bb. Flop bet sizing is already big enough.

I really hate how so many LLSNL posters keep recommending bigger preflop raise sizing in every hand. The truth is that preflop raise sizing depends on the situation. Bigger is definitely NOT always better.
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
11-09-2013 , 06:31 PM
It's not always the solution, but for this it is. Why not get the money in? We want value, yes, but raising slightly larger pre will still get money in and help avoid more thinking situations
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
11-09-2013 , 06:44 PM
First hand: turn is a mandatory check on a dry board with 2 people in the pot. Definitely a ton of nines in their range.

Second: I would also b/f the turn considering the flush draw. Probably a bit smaller though, around $100.
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
11-09-2013 , 07:05 PM
Definitely check turn in the first hand. 9x is a big part of their ranges, and most hands you're ahead of fold to a second barrel anyway.
Top pair pairing vs my AA,KK - 2/5 (2 hands) Quote
